244 research outputs found

    Mobile Edge Computing Empowers Internet of Things

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    In this paper, we propose a Mobile Edge Internet of Things (MEIoT) architecture by leveraging the fiber-wireless access technology, the cloudlet concept, and the software defined networking framework. The MEIoT architecture brings computing and storage resources close to Internet of Things (IoT) devices in order to speed up IoT data sharing and analytics. Specifically, the IoT devices (belonging to the same user) are associated to a specific proxy Virtual Machine (VM) in the nearby cloudlet. The proxy VM stores and analyzes the IoT data (generated by its IoT devices) in real-time. Moreover, we introduce the semantic and social IoT technology in the context of MEIoT to solve the interoperability and inefficient access control problem in the IoT system. In addition, we propose two dynamic proxy VM migration methods to minimize the end-to-end delay between proxy VMs and their IoT devices and to minimize the total on-grid energy consumption of the cloudlets, respectively. Performance of the proposed methods are validated via extensive simulations

    Impact of Interdisciplinary Research on Planning, Running, and Managing Electromobility as a Smart Grid Extension

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    The smart grid is concerned with energy efficiency and with the environment, being a countermeasure against the territory devastations that may originate by the fossil fuel mining industry feeding the conventional power grids. This paper deals with the integration between the electromobility and the urban power distribution network in a smart grid framework, i.e., a multi-stakeholder and multi-Internet ecosystem (Internet of Information, Internet of Energy, and Internet of Things) with edge computing capabilities supported by cloud-level services and with clean mapping between the logical and physical entities involved and their stakeholders. In particular, this paper presents some of the results obtained by us in several European projects that refer to the development of a traffic and power network co-simulation tool for electro mobility planning, platforms for recharging services, and communication and service management architectures supporting interoperability and other qualities required for the implementation of the smart grid framework. For each contribution, this paper describes the inter-disciplinary characteristics of the proposed approaches

    A Cognitive Routing framework for Self-Organised Knowledge Defined Networks

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    This study investigates the applicability of machine learning methods to the routing protocols for achieving rapid convergence in self-organized knowledge-defined networks. The research explores the constituents of the Self-Organized Networking (SON) paradigm for 5G and beyond, aiming to design a routing protocol that complies with the SON requirements. Further, it also exploits a contemporary discipline called Knowledge-Defined Networking (KDN) to extend the routing capability by calculating the “Most Reliable” path than the shortest one. The research identifies the potential key areas and possible techniques to meet the objectives by surveying the state-of-the-art of the relevant fields, such as QoS aware routing, Hybrid SDN architectures, intelligent routing models, and service migration techniques. The design phase focuses primarily on the mathematical modelling of the routing problem and approaches the solution by optimizing at the structural level. The work contributes Stochastic Temporal Edge Normalization (STEN) technique which fuses link and node utilization for cost calculation; MRoute, a hybrid routing algorithm for SDN that leverages STEN to provide constant-time convergence; Most Reliable Route First (MRRF) that uses a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to approximate route-reliability as the metric of MRRF. Additionally, the research outcomes include a cross-platform SDN Integration framework (SDN-SIM) and a secure migration technique for containerized services in a Multi-access Edge Computing environment using Distributed Ledger Technology. The research work now eyes the development of 6G standards and its compliance with Industry-5.0 for enhancing the abilities of the present outcomes in the light of Deep Reinforcement Learning and Quantum Computing

    Modular architecture providing convergent and ubiquitous intelligent connectivity for networks beyond 2030

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    The transition of the networks to support forthcoming beyond 5G (B5G) and 6G services introduces a number of important architectural challenges that force an evolution of existing operational frameworks. Current networks have introduced technical paradigms such as network virtualization, programmability and slicing, being a trend known as network softwarization. Forthcoming B5G and 6G services imposing stringent requirements will motivate a new radical change, augmenting those paradigms with the idea of smartness, pursuing an overall optimization on the usage of network and compute resources in a zero-trust environment. This paper presents a modular architecture under the concept of Convergent and UBiquitous Intelligent Connectivity (CUBIC), conceived to facilitate the aforementioned transition. CUBIC intends to investigate and innovate on the usage, combination and development of novel technologies to accompany the migration of existing networks towards Convergent and Ubiquitous Intelligent Connectivity (CUBIC) solutions, leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) mechanisms and Machine Learning (ML) tools in a totally secure environment

    Adaptive learning-based resource management strategy in fog-to-cloud

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    Technology in the twenty-first century is rapidly developing and driving us into a new smart computing world, and emerging lots of new computing architectures. Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) is among one of them, which emerges to ensure the commitment for bringing the higher computing facilities near to the edge of the network and also help the large-scale computing system to be more intelligent. As the F2C is in its infantile state, therefore one of the biggest challenges for this computing paradigm is to efficiently manage the computing resources. Mainly, to address this challenge, in this work, we have given our sole interest for designing the initial architectural framework to build a proper, adaptive and efficient resource management mechanism in F2C. F2C has been proposed as a combined, coordinated and hierarchical computing platform, where a vast number of heterogeneous computing devices are participating. Notably, their versatility creates a massive challenge for effectively handling them. Even following any large-scale smart computing system, it can easily recognize that various kind of services is served for different purposes. Significantly, every service corresponds with the various tasks, which have different resource requirements. So, knowing the characteristics of participating devices and system offered services is giving advantages to build effective and resource management mechanism in F2C-enabled system. Considering these facts, initially, we have given our intense focus for identifying and defining the taxonomic model for all the participating devices and system involved services-tasks. In any F2C-enabled system consists of a large number of small Internet-of-Things (IoTs) and generating a continuous and colossal amount of sensing-data by capturing various environmental events. Notably, this sensing-data is one of the key ingredients for various smart services which have been offered by the F2C-enabled system. Besides that, resource statistical information is also playing a crucial role, for efficiently providing the services among the system consumers. Continuous monitoring of participating devices generates a massive amount of resource statistical information in the F2C-enabled system. Notably, having this information, it becomes much easier to know the device's availability and suitability for executing some tasks to offer some services. Therefore, ensuring better service facilities for any latency-sensitive services, it is essential to securely distribute the sensing-data and resource statistical information over the network. Considering these matters, we also proposed and designed a secure and distributed database framework for effectively and securely distribute the data over the network. To build an advanced and smarter system is necessarily required an effective mechanism for the utilization of system resources. Typically, the utilization and resource handling process mainly depend on the resource selection and allocation mechanism. The prediction of resources (e.g., RAM, CPU, Disk, etc.) usage and performance (i.e., in terms of task execution time) helps the selection and allocation process. Thus, adopting the machine learning (ML) techniques is much more useful for designing an advanced and sophisticated resource allocation mechanism in the F2C-enabled system. Adopting and performing the ML techniques in F2C-enabled system is a challenging task. Especially, the overall diversification and many other issues pose a massive challenge for successfully performing the ML techniques in any F2C-enabled system. Therefore, we have proposed and designed two different possible architectural schemas for performing the ML techniques in the F2C-enabled system to achieve an adaptive, advance and sophisticated resource management mechanism in the F2C-enabled system. Our proposals are the initial footmarks for designing the overall architectural framework for resource management mechanism in F2C-enabled system.La tecnologia del segle XXI avança ràpidament i ens condueix cap a un nou món intel·ligent, creant nous models d'arquitectures informàtiques. Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) és un d’ells, i sorgeix per garantir el compromís d’acostar les instal·lacions informàtiques a prop de la xarxa i també ajudar el sistema informàtic a gran escala a ser més intel·ligent. Com que el F2C es troba en un estat preliminar, un dels majors reptes d’aquest paradigma tecnològic és gestionar eficientment els recursos informàtics. Per fer front a aquest repte, en aquest treball hem centrat el nostre interès en dissenyar un marc arquitectònic per construir un mecanisme de gestió de recursos adequat, adaptatiu i eficient a F2C.F2C ha estat concebut com una plataforma informàtica combinada, coordinada i jeràrquica, on participen un gran nombre de dispositius heterogenis. La seva versatilitat planteja un gran repte per gestionar-los de manera eficaç. Els serveis que s'hi executen consten de diverses tasques, que tenen requisits de recursos diferents. Per tant, conèixer les característiques dels dispositius participants i dels serveis que ofereix el sistema és un requisit per dissenyar mecanismes eficaços i de gestió de recursos en un sistema habilitat per F2C. Tenint en compte aquests fets, inicialment ens hem centrat en identificar i definir el model taxonòmic per a tots els dispositius i sistemes implicats en l'execució de tasques de serveis. Qualsevol sistema habilitat per F2C inclou en un gran nombre de dispositius petits i connectats (conegut com a Internet of Things, o IoT) que generen una quantitat contínua i colossal de dades de detecció capturant diversos events ambientals. Aquestes dades són un dels ingredients clau per a diversos serveis intel·ligents que ofereix F2C. A més, el seguiment continu dels dispositius participants genera igualment una gran quantitat d'informació estadística. En particular, en tenir aquesta informació, es fa molt més fàcil conèixer la disponibilitat i la idoneïtat dels dispositius per executar algunes tasques i oferir alguns serveis. Per tant, per garantir millors serveis sensibles a la latència, és essencial distribuir de manera equilibrada i segura la informació estadística per la xarxa. Tenint en compte aquests assumptes, també hem proposat i dissenyat un entorn de base de dades segura i distribuïda per gestionar de manera eficaç i segura les dades a la xarxa. Per construir un sistema avançat i intel·ligent es necessita un mecanisme eficaç per a la gestió de l'ús dels recursos del sistema. Normalment, el procés d’utilització i manipulació de recursos depèn principalment del mecanisme de selecció i assignació de recursos. La predicció de l’ús i el rendiment de recursos (per exemple, RAM, CPU, disc, etc.) en termes de temps d’execució de tasques ajuda al procés de selecció i assignació. Adoptar les tècniques d’aprenentatge automàtic (conegut com a Machine Learning, o ML) és molt útil per dissenyar un mecanisme d’assignació de recursos avançat i sofisticat en el sistema habilitat per F2C. L’adopció i la realització de tècniques de ML en un sistema F2C és una tasca complexa. Especialment, la diversificació general i molts altres problemes plantegen un gran repte per realitzar amb èxit les tècniques de ML. Per tant, en aquesta recerca hem proposat i dissenyat dos possibles esquemes arquitectònics diferents per realitzar tècniques de ML en el sistema habilitat per F2C per aconseguir un mecanisme de gestió de recursos adaptatiu, avançat i sofisticat en un sistema F2C. Les nostres propostes són els primers passos per dissenyar un marc arquitectònic general per al mecanisme de gestió de recursos en un sistema habilitat per F2C.Postprint (published version

    Next Generation Internet of Things – Distributed Intelligence at the Edge and Human-Machine Interactions

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    This book provides an overview of the next generation Internet of Things (IoT), ranging from research, innovation, development priorities, to enabling technologies in a global context. It is intended as a standalone in a series covering the activities of the Internet of Things European Research Cluster (IERC), including research, technological innovation, validation, and deployment.The following chapters build on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster, the IoT European Platform Initiative (IoT–EPI), the IoT European Large-Scale Pilots Programme and the IoT European Security and Privacy Projects, presenting global views and state-of-the-art results regarding the next generation of IoT research, innovation, development, and deployment.The IoT and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are evolving towards the next generation of Tactile IoT/IIoT, bringing together hyperconnectivity (5G and beyond), edge computing, Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), virtual/ andaugmented reality (VR/AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) transformation.Following the wider adoption of consumer IoT, the next generation of IoT/IIoT innovation for business is driven by industries, addressing interoperability issues and providing new end-to-end security solutions to face continuous treats.The advances of AI technology in vision, speech recognition, natural language processing and dialog are enabling the development of end-to-end intelligent systems encapsulating multiple technologies, delivering services in real-time using limited resources. These developments are focusing on designing and delivering embedded and hierarchical AI solutions in IoT/IIoT, edge computing, using distributed architectures, DLTs platforms and distributed end-to-end security, which provide real-time decisions using less data and computational resources, while accessing each type of resource in a way that enhances the accuracy and performance of models in the various IoT/IIoT applications.The convergence and combination of IoT, AI and other related technologies to derive insights, decisions and revenue from sensor data provide new business models and sources of monetization. Meanwhile, scalable, IoT-enabled applications have become part of larger business objectives, enabling digital transformation with a focus on new services and applications.Serving the next generation of Tactile IoT/IIoT real-time use cases over 5G and Network Slicing technology is essential for consumer and industrial applications and support reducing operational costs, increasing efficiency and leveraging additional capabilities for real-time autonomous systems.New IoT distributed architectures, combined with system-level architectures for edge/fog computing, are evolving IoT platforms, including AI and DLTs, with embedded intelligence into the hyperconnectivity infrastructure.The next generation of IoT/IIoT technologies are highly transformational, enabling innovation at scale, and autonomous decision-making in various application domains such as healthcare, smart homes, smart buildings, smart cities, energy, agriculture, transportation and autonomous vehicles, the military, logistics and supply chain, retail and wholesale, manufacturing, mining and oil and gas

    Building the Future Internet through FIRE

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    The Internet as we know it today is the result of a continuous activity for improving network communications, end user services, computational processes and also information technology infrastructures. The Internet has become a critical infrastructure for the human-being by offering complex networking services and end-user applications that all together have transformed all aspects, mainly economical, of our lives. Recently, with the advent of new paradigms and the progress in wireless technology, sensor networks and information systems and also the inexorable shift towards everything connected paradigm, first as known as the Internet of Things and lately envisioning into the Internet of Everything, a data-driven society has been created. In a data-driven society, productivity, knowledge, and experience are dependent on increasingly open, dynamic, interdependent and complex Internet services. The challenge for the Internet of the Future design is to build robust enabling technologies, implement and deploy adaptive systems, to create business opportunities considering increasing uncertainties and emergent systemic behaviors where humans and machines seamlessly cooperate

    Enabling emergent configurations in the industrial internet of things for oil and gas explorations : a survey

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    Abstract: Several heterogeneous, intelligent, and distributed devices can be connected to interact with one another over the Internet in what is termed internet of things (IoT). Also, the concept of IoT can be exploited in the industrial environment for enhancing the production of goods and services and for mitigating the risk of disaster occurrences. This application of IoT for enhancing industrial production is known as industrial IoT (IIoT). Emergent configuration (EC) is a technology that can be adopted to enhance the operation and collaboration of IoT connected devices in order to improve the efficiency of the connected IoT systems for maximum user satisfaction. To meet user goals, the connected devices are required to cooperate with one another in an adaptive, interoperable, and homogeneous manner. In this paper, a survey of the concept of IoT is presented in addition to a review of IIoT systems. The application of ubiquitous computing-aided software define networking (SDN)-based EC architecture is propounded for enhancing the throughput of oil and gas production in the maritime ecosystems by managing the exploration process especially in emergency situations that involve anthropogenic oil and gas spillages