8 research outputs found

    Genome wide exploration of the origin and evolution of amino acids

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    Background: Even after years of exploration, the terrestrial origin of bio-molecules remains unsolved and controversial. Today, observation of amino acid composition in proteins has become an alternative way for a global understanding of the mystery encoded in whole genomes and seeking clues for the origin of amino acids. Results: In this study, we statistically monitored the frequencies of 20 alpha-amino acids in 549 taxa from three kingdoms of life: archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes. We found that the amino acids evolved independently in these three kingdoms; but, conserved linkages were observed in two groups of amino acids, (A, G, H, L, P, Q, R, and W) and (F, I, K, N, S, and Y). Moreover, the amino acids encoded by GC-poor codons (F, Y, N, K, I, and M) were found to "lose" their usage in the development from single cell eukaryotic organisms like S. cerevisiae to H. sapiens, while the amino acids encoded by GC-rich codons (P, A, G, and W) were found to gain usage. These findings further support the co-evolution hypothesis of amino acids and genetic codes. Conclusion: We proposed a new chronological order of the appearance of amino acids (L, A, V/E/G, S, I, K, T, R/D, P, N, F, Q, Y, M, H, W, C). Two conserved evolutionary paths of amino acids were also suggested: A -> G -> R -> P and K -> Y.National Natural Science Foundation of China [20572061, 20732004]; Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET) of MO

    Living with Oxygen

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    Work on the electronic structures of metal–oxo complexes began in Copenhagen over 50 years ago. This work led to the prediction that tetragonal multiply bonded transition metal–oxos would not be stable beyond the iron–ruthenium–osmium oxo wall in the periodic table and that triply bonded metal–oxos could not be protonated, even in the strongest Brønsted acids. In this theory, only double bonded metal–oxos could attract protons, with basicities being a function of the electron donating ability of ancillary ligands. Such correlations of electronic structure with reactivity have gained importance in recent years, most notably owing to the widespread recognition that high-valent iron–oxos are intermediates in biological reactions critical to life on Earth. In this Account, we focus attention on the oxygenations of inert organic substrates by cytochromes P450, as these reactions involve multiply bonded iron–oxos. We emphasize that P450 iron–oxos are strong oxidants, so strong that they would destroy nearby amino acids if substrates are not oxygenated rapidly; it is our view that these high-valent iron–oxos are such dangerous reactive oxygen species that Nature surely found ways to disable them. Looking more deeply into this matter, mainly by examining many thousands of structures in the Protein Data Bank, we have found that P450s and other enzymes that require oxygen for function have chains of tyrosines and tryptophans that extend from active-site regions to protein surfaces. Tyrosines are near the heme active sites in bacterial P450s, whereas tryptophan is closest in most human enzymes. High-valent iron–oxo survival times taken from hole hopping maps range from a few nanoseconds to milliseconds, depending on the distance of the closest Trp or Tyr residue to the heme. In our proposed mechanism, multistep hole tunneling (hopping) through Tyr/Trp chains guides the damaging oxidizing hole to the protein surface, where it can be quenched by soluble protein or small molecule reductants. As the Earth’s oxygenic atmosphere is believed to have developed about 2.5 billion years ago, the increase in occurrence frequency of tyrosine and tryptophan since the last universal evolutionary ancestor may be in part a consequence of enzyme protective functions that developed to cope with the environmental toxin, O_2

    Unassigned Codons, Nonsense Suppression, and Anticodon Modifications in the Evolution of the Genetic Code

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    The origin of the genetic code is a central open problem regarding the early evolution of life. Here, we consider two undeveloped but important aspects of possible scenarios for the evolutionary pathway of the translation machinery: the role of unassigned codons in early stages of the code and the incorporation of tRNA anticodon modifications. As the first codons started to encode amino acids, the translation machinery likely was faced with a large number of unassigned codons. Current molecular scenarios for the evolution of the code usually assume the very rapid assignment of all codons before all 20 amino acids became encoded. We show that the phenomenon of nonsense suppression as observed in current organisms allows for a scenario in which many unassigned codons persisted throughout most of the evolutionary development of the code. In addition, we demonstrate that incorporation of anticodon modifications at a late stage is feasible. The wobble rules allow a set of 20 tRNAs fully lacking anticodon modifications to encode all 20 canonical amino acids. These observations have implications for the biochemical plausibility of early stages in the evolution of the genetic code predating tRNA anticodon modifications and allow for effective translation by a relatively small and simple early tRNA set

    Living with Oxygen

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    Work on the electronic structures of metal–oxo complexes began in Copenhagen over 50 years ago. This work led to the prediction that tetragonal multiply bonded transition metal–oxos would not be stable beyond the iron–ruthenium–osmium oxo wall in the periodic table and that triply bonded metal–oxos could not be protonated, even in the strongest Brønsted acids. In this theory, only double bonded metal–oxos could attract protons, with basicities being a function of the electron donating ability of ancillary ligands. Such correlations of electronic structure with reactivity have gained importance in recent years, most notably owing to the widespread recognition that high-valent iron–oxos are intermediates in biological reactions critical to life on Earth. In this Account, we focus attention on the oxygenations of inert organic substrates by cytochromes P450, as these reactions involve multiply bonded iron–oxos. We emphasize that P450 iron–oxos are strong oxidants, so strong that they would destroy nearby amino acids if substrates are not oxygenated rapidly; it is our view that these high-valent iron–oxos are such dangerous reactive oxygen species that Nature surely found ways to disable them. Looking more deeply into this matter, mainly by examining many thousands of structures in the Protein Data Bank, we have found that P450s and other enzymes that require oxygen for function have chains of tyrosines and tryptophans that extend from active-site regions to protein surfaces. Tyrosines are near the heme active sites in bacterial P450s, whereas tryptophan is closest in most human enzymes. High-valent iron–oxo survival times taken from hole hopping maps range from a few nanoseconds to milliseconds, depending on the distance of the closest Trp or Tyr residue to the heme. In our proposed mechanism, multistep hole tunneling (hopping) through Tyr/Trp chains guides the damaging oxidizing hole to the protein surface, where it can be quenched by soluble protein or small molecule reductants. As the Earth’s oxygenic atmosphere is believed to have developed about 2.5 billion years ago, the increase in occurrence frequency of tyrosine and tryptophan since the last universal evolutionary ancestor may be in part a consequence of enzyme protective functions that developed to cope with the environmental toxin, O_2

    A Phylogenomic Census of Molecular Functions Identifies Modern Thermophilic Archaea as the Most Ancient Form of Cellular Life

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    The origins of diversified life remain mysterious despite considerable efforts devoted to untangling the roots of the universal tree of life. Here we reconstructed phylogenies that described the evolution of molecular functions and the evolution of species directly from a genomic census of gene ontology (GO) definitions. We sampled 249 free-living genomes spanning organisms in the three superkingdoms of life, Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya, and used the abundance of GO terms as molecular characters to produce rooted phylogenetic trees. Results revealed an early thermophilic origin of Archaea that was followed by genome reduction events in microbial superkingdoms. Eukaryal genomes displayed extraordinary functional diversity and were enriched with hundreds of novel molecular activities not detected in the akaryotic microbial cells. Remarkably, the majority of these novel functions appeared quite late in evolution, synchronized with the diversification of the eukaryal superkingdom. The distribution of GO terms in superkingdoms confirms that Archaea appears to be the simplest and most ancient form of cellular life, while Eukarya is the most diverse and recent

    Biodiversidad, materia orgánica y estructura del suelo: ciencia, técnica e ingeniería (documento docente)

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    Esta Tesis Doctoral centra su atención en las necesidades de formación didáctica que precisan los Ingenieros Agrónomos sobre la participación biológica en la formación de las estructuras edáficas, capacitándoles para transferir los nuevos conocimientos a la base productiva. Se describen las dificultades de difusión de la Edafología como Ciencia y de su conocimiento por parte de la Sociedad, junto con las líneas maestras por dónde camina hacia el futuro. Se trata de ubicar la edafobiodiversidad como elemento preciso para la clasificación de suelos. Para ello se hace un repaso a la edafobiodiversidad en su conjunto y “grupo a grupo”. Se redefinen los constituyentes de la llamada MO como parte constitutiva y variada, de componentes que se precisan para formar estructuras. Se explica, de forma discriminada la formación de los constructos inorgánicos, las estructuras texturales a que dan lugar y sus propiedades derivadas y se concluye con la actividad constructiva de la edafobiodiversidad