11,821 research outputs found

    Shortest Paths Avoiding Forbidden Subpaths

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    In this paper we study a variant of the shortest path problem in graphs: given a weighted graph G and vertices s and t, and given a set X of forbidden paths in G, find a shortest s-t path P such that no path in X is a subpath of P. Path P is allowed to repeat vertices and edges. We call each path in X an exception, and our desired path a shortest exception-avoiding path. We formulate a new version of the problem where the algorithm has no a priori knowledge of X, and finds out about an exception x in X only when a path containing x fails. This situation arises in computing shortest paths in optical networks. We give an algorithm that finds a shortest exception avoiding path in time polynomial in |G| and |X|. The main idea is to run Dijkstra's algorithm incrementally after replicating vertices when an exception is discovered.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Fixed a few typos, rephrased a few sentences, and used the STACS styl

    The List Coloring Reconfiguration Problem for Bounded Pathwidth Graphs

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    We study the problem of transforming one list (vertex) coloring of a graph into another list coloring by changing only one vertex color assignment at a time, while at all times maintaining a list coloring, given a list of allowed colors for each vertex. This problem is known to be PSPACE-complete for bipartite planar graphs. In this paper, we first show that the problem remains PSPACE-complete even for bipartite series-parallel graphs, which form a proper subclass of bipartite planar graphs. We note that our reduction indeed shows the PSPACE-completeness for graphs with pathwidth two, and it can be extended for threshold graphs. In contrast, we give a polynomial-time algorithm to solve the problem for graphs with pathwidth one. Thus, this paper gives precise analyses of the problem with respect to pathwidth

    Minimum Input Selection for Structural Controllability

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    Given a linear system xË™=Ax\dot{x} = Ax, where AA is an nĂ—nn \times n matrix with mm nonzero entries, we consider the problem of finding the smallest set of state variables to affect with an input so that the resulting system is structurally controllable. We further assume we are given a set of "forbidden state variables" FF which cannot be affected with an input and which we have to avoid in our selection. Our main result is that this problem can be solved deterministically in O(n+mn)O(n+m \sqrt{n}) operations

    Shortest path and maximum flow problems in planar flow networks with additive gains and losses

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    In contrast to traditional flow networks, in additive flow networks, to every edge e is assigned a gain factor g(e) which represents the loss or gain of the flow while using edge e. Hence, if a flow f(e) enters the edge e and f(e) is less than the designated capacity of e, then f(e) + g(e) = 0 units of flow reach the end point of e, provided e is used, i.e., provided f(e) != 0. In this report we study the maximum flow problem in additive flow networks, which we prove to be NP-hard even when the underlying graphs of additive flow networks are planar. We also investigate the shortest path problem, when to every edge e is assigned a cost value for every unit flow entering edge e, which we show to be NP-hard in the strong sense even when the additive flow networks are planar
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