6 research outputs found


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    Aksara Sunda merupakan salah satu kekayaan budaya Indonesia. Aksara Sunda banyak digunakan dalam teks-teks sejarah dan naskah-naskah yang berasal dari wilayah Sunda. Namun saat ini, hanya segelintir orang yang mampu membaca tulisan Sunda. Untuk mengisi kesenjangan pemahaman masyarakat dalam membaca aksara Sunda, maka dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan model machine learning untuk mengenali bentuk aksara tersebut ke dalam huruf latin. YOLO (You Only Look Once), salah satu algoritma dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi, belum pernah digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi aksara Sunda. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah untuk mengembangkan detektor objek aksara Sunda dan menggunakan metode YOLO untuk mengenali objek aksara Sunda. Index Terms: Aksara sunda, computer vision, YOL

    Tourism Review Sentiment Classification Using a Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network with an Attention Mechanism and Topic-Enriched Word Vectors

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    Sentiment analysis of online tourist reviews is playing an increasingly important role in tourism. Accurately capturing the attitudes of tourists regarding different aspects of the scenic sites or the overall polarity of their online reviews is key to tourism analysis and application. However, the performances of current document sentiment analysis methods are not satisfactory as they either neglect the topics of the document or do not consider that not all words contribute equally to the meaning of the text. In this work, we propose a bidirectional gated recurrent unit neural network model (BiGRULA) for sentiment analysis by combining a topic model (lda2vec) and an attention mechanism. Lda2vec is used to discover all the main topics of review corpus, which are then used to enrich the word vector representation of words with context. The attention mechanism is used to learn to attribute different weights of the words to the overall meaning of the text. Experiments over 20 NewsGroup and IMDB datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our model. Furthermore, we applied our model to hotel review data analysis, which allows us to get more coherent topics from these reviews and achieve good performance in sentiment classification

    Sentiment Analysis of Public Opinion Towards Tourism in Bangkalan Regency Using Naïve Bayes Method

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    Sentiment analysis is natural language processing (NLP) that uses text analysis to recognize and extract opinions in text. Analysis is used to convert unstructured information into more structured information, also to determine whether an object has a positive, negative, or neutral tendency, and is an effort to facilitate decision making for tourism managers as a recommendation in developing tourist attractions. In this study, opinions were conducted on tourism reviews in Bangkalan using the Naïve Bayes method. This method is a machine learning algorithm to classify text into concepts that are easy to understand and provide accurate results with high efficiency. This method is proven to provide excellent results with a high level of accuracy, especially for large data, but has some drawbacks, sensitive to feature selection. Thus, a feature selection process is needed to improve classification efficiency by reducing the amount of data analyzed, with the Information Gain feature selection method. The word weighting method uses TF-IDF, while the data used comes from google maps reviews taken through web scraping, where tourist visitors provide reviews and ratings of places that have been visited. However, the large number of reviews can make it difficult for tourist attractions managers to manage them, so the process of labeling the sentiment class of the review data obtained 3649 reviews, with 2583 positive, 275 negative, and 457 neutral. Based on the test results that have been carried out using the Information Gain threshold of 0.0001, 0.0003, and 0.0007 can improve the accuracy of the Naïve Bayes model, for the best test at threshold 0.0007, with an accuracy value of 78.68%, precision 80.44%, recall 82.59%, and f1-score 82.53%, from the test results it shows that the use of information gain feature selection and SMOTE technique has a fairly good performance in classifying public opinion sentiment data on tourism in Bangkalan Regency, meaning that tourism management is good seen from the results of visitor satisfaction sentiment