71 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Different Window Sizes Setting in Median Filter for Off-angle Iris Recognition

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    Iris recognition is one of the most popular biometric recognition that has increased in the number of acceptance user gradually because of the reliability and accuracy provided by this system. However, this accuracy is highly correlated with the quality of iris image captured. Thus, a poor quality of the image captured required an enhancement technique. This study aims to identify the optimum window size for the median filter. Identifying the optimum window size setting required template matching value result of the off-angle iris recognition. The lowest value obtained showed that the window size applied was optimized. The result of this study demonstrated, for WVU-OA dataset for 15 degrees off-angle iris of right and left eyes, the window size of [5 5] and [7 7] respectively are optimum to maximize the median filter function. Meanwhile, for 30 degrees off-angle iris of right and left eyes data, the optimum windows size proposed are [7 7] and [5 5] respectively. On the other hand, analysis using UBIRIS dataset showed that the optimum window size for 30 degrees off-angle iris, both right and left eye is [7 7] which is able to maximize the performance of the median filter. In conclusion, the effective value to be applied to all dataset are [5 5] and [7 7] because in most cases it provides a better template matching compared to without applying the filtering method

    Development of Multirate Filter – Based Region Features for Iris Identification

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    The emergence of biometric system is seen as the next-generation technological solution in strengthening the social and national security. The evolution of biometrics has shifted the paradigm of authentication from classical token and knowledge-based systems to physiological and behavioral trait based systems. R & D on iris biometrics, in last one decade, has established it as one of the most promising traits. Even though, iris biometric takes high resolution near-infrared (NIR) images as input, its authentication accuracy is very commendable. Its performance is often influenced by the presence of noise, database size, and feature representation. This thesis focuses on the use of multi resolution analysis (MRA) in developing suitable features for non-ideal iris images. Our investigation starts with the iris feature extraction technique using Cohen −Daubechies − Feauveau 9/7 (CDF 9/7) filter bank. In this work, a technique has been proposed to deal with issues like segmentation failure and occlusion. The experimental studies deal with the superiority of CDF 9/7 filter bank over the frequency based techniques. Since there is scope for improving the frequency selectivity of CDF 9/7 filter bank, a tunable filter bank is proposed to extract region based features from non-cooperative iris images. The proposed method is based on half band polynomial of 14th order. Since, regularity and frequency selectivity are in inverse relationship with each other, filter coefficients are derived by not imposing maximum number of zeros. Also, the half band polynomial is presented in x-domain, so as to apply semidefinite programming, which results in optimization of coefficients of analysis/synthesis filter. The next contribution in this thesis deals with the development of another powerful MRA known as triplet half band filter bank (THFB). The advantage of THFB is the flexibility in choosing the frequency response that allows one to overcome the magnitude constraints. The proposed filter bank has improved frequency selectivity along with other desired properties, which is then used for iris feature extraction. The last contribution of the thesis describes a wavelet cepstral feature derived from CDF 9/7 filter bank to characterize iris texture. Wavelet cepstrum feature helps in reducing the dimensionality of the detail coefficients; hence, a compact feature presentation is possible with improved accuracy against CDF 9/7. The efficacy of the features suggested are validated for iris recognition on three publicly available databases namely, CASIAv3, UBIRISv1, and IITD. The features are compared with other transform domain features like FFT, Gabor filter and a comprehensive evaluation is done for all suggested features as well. It has been observed that the suggested features show superior performance with respect to accuracy. Among all suggested features, THFB has shown best performance

    A framework for biometric recognition using non-ideal iris and face

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    Off-angle iris images are often captured in a non-cooperative environment. The distortion of the iris or pupil can decrease the segmentation quality as well as the data extracted thereafter. Moreover, iris with an off-angle of more than 30° can have non-recoverable features since the boundary cannot be properly localized. This usually becomes a factor of limited discriminant ability of the biometric features. Limitations also come from the noisy data arisen due to image burst, background error, or inappropriate camera pixel noise. To address the issues above, the aim of this study is to develop a framework which: (1) to improve the non-circular boundary localization, (2) to overcome the lost features, and (3) to detect and minimize the error caused by noisy data. Non-circular boundary issue is addressed through a combination of geometric calibration and direct least square ellipse that can geometrically restore, adjust, and scale up the distortion of circular shape to ellipse fitting. Further improvement comes in the form of an extraction method that combines Haar Wavelet and Neural Network to transform the iris features into wavelet coefficient representative of the relevant iris data. The non-recoverable features problem is resolved by proposing Weighted Score Level Fusion which integrates face and iris biometrics. This enhancement is done to give extra distinctive information to increase authentication accuracy rate. As for the noisy data issues, a modified Reed Solomon codes with error correction capability is proposed to decrease intra-class variations by eliminating the differences between enrollment and verification templates. The key contribution of this research is a new unified framework for high performance multimodal biometric recognition system. The framework has been tested with WVU, UBIRIS v.2, UTMIFM, ORL datasets, and achieved more than 99.8% accuracy compared to other existing methods

    Comparative study of different window sizes setting in median filter for off-angle iris recognition

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    Iris recognition is one of the most popular biometric recognition that has increased in the number of acceptance user gradually because of the reliability and accuracy provided by this system. However, this accuracy is highly correlated with the quality of iris image captured. Thus, a poor quality of the image captured required an enhancement technique. This study aims to identify the optimum window size for the median filter. Identifying the optimum window size setting required template matching value result of the off-angle iris recognition. The lowest value obtained showed that the window size applied was optimized. The result of this study demonstrated, for WVU-OA dataset for 15 degrees off-angle iris of right and left eyes, the window size of [5 5] and [7 7] respectively are optimum to maximize the median filter function. Meanwhile, for 30 degrees off-angle iris of right and left eyes data, the optimum windows size proposed are [7 7] and [5 5] respectively. On the other hand, analysis using UBIRIS dataset showed that the optimum window size for 30 degrees off-angle iris, both right and left eye is [7 7] which is able to maximize the performance of the median filter. In conclusion, the effective value to be applied to all dataset are [5 5] and [7 7] because in most cases it provides a better template matching compared to without applying the filtering method


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    ABSTRACT A Biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition system that makes use of biometric traits to recognize individuals. Systems which are built upon multiple sources of information for establishing identity which are known as multimodal biometric systems can overcome some of the limitations like noisy captured data, intra class variations etc… In this paper a Bi modal biometric system of iris and palm print based on Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT), gabor filters and a neural classifier implemented in FPGA is described. Iris is the unique observable visible feature present in the detailed texture of each eye. Palmprint is referred to the textural data like principal lines wrinkles and ridges present in the palm. The visible texture of a person's iris and palm print is encoded into a compact sequence of 2-D wavelet packet coefficients constituting a biometric signature or a feature vector code. In this paper, a novel multi-resolution approach based on WPT for recognition of iris and palmprint is proposed. With an adaptive threshold, WPT sub image coefficients are quantized into 1, 0 or -1 as biometric signature resulting in the size of biometric signature as 960 bits. The combined pattern vector of palm print features and iris features are formed using fusion at feature level and applied to the pattern classifier. The Learning Vector Quantization neural network is used as pattern classifier and a recognition rate of 97.22% is obtained. A part of the neural network is implemented for input data of 16 dimensions and 12 input classes and 8 output classes, using virtex-4 xc4vlx15 device. This system can complete recognition in 3.25 microseconds thus enabling it being suitable for real time pattern recognition tasks

    An Investigation of Iris Recognition in Unconstrained Environments

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    Iris biometrics is widely regarded as a reliable and accurate method for personal identification and the continuing advancements in the field have resulted in the technology being widely adopted in recent years and implemented in many different scenarios. Current typical iris biometric deployments, while generally expected to perform well, require a considerable level of co-operation from the system user. Specifically, the physical positioning of the human eye in relation to the iris capture device is a critical factor, which can substantially affect the performance of the overall iris biometric system. The work reported in this study will explore some of the important issues relating to the capture and identification of iris images at varying positions with respect to the capture device, and in particular presents an investigation into the analysis of iris images captured when the gaze angle of a subject is not aligned with the axis of the camera lens. A reliable method of acquiring off-angle iris images will be implemented, together with a study of a database thereby compiled of such images captured methodically. A detailed analysis of these so-called “off-angle” characteristics will be presented, making possible the implementation of new methods whereby significant enhancement of system performance can be achieved. The research carried out in this study suggests that implementing carefully new training methodologies to improve the classification performance can compensate effectively for the problem of off-angle iris images. The research also suggests that acquiring off-angle iris samples during the enrolment process for an iris biometric system and the implementation of the developed training configurations provides an increase in classification performance

    Human Iris Recognition for Clean Electoral Process in India by Creating a Fraud Free Voter Registration List

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    AbstractHuman Iris pattern matching and recognition system is considered to be the best biometric identification found so far because of the unique features found in the iris and moreover the textured patterns of iris remain stable, invariant and distinct throughout the whole life. Iris recognition techniques involve a mathematical analysis of the unique stable patterns that are structured within the iris and then the comparison is being done with an already existing database. In this paper the implementation of creating a fraud free voter ID list is being done as to make a clean Electoral environment. For this localization of Iris and Pupils are done by canny edge detection algorithm, Normalization is done by Dougman's Normalization method and feature extraction is being done using Log Gabor Filter and lastly method of matching is accomplished by Euclidian distance1, 2. MATLAB 2011 version is used for developing the present study, and much of the emphasis is given on software for Recognition of Irises in an efficient manner

    Off-line Arabic Handwriting Recognition System Using Fast Wavelet Transform

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    In this research, off-line handwriting recognition system for Arabic alphabet is introduced. The system contains three main stages: preprocessing, segmentation and recognition stage. In the preprocessing stage, Radon transform was used in the design of algorithms for page, line and word skew correction as well as for word slant correction. In the segmentation stage, Hough transform approach was used for line extraction. For line to words and word to characters segmentation, a statistical method using mathematic representation of the lines and words binary image was used. Unlike most of current handwriting recognition system, our system simulates the human mechanism for image recognition, where images are encoded and saved in memory as groups according to their similarity to each other. Characters are decomposed into a coefficient vectors, using fast wavelet transform, then, vectors, that represent a character in different possible shapes, are saved as groups with one representative for each group. The recognition is achieved by comparing a vector of the character to be recognized with group representatives. Experiments showed that the proposed system is able to achieve the recognition task with 90.26% of accuracy. The system needs only 3.41 seconds a most to recognize a single character in a text of 15 lines where each line has 10 words on average