1,580 research outputs found

    Single Channel ECG for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity Detection using a Deep Learning Approach

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder caused by abnormal breathing. The severity of OSA can lead to many symptoms such as sudden cardiac death (SCD). Polysomnography (PSG) is a gold standard for OSA diagnosis. It records many signals from the patient's body for at least one whole night and calculates the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) which is the number of apnea or hypopnea incidences per hour. This value is then used to classify patients into OSA severity levels. However, it has many disadvantages and limitations. Consequently, we proposed a novel methodology of OSA severity classification using a Deep Learning approach. We focused on the classification between normal subjects (AHI 30). The 15-second raw ECG records with apnea or hypopnea events were used with a series of deep learning models. The main advantages of our proposed method include easier data acquisition, instantaneous OSA severity detection, and effective feature extraction without domain knowledge from expertise. To evaluate our proposed method, 545 subjects of which 364 were normal and 181 were severe OSA patients obtained from the MrOS sleep study (Visit 1) database were used with the k-fold cross-validation technique. The accuracy of 79.45\% for OSA severity classification with sensitivity, specificity, and F-score was achieved. This is significantly higher than the results from the SVM classifier with RR Intervals and ECG derived respiration (EDR) signal feature extraction. The promising result shows that this proposed method is a good start for the detection of OSA severity from a single channel ECG which can be obtained from wearable devices at home and can also be applied to near real-time alerting systems such as before SCD occurs

    A Multi-Channel Vital Signal Processing Method for Detection and Validation of Respiration Disorders

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    This paper presents a method for the detection and reliable validation of respiration disorder by using multi-channel vital signal processing. The main scope is the automated detection and analysis of a very common respiration disorder, the apnea syndrome. Apnea diagnostics requires long-term multi-channel vital signal recording, called polygraphy. Although various methods already exist for the computer-aided analysis of polygrams, only some of them offer precise apnea typing (i.e. distinguish between central vs. obstructive episodes) and event validation. The system introduced in this paper processes respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen saturation signals. The episodes of apnea are classified, typed and validated over an 80\% success rate compared to reference annotations made by medical experts. The detected episodes are validated by the rule-based classification of the characteristic changes in the cardiovascular signals caused by episodes of apnea

    Portable detection of apnea and hypopnea events using bio-impedance of the chest and deep learning

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    Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep-related breathing disorders. It is diagnosed through an overnight sleep study in a specialized sleep clinic. This setup is expensive and the number of beds and staff are limited, leading to a long waiting time. To enable more patients to be tested, and repeated monitoring for diagnosed patients, portable sleep monitoring devices are being developed. These devices automatically detect sleep apnea events in one or more respiration-related signals. There are multiple methods to measure respiration, with varying levels of signal quality and comfort for the patient. In this study, the potential of using the bio-impedance (bioZ) of the chest as a respiratory surrogate is analyzed. A novel portable device is presented, combined with a two-phase Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) deep learning algorithm for automated event detection. The setup is benchmarked using simultaneous recordings of the device and the traditional polysomnography in 25 patients. The results demonstrate that using only the bioZ, an area under the precision-recall curve of 46.9% can be achieved, which is on par with automatic scoring using a polysomnography respiration channel. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy are 58.4%, 76.2% and 72.8% respectively. This confirms the potential of using the bioZ device and deep learning algorithm for automatically detecting sleep respiration events during the night, in a portable and comfortable setup

    Detecting Specific Health-Related Events Using an Integrated Sensor System for Vital Sign Monitoring

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    In this paper, a new method for the detection of apnea/hypopnea periods in physiological data is presented. The method is based on the intelligent combination of an integrated sensor system for long-time cardiorespiratory signal monitoring and dedicated signal-processing packages. Integrated sensors are a PVDF film and conductive fabric sheets. The signal processing package includes dedicated respiratory cycle (RC) and QRS complex detection algorithms and a new method using the respiratory cycle variability (RCV) for detecting apnea/hypopnea periods in physiological data. Results show that our method is suitable for online analysis of long time series data

    Usefulness of Artificial Neural Networks in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome

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    Sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) is a chronic and highly prevalent disease considered a major health problem in industrialized countries. The gold standard diagnostic methodology is in-laboratory nocturnal polysomnography (PSG), which is complex, costly, and time consuming. In order to overcome these limitations, novel and simplified diagnostic alternatives are demanded. Sleep scientists carried out an exhaustive research during the last decades focused on the design of automated expert systems derived from artificial intelligence able to help sleep specialists in their daily practice. Among automated pattern recognition techniques, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have demonstrated to be efficient and accurate algorithms in order to implement computer-aided diagnosis systems aimed at assisting physicians in the management of SAHS. In this regard, several applications of ANNs have been developed, such as classification of patients suspected of suffering from SAHS, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) prediction, detection and quantification of respiratory events, apneic events classification, automated sleep staging and arousal detection, alertness monitoring systems, and airflow pressure optimization in positive airway pressure (PAP) devices to fit patients’ needs. In the present research, current applications of ANNs in the framework of SAHS management are thoroughly reviewed

    Automated sleep apnea detection in raw respiratory signals using long short-term memory neural networks

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    Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders and the consequences of undiagnosed sleep apnea can be very severe, ranging from increased blood pressure to heart failure. However, many people are often unaware of their condition. The gold standard for diagnosing sleep apnea is an overnight polysomnography in a dedicated sleep laboratory. Yet, these tests are expensive and beds are limited as trained staff needs to analyze the entire recording. An automated detection method would allow a faster diagnosis and more patients to be analyzed. Most algorithms for automated sleep apnea detection use a set of human-engineered features, potentially missing important sleep apnea markers. In this paper, we present an algorithm based on state-of-the-art deep learning models for automatically extracting features and detecting sleep apnea events in respiratory signals. The algorithm is evaluated on the Sleep-Heart-Health-Study-1 dataset and provides per-epoch sensitivity and specificity scores comparable to the state of the art. Furthermore, when these predictions are mapped to the apnea-hypopnea index, a considerable improvement in per-patient scoring is achieved over conventional methods. This paper presents a powerful aid for trained staff to quickly diagnose sleep apnea

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening by Joint Saturation Signal Analysis and PPG-derived Pulse Rate Oscillations

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a high-prevalence disease in the general population, often underdiagnosed. The gold standard in clinical practice for its diagnosis and severity assessment is the polysomnography, although in-home approaches have been proposed in recent years to overcome its limitations. Today's ubiquitously presence of wearables may become a powerful screening tool in the general population and pulse-oximetry-based techniques could be used for early OSA diagnosis. In this work, the peripheral oxygen saturation together with the pulse-to-pulse interval (PPI) series derived from photoplethysmography (PPG) are used as inputs for OSA diagnosis. Different models are trained to classify between normal and abnormal breathing segments (binary decision), and between normal, apneic and hypopneic segments (multiclass decision). The models obtained 86.27% and 73.07% accuracy for the binary and multiclass segment classification, respectively. A novel index, the cyclic variation of the heart rate index (CVHRI), derived from PPI's spectrum, is computed on the segments containing disturbed breathing, representing the frequency of the events. CVHRI showed strong Pearson's correlation (r) with the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) both after binary (r=0.94, p < 0.001) and multiclass (r=0.91, p < 0.001) segment classification. In addition, CVHRI has been used to stratify subjects with AHI higher/lower than a threshold of 5 and 15, resulting in 77.27% and 79.55% accuracy, respectively. In conclusion, patient stratification based on the combination of oxygen saturation and PPI analysis, with the addition of CVHRI, is a suitable, wearable friendly and low-cost tool for OSA screening at home

    Noncontact Detection of Sleep Apnea Using Radar and Expectation-Maximization Algorithm

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    Sleep apnea syndrome requires early diagnosis because this syndrome can lead to a variety of health problems. If sleep apnea events can be detected in a noncontact manner using radar, we can then avoid the discomfort caused by the contact-type sensors that are used in conventional polysomnography. This study proposes a novel radar-based method for accurate detection of sleep apnea events. The proposed method uses the expectation-maximization algorithm to extract the respiratory features that form normal and abnormal breathing patterns, resulting in an adaptive apnea detection capability without any requirement for empirical parameters. We conducted an experimental quantitative evaluation of the proposed method by performing polysomnography and radar measurements simultaneously in five patients with the symptoms of sleep apnea syndrome. Through these experiments, we show that the proposed method can detect the number of apnea and hypopnea events per hour with an error of 4.8 times/hour; this represents an improvement in the accuracy by 1.8 times when compared with the conventional threshold-based method and demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed method.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables. This work is going to be submitted to the IEEE for possible publicatio

    Midsagittal Jaw Movement Analysis for the Scoring of Sleep Apneas and Hypopneas

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    Given the importance of the detection and classification of sleep apneas and hypopneas (SAHs) in the diagnosis and the characterization of the SAH syndrome, there is a need for a reliable noninvasive technique measuring respiratory effort. This paper proposes a new method for the scoring of SAHs based on the recording of the midsagittal jaw motion (MJM, mouth opening) and on a dedicated automatic analysis of this signal. Continuous wavelet transform is used to quantize respiratory effort from the jaw motion, to detect salient mandibular movements related to SAHs and to delineate events which are likely to contain the respiratory events. The classification of the delimited events is performed using multilayer perceptrons which were trained and tested on sleep data from 34 recordings. Compared with SAHs scored manually by an expert, the sensitivity and specificity of the detection were 86.1% and 87.4%, respectively. Moreover, the overall classification agreement in the recognition of obstructive, central, and mixed respiratory events between the manual and automatic scorings was 73.1%. The MJM signal is hence a reliable marker of respiratory effort and allows an accurate detection and classification of SAHs

    A review of ECG-based diagnosis support systems for obstructive sleep apnea

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    Humans need sleep. It is important for physical and psychological recreation. During sleep our consciousness is suspended or least altered. Hence, our ability to avoid or react to disturbances is reduced. These disturbances can come from external sources or from disorders within the body. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is such a disorder. It is caused by obstruction of the upper airways which causes periods where the breathing ceases. In many cases, periods of reduced breathing, known as hypopnea, precede OSA events. The medical background of OSA is well understood, but the traditional diagnosis is expensive, as it requires sophisticated measurements and human interpretation of potentially large amounts of physiological data. Electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements have the potential to reduce the cost of OSA diagnosis by simplifying the measurement process. On the down side, detecting OSA events based on ECG data is a complex task which requires highly skilled practitioners. Computer algorithms can help to detect the subtle signal changes which indicate the presence of a disorder. That approach has the following advantages: computers never tire, processing resources are economical and progress, in the form of better algorithms, can be easily disseminated as updates over the internet. Furthermore, Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) reduces intra- and inter-observer variability. In this review, we adopt and support the position that computer based ECG signal interpretation is able to diagnose OSA with a high degree of accuracy