7 research outputs found

    A Novel Distance between Vague Sets and Its Applications in Decision Making

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    A novel distance between vague sets (VSs) is presented after the inadequacies of existing distance measures between vague sets are analyzed by artificial vague sets. The proposed method investigates the assignment of degree of hesitation to the membership and nonmembership degree, and the properties are also discussed. The performances of the new method are illustrated by pattern classification problem. Finally, the proposed method is applied into multicriteria fuzzy decision making, where the linear programming method is taken to generate optimal weights for every criterion and the best alternative is obtained by the weighted sum of distance measures between each alternative and the idea alternative with respect to a set of criteria. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method

    An approach for MADM problems with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on nonlinear functions

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    This paper investigates an approach for multiple attribute decision making (MADM) problems with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IVIFNs). To do that, the nonlinear score, accuracy and hesitation functions of IVIFNs are developed based on the normal distribution. The novelty of these nonlinear functions is that they have an additional variance value, which can have more information to rank IVIFNs than Xu and Chen’s score function and Ye’s accuracy function. Based on these nonlinear functions, a ranking method for IVIFNs is proposed. Furthermore, a nonlinearly optimized model is proposed to obtain attribute weights by integrating these nonlinear functions. Then, we develop an approach for interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy MADM programs in which two cases are considered: the attribute weight information is known and particularly known. In the end, we apply the proposed approach to select green supplier. First published online: 14 Sep 201

    Decision-making model for designing telecom products/services based on customer preferences and non-preferences

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    The design of the packages of products/services to be offered by a telecom company to its clients is a complex decision-making process that must consider different criteria to achieve both customer satisfaction and optimization of the company’s resources. In this process, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (IFSs) can be used to manage uncertainty and better represent both preferences and non-preferences expressed by people who value each proposed alternative. We present a novel approach to design/develop new products/services that combines the Lean Six Sigma methodology with IFSs. Its main contribution comes from considering both preferences and nonpreferences expressed by real clients, whereas existing proposals only consider their preferences. By also considering their non-preferences, it provides an additional capacity to manage the high uncertainty in the selection of the commercial plan that best suits each client’s needs. Thus, client satisfaction is increased while improving the company’s corporate image, which will lead to customer loyalty and increased revenue. To validate the presented proposal, it has been applied to a real case study of the telecom sector, in which 2135 users have participated. The results obtained have been analysed and compared with those obtained with a model that does not consider the non-preferences expressed by users.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (State Research Agency)Junta de Andalucia PID2019-103880RB-I00 PID2019-109644RB-I00 PY20_0067

    Complex Atanassov's Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relation

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    This paper presents distance measure between two complex Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets (CAIFSs). This distance measure is used to illustrate an application of CAIFSs in solving one of the most core application areas of fuzzy set theory, which is multiattributes decision-making (MADM) problems, in complex Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy realm. A new structure of relation between two CAIFSs, called complex Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy relation (CAIFR), is obtained. This relation is formally generalised from a conventional Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy relation, based on complex Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets, in which the ranges of values of CAIFR are extended to the unit circle in complex plane for both membership and nonmembership functions instead of [0, 1] as in the conventional Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy functions. Definition and some mathematical concepts of CAIFS, which serve as a foundation for the creation of complex Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy relation, are recalled. We also introduce the Cartesian product of CAIFSs and derive two properties of the product space. The concept of projection and cylindric extension of CAIFRs are also introduced. An example of CAIFR in real-life situation is illustrated in this paper. Finally, we introduce the concept of composition of CAIFRs

    On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Context-Free Languages

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    Taking intuitionistic fuzzy sets as the structures of truth values, we propose the notions of intuitionistic fuzzy context-free grammars (IFCFGs, for short) and pushdown automata with final states (IFPDAs). Then we investigate algebraic characterization of intuitionistic fuzzy recognizable languages including decomposition form and representation theorem. By introducing the generalized subset construction method, we show that IFPDAs are equivalent to their simple form, called intuitionistic fuzzy simple pushdown automata (IF-SPDAs), and then prove that intuitionistic fuzzy recognizable step functions are the same as those accepted by IFPDAs. It follows that intuitionistic fuzzy pushdown automata with empty stack and IFPDAs are equivalent by classical automata theory. Additionally, we introduce the concepts of Chomsky normal form grammar (IFCNF) and Greibach normal form grammar (IFGNF) based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. The results of our study indicate that intuitionistic fuzzy context-free languages generated by IFCFGs are equivalent to those generated by IFGNFs and IFCNFs, respectively, and they are also equivalent to intuitionistic fuzzy recognizable step functions. Then some operations on the family of intuitionistic fuzzy context-free languages are discussed. Finally, pumping lemma for intuitionistic fuzzy context-free languages is investigated

    Neutrosophic Triplet Structures. Volume I

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