50 research outputs found

    A novel trigger-based method for hydrothermal vents prospecting using an autonomous underwater robot

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Autonomous Robots 29 (2010): 67-83, doi:10.1007/s10514-010-9187-y.In this paper we address the problem of localizing active hydrothermal vents on the seafloor using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The plumes emitted by hydrothermal vents are the result of thermal and chemical inputs from submarine hot spring systems into the overlying ocean. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's Autonomous Benthic Explorer (ABE) AUV has successfully localized previously undiscovered hydrothermal vent fields in several recent vent prospecting expeditions. These expeditions utilized the AUV for a three-stage, nested survey strategy approach (German et al., 2008). Each stage consists of a survey flown at successively deeper depths through easier to detect but spatially more constrained vent fluids. Ideally this sequence of surveys culminates in photographic evidence of the vent fields themselves. In this work we introduce a new adaptive strategy for an AUV's movement during the first, highest-altitude survey: the AUV initially moves along pre-designed tracklines but certain conditions can trigger an adaptive movement that is likely to acquire additional high value data for vent localization. The trigger threshold is changed during the mission, adapting the method to the different survey profiles the robot may find. The proposed algorithm is vetted on data from previous ABE missions and measures of efficiency presented

    An Algorithm for Formation-Based Chemical Plume Tracing Using Robotic Marine Vehicles

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    Robotic chemical plume tracing is a growing area of research, with envisioned real-world applications including pollution tracking, search and rescue, and ecosystem identification. However, following a chemical signal in the water is not an easy task due to the nature of chemical transport and to limitations in sensing and communication. In this paper, we propose an approach for near-surface waterborne plume tracing using a combined team of autonomous surface and underwater vehicles. All vehicles are equipped with appropriate chemical sensors and acoustic modems. The team moves in a triangular formation, while using the flow direction and the samples obtained to steer the group along the plume. Leader vehicles at the surface implement a formation controller based on Laplacian feedback while the underwater vehicle performs acoustic ranging to the leaders. The solution was evaluated using a CFD simulation of a freshwater plume and a calibrated dynamic model of the MEDUSA autonomous marine vehicles. The group is able to move in a stable formation, sample the salinity, and trace the plume to its source

    Stochastic mapping for chemical plume source localization with application to autonomous hydrothermal vent discovery

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 313-325).This thesis presents a stochastic mapping framework for autonomous robotic chemical plume source localization in environments with multiple sources. Potential applications for robotic chemical plume source localization include pollution and environmental monitoring, chemical plant safety, search and rescue, anti-terrorism, narcotics control, explosive ordinance removal, and hydrothermal vent prospecting. Turbulent flows make the spatial relationship between the detectable manifestation of a chemical plume source, the plume itself, and the location of its source inherently uncertain. Search domains with multiple sources compound this uncertainty because the number of sources as well as their locations is unknown a priori. Our framework for stochastic mapping is an adaptation of occupancy grid mapping where the binary state of map nodes is redefined to denote either the presence (occupancy) or absence of an active plume source. A key characteristic of the chemical plume source localization problem is that only a few sources are expected in the search domain. The occupancy grid framework allows for both plume detections and non-detections to inform the estimated state of grid nodes in the map, thereby explicitly representing explored but empty portions of the domain as well as probable source locations.(cont.) However, sparsity in the expected number of occupied grid nodes strongly violates a critical conditional independence assumption required by the standard Bayesian recursive map update rule. While that assumption makes for a computationally attractive algorithm, in our application it results in occupancy grid maps that are grossly inconsistent with the assumption of a small number of occupied cells. To overcome this limitation, several alternative occupancy grid update algorithms are presented, including an exact solution that is computationally tractable for small numbers of detections and an approximate recursive algorithm with improved performance relative to the standard algorithm but equivalent computational cost. Application to hydrothermal plume data collected by the autonomous underwater vehicle ABE during vent prospecting operations in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans verifies the utility of the approach. The resulting maps enable nested surveys for homing-in on seafloor vent sites to be carried out autonomously. This eliminates inter-dive processing, recharging of batteries, and time spent deploying and recovering the vehicle that would otherwise be necessary with survey design directed by human operators.by Michael V. Jakuba.Ph.D

    Adaptive Path Planning for Depth Constrained Bathymetric Mapping with an Autonomous Surface Vessel

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    This paper describes the design, implementation and testing of a suite of algorithms to enable depth constrained autonomous bathymetric (underwater topography) mapping by an Autonomous Surface Vessel (ASV). Given a target depth and a bounding polygon, the ASV will find and follow the intersection of the bounding polygon and the depth contour as modeled online with a Gaussian Process (GP). This intersection, once mapped, will then be used as a boundary within which a path will be planned for coverage to build a map of the Bathymetry. Methods for sequential updates to GP's are described allowing online fitting, prediction and hyper-parameter optimisation on a small embedded PC. New algorithms are introduced for the partitioning of convex polygons to allow efficient path planning for coverage. These algorithms are tested both in simulation and in the field with a small twin hull differential thrust vessel built for the task.Comment: 21 pages, 9 Figures, 1 Table. Submitted to The Journal of Field Robotic

    Exploring Offshore Hydrothermal Venting Using Low-Cost ROV and Photogrammetric Techniques:A Case Study from Milos Island, Greece

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    The use of low-cost, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) and underwater photogrammetry techniques for 3D reconstruction of shallow hydrothermal vent sites around Paleochori Bay, Milos Island, Greece. Characterising venting fields through interactive bathymetry models produced from still images taken from camera onboard ROV flown over areas of interest in double raster pattern. First time the shallow venting fields on Milos have been actively surveyed using ROV. Areas were successfully surveyed and the bathymetry was reconstructed using SfM photogrammetry with a ~10 cm scale resolution. A diverse range of benthic habitats were surveyed and the resulting topographic models will act as a baseline, providing further characterisation of the vent systems and any evolving seafloor morphology associated with mineral deposition.</jats:p

    A cooperative architecture for target localization using underwater vehicles

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    Nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  l'architecture de robots marins et sous-marins autonomes dans le cadre de missions nĂ©cessitant leur coopĂ©ration. Cette coopĂ©ration s'avĂšre difficile du fait que la communication (acoustique) est trĂšs contrainte en termes de dĂ©bit et de portĂ©e.  Notre travail se place dans le contexte de missions d'exploration pour dĂ©tecter des Ă©lĂ©ments particuliers sur les fonds marins, et en particulier des sources d'eau chaude. Pour cela, le vĂ©hicule sous-marin parcours des segments de droite prĂ©-planifiĂ©s et rejoint des points de rendez-vous (points de communication). Ces derniers permettent d'assurer le suivi de bon dĂ©roulement de la mission, mais surtout de mettre en oeuvre des schĂ©mas de coopĂ©ration entre les vĂ©hicules sous-marins. Au fur et Ă  mesure de l'exploration, les sous-marins construisent et mettent Ă  jour une reprĂ©sentation de l'environnement qui dĂ©crit les probabilitĂ©s de localisation de sources. Une approche adaptative exploite ces informations et permet de dĂ©vier les sous-marins de leurs plan initial pour augmenter la quantitĂ© d'information, tout en respectant les contraintes du plan initial, et en particulier les rendez-vous de communication. Lors des rendez-vous, chaque vĂ©hicule Ă©change ses donnĂ©es avec les autres, en ne transmettant que les informations nĂ©cessaires Ă  la mise en place de schĂ©mas de coopĂ©ration. L'ensemble de ces fonctions sont intĂ©grĂ©es au sein de l'architecture existante T-REX, pour laquelle nous proposons des composants supplĂ©mentaires qui permettent la cartographie des fonds et la dĂ©finition de schĂ©mas de coopĂ©ration. DiffĂ©rentes simulations permettent d'Ă©valuer les travaux proposĂ©s. ABSTRACT : There is a growing research interest in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), due to the need for increasing our knowledge about the deep sea and understanding the effects the human way of life has on it. This need has pushed the development of new technologies to design more efficient and more autonomous underwater vehicles. Autonomy refers, in the context of this thesis, to the “decisional autonomy”, i.e. the capability of taking decisions, in uncertain, varying and unknown environments. A more recent concern in AUV area is to consider a fleet of vehicles (AUV, ASV, etc). Indeed, multiple vehicles with heterogeneous capabilities have several advantages over a single vehicle system, and in particular the potential to accomplish tasks faster and better than a single vehicle. Underwater target localization using several AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) is a challenging issue. A systematic and exhaustive coverage strategy is not efficient in term of exploration time: it can be improved by making the AUVs share their information and cooperate to optimize their motions. The contribution of this thesis is the definition of an architecture that integrates such a strategy that adapts each vehicle motions according to its and others’ sensory information. Communication points are required to make underwater vehicles exchange information : for that purpose the system involves one ASV (Autonomous Surface Vehicle), that helps the AUVs re-localize and exchange data, and two AUVs that adapt their strategy according to gathered information, while satisfying the associated communication constraints. Each AUV is endowed with a sensor that estimates its distance with respect to targets, and cooperates with others to explore an area with the help of an ASV. To provide the required autonomy to these vehicles, we build upon an existing system (T-REX) with additional components, which provides an embedded planning and execution control framework. Simulation results are carried out to evaluate the proposed architecture and adaptive exploration strategy

    Formation-Based Odour Source Localisation Using Distributed Terrestrial and Marine Robotic Systems

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    This thesis tackles the problem of robotic odour source localisation, that is, the use of robots to find the source of a chemical release. As the odour travels away from the source, in the form of a plume carried by the wind or current, small scale turbulence causes it to separate into intermittent patches, suppressing any gradients and making this a particularly challenging search problem. We focus on distributed strategies for odour plume tracing in the air and in the water and look primarily at 2D scenarios, although novel results are also presented for 3D tracing. The common thread to our work is the use of multiple robots in formation, each outfitted with odour and flow sensing devices. By having more than one robot, we can gather observations at different locations, thus helping overcome the difficulties posed by the patchiness of the odour concentration. The flow (wind or current) direction is used to orient the formation and move the robots up-flow, while the measured concentrations are used to centre the robots in the plume and scale the formation to trace its limits. We propose two formation keeping methods. For terrestrial and surface robots equipped with relative or absolute positioning capabilities, we employ a graph-based formation controller using the well-known principle of Laplacian feedback. For underwater vehicles lacking such capabilities, we introduce an original controller for a leader-follower triangular formation using acoustic modems with ranging capabilities. The methods we propose underwent extensive experimental evaluation in high-fidelity simulations and real-world trials. The marine formation controller was implemented in MEDUSA autonomous vehicles and found to maintain a stable formation despite the multi-second ranging period. The airborne plume tracing algorithm was tested using compact Khepera robots in a wind tunnel, yielding low distance overheads and reduced tracing error. A combined approach for marine plume tracing was evaluated in simulation with promising results

    Formation-Based Odour Source Localisation Using Distributed Terrestrial and Marine Robotic Systems

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    This thesis tackles the problem of robotic odour source localisation, that is, the use of robots to find the source of a chemical release. As the odour travels away from the source, in the form of a plume carried by the wind or current, small scale turbulence causes it to separate into intermittent patches, suppressing any gradients and making this a particularly challenging search problem. We focus on distributed strategies for odour plume tracing in the air and in the water and look primarily at 2D scenarios, although novel results are also presented for 3D tracing. The common thread to our work is the use of multiple robots in formation, each outfitted with odour and flow sensing devices. By having more than one robot, we can gather observations at different locations, thus helping overcome the difficulties posed by the patchiness of the odour concentration. The flow (wind or current) direction is used to orient the formation and move the robots up-flow, while the measured concentrations are used to centre the robots in the plume and scale the formation to trace its limits. We propose two formation keeping methods. For terrestrial and surface robots equipped with relative or absolute positioning capabilities, we employ a graph-based formation controller using the well-known principle of Laplacian feedback. For underwater vehicles lacking such capabilities, we introduce an original controller for a leader-follower triangular formation using acoustic modems with ranging capabilities. The methods we propose underwent extensive experimental evaluation in high-fidelity simulations and real-world trials. The marine formation controller was implemented in MEDUSA autonomous vehicles and found to maintain a stable formation despite the multi-second ranging period. The airborne plume tracing algorithm was tested using compact Khepera robots in a wind tunnel, yielding low distance overheads and reduced tracing error. A combined approach for marine plume tracing was evaluated in simulation with promising results