22,934 research outputs found

    A novel functional module detection algorithm for protein-protein interaction networks

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    BACKGROUND: The sparse connectivity of protein-protein interaction data sets makes identification of functional modules challenging. The purpose of this study is to critically evaluate a novel clustering technique for clustering and detecting functional modules in protein-protein interaction networks, termed STM. RESULTS: STM selects representative proteins for each cluster and iteratively refines clusters based on a combination of the signal transduced and graph topology. STM is found to be effective at detecting clusters with a diverse range of interaction structures that are significant on measures of biological relevance. The STM approach is compared to six competing approaches including the maximum clique, quasi-clique, minimum cut, betweeness cut and Markov Clustering (MCL) algorithms. The clusters obtained by each technique are compared for enrichment of biological function. STM generates larger clusters and the clusters identified have p-values that are approximately 125-fold better than the other methods on biological function. An important strength of STM is that the percentage of proteins that are discarded to create clusters is much lower than the other approaches. CONCLUSION: STM outperforms competing approaches and is capable of effectively detecting both densely and sparsely connected, biologically relevant functional modules with fewer discards

    Semantic integration to identify overlapping functional modules in protein interaction networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The systematic analysis of protein-protein interactions can enable a better understanding of cellular organization, processes and functions. Functional modules can be identified from the protein interaction networks derived from experimental data sets. However, these analyses are challenging because of the presence of unreliable interactions and the complex connectivity of the network. The integration of protein-protein interactions with the data from other sources can be leveraged for improving the effectiveness of functional module detection algorithms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed novel metrics, called semantic similarity and semantic interactivity, which use Gene Ontology (GO) annotations to measure the reliability of protein-protein interactions. The protein interaction networks can be converted into a weighted graph representation by assigning the reliability values to each interaction as a weight. We presented a flow-based modularization algorithm to efficiently identify overlapping modules in the weighted interaction networks. The experimental results show that the semantic similarity and semantic interactivity of interacting pairs were positively correlated with functional co-occurrence. The effectiveness of the algorithm for identifying modules was evaluated using functional categories from the MIPS database. We demonstrated that our algorithm had higher accuracy compared to other competing approaches.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The integration of protein interaction networks with GO annotation data and the capability of detecting overlapping modules substantially improve the accuracy of module identification.</p

    Modularity detection in protein-protein interaction networks

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    BACKGROUND: Many recent studies have investigated modularity in biological networks, and its role in functional and structural characterization of constituent biomolecules. A technique that has shown considerable promise in the domain of modularity detection is the Newman and Girvan (NG) algorithm, which relies on the number of shortest-paths across pairs of vertices in the network traversing a given edge, referred to as the betweenness of that edge. The edge with the highest betweenness is iteratively eliminated from the network, with the betweenness of the remaining edges recalculated in every iteration. This generates a complete dendrogram, from which modules are extracted by applying a quality metric called modularity denoted by Q. This exhaustive computation can be prohibitively expensive for large networks such as Protein-Protein Interaction Networks. In this paper, we present a novel optimization to the modularity detection algorithm, in terms of an efficient termination criterion based on a target edge betweenness value, using which the process of iterative edge removal may be terminated. RESULTS: We validate the robustness of our approach by applying our algorithm on real-world protein-protein interaction networks of Yeast, C.Elegans and Drosophila, and demonstrate that our algorithm consistently has significant computational gains in terms of reduced runtime, when compared to the NG algorithm. Furthermore, our algorithm produces modules comparable to those from the NG algorithm, qualitatively and quantitatively. We illustrate this using comparison metrics such as module distribution, module membership cardinality, modularity Q, and Jaccard Similarity Coefficient. CONCLUSIONS: We have presented an optimized approach for efficient modularity detection in networks. The intuition driving our approach is the extraction of holistic measures of centrality from graphs, which are representative of inherent modular structure of the underlying network, and the application of those measures to efficiently guide the modularity detection process. We have empirically evaluated our approach in the specific context of real-world large scale biological networks, and have demonstrated significant savings in computational time while maintaining comparable quality of detected modules

    Comparative genomic analysis of novel Acinetobacter symbionts : A combined systems biology and genomics approach

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    Acknowledgements This work was supported by University of Delhi, Department of Science and Technology- Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (DST-PURSE). V.G., S.H. and U.S. gratefully acknowledge the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), University Grant Commission (UGC) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT) for providing research fellowship.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Network-based approaches to explore complex biological systems towards network medicine

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    Network medicine relies on different types of networks: from the molecular level of protein–protein interactions to gene regulatory network and correlation studies of gene expression. Among network approaches based on the analysis of the topological properties of protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks, we discuss the widespread DIAMOnD (disease module detection) algorithm. Starting from the assumption that PPI networks can be viewed as maps where diseases can be identified with localized perturbation within a specific neighborhood (i.e., disease modules), DIAMOnD performs a systematic analysis of the human PPI network to uncover new disease-associated genes by exploiting the connectivity significance instead of connection density. The past few years have witnessed the increasing interest in understanding the molecular mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation with a special emphasis on non-coding RNAs since they are emerging as key regulators of many cellular processes in both physiological and pathological states. Recent findings show that coding genes are not the only targets that microRNAs interact with. In fact, there is a pool of different RNAs—including long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) —competing with each other to attract microRNAs for interactions, thus acting as competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs). The framework of regulatory networks provides a powerful tool to gather new insights into ceRNA regulatory mechanisms. Here, we describe a data-driven model recently developed to explore the lncRNA-associated ceRNA activity in breast invasive carcinoma. On the other hand, a very promising example of the co-expression network is the one implemented by the software SWIM (switch miner), which combines topological properties of correlation networks with gene expression data in order to identify a small pool of genes—called switch genes—critically associated with drastic changes in cell phenotype. Here, we describe SWIM tool along with its applications to cancer research and compare its predictions with DIAMOnD disease genes
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