2,041 research outputs found

    A Fully Automatic Segmentation Method for Breast Ultrasound Images

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    Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death of women worldwide. Accurate lesion boundary detection is important for breast cancer diagnosis. Since many crucial features for discriminating benign and malignant lesions are based on the contour, shape, and texture of the lesion, an accurate segmentation method is essential for a successful diagnosis. Ultrasound is an effective screening tool and primarily useful for differentiating benign and malignant lesions. However, due to inherent speckle noise and low contrast of breast ultrasound imaging, automatic lesion segmentation is still a challenging task. This research focuses on developing a novel, effective, and fully automatic lesion segmentation method for breast ultrasound images. By incorporating empirical domain knowledge of breast structure, a region of interest is generated. Then, a novel enhancement algorithm (using a novel phase feature) and a newly developed neutrosophic clustering method are developed to detect the precise lesion boundary. Neutrosophy is a recently introduced branch of philosophy that deals with paradoxes, contradictions, antitheses, and antinomies. When neutrosophy is used to segment images with vague boundaries, its unique ability to deal with uncertainty is brought to bear. In this work, we apply neutrosophy to breast ultrasound image segmentation and propose a new clustering method named neutrosophic l-means. We compare the proposed method with traditional fuzzy c-means clustering and three other well-developed segmentation methods for breast ultrasound images, using the same database. Both accuracy and time complexity are analyzed. The proposed method achieves the best accuracy (TP rate is 94.36%, FP rate is 8.08%, and similarity rate is 87.39%) with a fairly rapid processing speed (about 20 seconds). Sensitivity analysis shows the robustness of the proposed method as well. Cases with multiple-lesions and severe shadowing effect (shadow areas having similar intensity values of the lesion and tightly connected with the lesion) are not included in this study

    Intima-Media Thickness: Setting a Standard for a Completely Automated Method of Ultrasound Measurement

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    The intima - media thickness (IMT) of the common carotid artery is a widely used clinical marker of severe cardiovascular diseases. IMT is usually manually measured on longitudinal B-Mode ultrasound images. Many computer-based techniques for IMT measurement have been proposed to overcome the limits of manual segmentation. Most of these, however, require a certain degree of user interaction. In this paper we describe a new completely automated layers extraction (CALEXia) technique for the segmentation and IMT measurement of carotid wall in ultrasound images. CALEXia is based on an integrated approach consisting of feature extraction, line fitting, and classification that enables the automated tracing of the carotid adventitial walls. IMT is then measured by relying on a fuzzy K-means classifier. We tested CALEXia on a database of 200 images. We compared CALEXia performances to those of a previously developed methodology that was based on signal analysis (CULEXsa). Three trained operators manually segmented the images and the average profiles were considered as the ground truth. The average error from CALEXia for lumen - intima (LI) and media - adventitia (MA) interface tracings were 1.46 ± 1.51 pixel (0.091 ± 0.093 mm) and 0.40 ± 0.87 pixel (0.025 ± 0.055 mm), respectively. The corresponding errors for CULEXsa were 0.55 ± 0.51 pixels (0.035 ± 0.032 mm) and 0.59 ± 0.46 pixels (0.037 ± 0.029 mm). The IMT measurement error was equal to 0.87 ± 0.56 pixel (0.054 ± 0.035 mm) for CALEXia and 0.12 ± 0.14 pixel (0.01 ± 0.01 mm) for CULEXsa. Thus, CALEXia showed limited performance in segmenting the LI interface, but outperformed CULEXsa in the MA interface and in the number of images correctly processed (10 for CALEXia and 16 for CULEXsa). Based on two complementary strategies, we anticipate fusing them for further IMT improvement

    Foundation and methodologies in computer-aided diagnosis systems for breast cancer detection

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    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer that affects women all over the world. Early detection and treatment of breast cancer could decline the mortality rate. Some issues such as technical reasons, which related to imaging quality and human error, increase misdiagnosis of breast cancer by radiologists. Computer-aided detection systems (CADs) are developed to overcome these restrictions and have been studied in many imaging modalities for breast cancer detection in recent years. The CAD systems improve radiologists’ performance in finding and discriminat- ing between the normal and abnormal tissues. These procedures are performed only as a double reader but the absolute decisions are still made by the radiologist. In this study, the recent CAD systems for breast cancer detec- tion on different modalities such as mammography, ultrasound, MRI, and biopsy histopathological images are introduced. The foundation of CAD systems generally consist of four stages: Pre-processing, Segmentation, Fea- ture extraction, and Classification. The approaches which applied to design different stages of CAD system are summarised. Advantages and disadvantages of different segmentation, feature extraction and classification tech- niques are listed. In addition, the impact of imbalanced datasets in classification outcomes and appropriate methods to solve these issues are discussed. As well as, performance evaluation metrics for various stages of breast cancer detection CAD systems are reviewed

    Fully automatic lesion boundary detection in ultrasound breast images

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    We propose a novel approach to fully automatic lesion boundary detection in ultrasound breast images. The novelty of the proposed work lies in the complete automation of the manual process of initial Region-of-Interest (ROI) labeling and in the procedure adopted for the subsequent lesion boundary detection. Histogram equalization is initially used to preprocess the images followed by hybrid filtering and multifractal analysis stages. Subsequently, a single valued thresholding segmentation stage and a rule-based approach is used for the identification of the lesion ROI and the point of interest that is used as the seed-point. Next, starting from this point an Isotropic Gaussian function is applied on the inverted, original ultrasound image. The lesion area is then separated from the background by a thresholding segmentation stage and the initial boundary is detected via edge detection. Finally to further improve and refine the initial boundary, we make use of a state-of-the-art active contour method (i.e. gradient vector flow (GVF) snake model). We provide results that include judgments from expert radiologists on 360 ultrasound images proving that the final boundary detected by the proposed method is highly accurate. We compare the proposed method with two existing stateof- the-art methods, namely the radial gradient index filtering (RGI) technique of Drukker et. al. and the local mean technique proposed by Yap et. al., in proving the proposed method’s robustness and accuracy

    A Two-Step Segmentation Method for Breast Ultrasound Masses Based on Multi-resolution Analysis

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    Breast ultrasound images have several attractive properties that make them an interesting tool in breast cancer detection. However, their intrinsic high noise rate and low contrast turn mass detection and segmentation into a challenging task. In this article, a fully automated two-stage breast mass segmentation approach is proposed. In the initial stage, ultrasound images are segmented using support vector machine or discriminant analysis pixel classification with a multiresolution pixel descriptor. The features are extracted using non-linear diffusion, bandpass filtering and scale-variant mean curvature measures. A set of heuristic rules complement the initial segmentation stage, selecting the region of interest in a fully automated manner. In the second segmentation stage, refined segmentation of the area retrieved in the first stage is attempted, using two different techniques. The AdaBoost algorithm uses a descriptor based on scale-variant curvature measures and non-linear diffusion of the original image at lower scales, to improve the spatial accuracy of the ROI. Active contours use the segmentation results from the first stage as initial contours. Results for both proposed segmentation paths were promising, with normalized Dice similarity coefficients of 0.824 for AdaBoost and 0.813 for active contours. Recall rates were 79.6% for AdaBoost and 77.8% for active contours, whereas the precision rate was 89.3% for both methods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neutro-Connectedness Theory, Algorithms and Applications

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    Connectedness is an important topological property and has been widely studied in digital topology. However, three main challenges exist in applying connectedness to solve real world problems: (1) the definitions of connectedness based on the classic and fuzzy logic cannot model the “hidden factors” that could influence our decision-making; (2) these definitions are too general to be applied to solve complex problem; and (4) many measurements of connectedness are heavily dependent on the shape (spatial distribution of vertices) of the graph and violate the intuitive idea of connectedness. This research focused on solving these challenges by redesigning the connectedness theory, developing fast algorithms for connectedness computation, and applying the newly proposed theory and algorithms to solve challenges in real problems. The newly proposed Neutro-Connectedness (NC) generalizes the conventional definitions of connectedness and can model uncertainty and describe the part and the whole relationship. By applying the dynamic programming strategy, a fast algorithm was proposed to calculate NC for general dataset. It is not just calculating NC map, and the output NC forest can discover a dataset’s topological structure regarding connectedness. In the first application, interactive image segmentation, two approaches were proposed to solve the two most difficult challenges: user interaction-dependence and intense interaction. The first approach, named NC-Cut, models global topologic property among image regions and reduces the dependence of segmentation performance on the appearance models generated by user interactions. It is less sensitive to the initial region of interest (ROI) than four state-of-the-art ROI-based methods. The second approach, named EISeg, provides user with visual clues to guide the interacting process based on NC. It reduces user interaction greatly by guiding user to where interacting can produce the best segmentation results. In the second application, NC was utilized to solve the challenge of weak boundary problem in breast ultrasound image segmentation. The approach can model the indeterminacy resulted from weak boundaries better than fuzzy connectedness, and achieved more accurate and robust result on our dataset with 131 breast tumor cases

    Enhanced algorithms for lesion detection and recognition in ultrasound breast images

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    Mammography is the gold standard for breast cancer detection. However, it has very high false positive rates and is based on ionizing radiation. This has led to interest in using multi-modal approaches. One modality is diagnostic ultrasound, which is based on non-ionizing radiation and picks up many of the cancers that are generally missed by mammography. However, the presence of speckle noise in ultrasound images has a negative effect on image interpretation. Noise reduction, inconsistencies in capture and segmentation of lesions still remain challenging open research problems in ultrasound images. The target of the proposed research is to enhance the state-of-art computer vision algorithms used in ultrasound imaging and to investigate the role of computer processed images in human diagnostic performance. [Continues.
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