54,064 research outputs found

    A Novel Workload Allocation Strategy for Batch Jobs

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    The distribution of computational tasks across a diverse set of geographically distributed heterogeneous resources is a critical issue in the realisation of true computational grids. Conventionally, workload allocation algorithms are divided into static and dynamic approaches. Whilst dynamic approaches frequently outperform static schemes, they usually require the collection and processing of detailed system information at frequent intervals - a task that can be both time consuming and unreliable in the real-world. This paper introduces a novel workload allocation algorithm for optimally distributing the workload produced by the arrival of batches of jobs. Results show that, for the arrival of batches of jobs, this workload allocation algorithm outperforms other commonly used algorithms in the static case. A hybrid scheduling approach (using this workload allocation algorithm), where information about the speed of computational resources is inferred from previously completed jobs, is then introduced and the efficiency of this approach demonstrated using a real world computational grid. These results are compared to the same workload allocation algorithm used in the static case and it can be seen that this hybrid approach comprehensively outperforms the static approach

    ASETS: A SDN Empowered Task Scheduling System for HPCaaS on the Cloud

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    With increasing demands for High Performance Computing (HPC), new ideas and methods are emerged to utilize computing resources more efficiently. Cloud Computing appears to provide benefits such as resource pooling, broad network access and cost efficiency for the HPC applications. However, moving the HPC applications to the cloud can face several key challenges, primarily, the virtualization overhead, multi-tenancy and network latency. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) as an emerging technology appears to pave the road and provide dynamic manipulation of cloud networking such as topology, routing, and bandwidth allocation. This paper presents a new scheme called ASETS which targets dynamic configuration and monitoring of cloud networking using SDN to improve the performance of HPC applications and in particular task scheduling for HPC as a service on the cloud (HPCaaS). Further, SETSA, (SDN-Empowered Task Scheduler Algorithm) is proposed as a novel task scheduling algorithm for the offered ASETS architecture. SETSA monitors the network bandwidth to take advantage of its changes when submitting tasks to the virtual machines. Empirical analysis of the algorithm in different case scenarios show that SETSA has significant potentials to improve the performance of HPCaaS platforms by increasing the bandwidth efficiency and decreasing task turnaround time. In addition, SETSAW, (SETSA Window) is proposed as an improvement of the SETSA algorithm

    MC-ADAPT: Adaptive Task Dropping in Mixed-Criticality Scheduling

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    Recent embedded systems are becoming integrated systems with components of different criticality. To tackle this, mixed-criticality systems aim to provide different levels of timing assurance to components of different criticality levels while achieving efficient resource utilization. Many approaches have been proposed to execute more lower-criticality tasks without affecting the timeliness of higher-criticality tasks. Those previous approaches however have at least one of the two limitations; i) they penalize all lower-criticality tasks at once upon a certain situation, or ii) they make the decision how to penalize lowercriticality tasks at design time. As a consequence, they underutilize resources by imposing an excessive penalty on lowcriticality tasks. Unlike those existing studies, we present a novel framework, called MC-ADAPT, that aims to minimally penalize lower-criticality tasks by fully reflecting the dynamically changing system behavior into adaptive decision making. Towards this, we propose a new scheduling algorithm and develop its runtime schedulability analysis capable of capturing the dynamic system state. Our proposed algorithm adaptively determines which task to drop based on the runtime analysis. To determine the quality of task dropping solution, we propose the speedup factor for task dropping while the conventional use of the speedup factor only evaluates MC scheduling algorithms in terms of the worst-case schedulability. We apply the speedup factor for a newly-defined task dropping problem that evaluates task dropping solution under different runtime scheduling scenarios. We derive that MC-ADAPT has a speedup factor of 1.619 for task drop. This implies that MC-ADAPT can behave the same as the optimal scheduling algorithm with optimal task dropping strategy does under any runtime scenario if the system is sped up by a factor of 1.619

    Energy-Aware Scheduling for Streaming Applications

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    Streaming applications have become increasingly important and widespread,with application domains ranging from embedded devices to server systems.Traditionally, researchers have been focusing on improving the performanceof streaming applications to achieve high throughput and low response time.However, increasingly more attention is being shifted topower/performance trade-offbecause power consumption has become a limiting factor on system designas integrated circuits enter the realm of nanometer technology.This work addresses the problem of scheduling a streaming application(represented by a task graph)with the goal of minimizing its energy consumptionwhile satisfying its two quality of service (QoS) requirements,namely, throughput and response time.The available power management mechanisms are dynamic voltage scaling (DVS),which has been shown to be effective in reducing dynamic power consumption, andvary-on/vary-off, which turns processors on and off to save static power consumption.Scheduling algorithms are proposed for different computing platforms (uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems),different characteristics of workload (deterministic and stochastic workload),and different types of task graphs (singleton and general task graphs).Both continuous and discrete processor power models are considered.The highlights are a unified approach for obtaining optimal (or provably close to optimal)uniprocessor DVS schemes for various DVS strategies anda novel multiprocessor scheduling algorithm that exploits the differencebetween the two QoS requirements to perform processor allocation,task mapping, and task speedscheduling simultaneously

    3E: Energy-Efficient Elastic Scheduling for Independent Tasks in Heterogeneous Computing Systems

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    Reducing energy consumption is a major design constraint for modern heterogeneous computing systems to minimize electricity cost, improve system reliability and protect environment. Conventional energy-efficient scheduling strategies developed on these systems do not sufficiently exploit the system elasticity and adaptability for maximum energy savings, and do not simultaneously take account of user expected finish time. In this paper, we develop a novel scheduling strategy named energy-efficient elastic (3E) scheduling for aperiodic, independent and non-real-time tasks with user expected finish times on DVFS-enabled heterogeneous computing systems. The 3E strategy adjusts processors’ supply voltages and frequencies according to the system workload, and makes trade-offs between energy consumption and user expected finish times. Compared with other energy-efficient strategies, 3E significantly improves the scheduling quality and effectively enhances the system elasticity

    The Securities and Exchange Commission and Accounting Principles

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    In this thesis we address the problem of optimal code generation for irregular architectures such as Digital Signal Processors (DSPs). Code generation consists mainly of three interrelated optimization tasks: instruction selection (with resource allocation), instruction scheduling and register allocation. These tasks have been discovered to be NP-hard for most architectures and most situations. A common approach to code generation consists in solving each task separately, i.e. in a decoupled manner, which is easier from a software engineering point of view. Phase-decoupled compilers produce good code quality for regular architectures, but if applied to DSPs the resulting code is of significantly lower performance due to strong interdependences between the different tasks. We developed a novel method for fully integrated code generation at the basic block level, based on dynamic programming. It handles the most important tasks of code generation in a single optimization step and produces an optimal code sequence. Our dynamic programming algorithm is applicable to small, yet not trivial problem instances with up to 50 instructions per basic block if data locality is not an issue, and up to 20 instructions if we take data locality with optimal scheduling of data transfers on irregular processor architectures into account. For larger problem instances we have developed heuristic relaxations. In order to obtain a retargetable framework we developed a structured architecture specification language, xADML, which is based on XML. We implemented such a framework, called OPTIMIST that is parameterized by an xADML architecture specification. The thesis further provides an Integer Linear Programming formulation of fully integrated optimal code generation for VLIW architectures with a homogeneous register file. Where it terminates successfully, the ILP-based optimizer mostly works faster than the dynamic programming approach; on the other hand, it fails for several larger examples where dynamic programming still provides a solution. Hence, the two approaches complement each other. In particular, we show how the dynamic programming approach can be used to precondition the ILP formulation. As far as we know from the literature, this is for the first time that the main tasks of code generation are solved optimally in a single and fully integrated optimization step that additionally considers data placement in register sets and optimal scheduling of data transfers between different registers sets

    Hybrid static/dynamic scheduling for already optimized dense matrix factorization

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    We present the use of a hybrid static/dynamic scheduling strategy of the task dependency graph for direct methods used in dense numerical linear algebra. This strategy provides a balance of data locality, load balance, and low dequeue overhead. We show that the usage of this scheduling in communication avoiding dense factorization leads to significant performance gains. On a 48 core AMD Opteron NUMA machine, our experiments show that we can achieve up to 64% improvement over a version of CALU that uses fully dynamic scheduling, and up to 30% improvement over the version of CALU that uses fully static scheduling. On a 16-core Intel Xeon machine, our hybrid static/dynamic scheduling approach is up to 8% faster than the version of CALU that uses a fully static scheduling or fully dynamic scheduling. Our algorithm leads to speedups over the corresponding routines for computing LU factorization in well known libraries. On the 48 core AMD NUMA machine, our best implementation is up to 110% faster than MKL, while on the 16 core Intel Xeon machine, it is up to 82% faster than MKL. Our approach also shows significant speedups compared with PLASMA on both of these systems
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