12,719 research outputs found

    Racah Polynomials and Recoupling Schemes of su(1,1)\mathfrak{su}(1,1)

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    The connection between the recoupling scheme of four copies of su(1,1)\mathfrak{su}(1,1), the generic superintegrable system on the 3 sphere, and bivariate Racah polynomials is identified. The Racah polynomials are presented as connection coefficients between eigenfunctions separated in different spherical coordinate systems and equivalently as different irreducible decompositions of the tensor product representations. As a consequence of the model, an extension of the quadratic algebra QR(3){\rm QR}(3) is given. It is shown that this algebra closes only with the inclusion of an additional shift operator, beyond the eigenvalue operators for the bivariate Racah polynomials, whose polynomial eigenfunctions are determined. The duality between the variables and the degrees, and hence the bispectrality of the polynomials, is interpreted in terms of expansion coefficients of the separated solutions

    Painleve versus Fuchs

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    The sigma form of the Painlev{\'e} VI equation contains four arbitrary parameters and generically the solutions can be said to be genuinely ``nonlinear'' because they do not satisfy linear differential equations of finite order. However, when there are certain restrictions on the four parameters there exist one parameter families of solutions which do satisfy (Fuchsian) differential equations of finite order. We here study this phenomena of Fuchsian solutions to the Painlev{\'e} equation with a focus on the particular PVI equation which is satisfied by the diagonal correlation function C(N,N) of the Ising model. We obtain Fuchsian equations of order N+1N+1 for C(N,N) and show that the equation for C(N,N) is equivalent to the NthN^{th} symmetric power of the equation for the elliptic integral EE. We show that these Fuchsian equations correspond to rational algebraic curves with an additional Riccati structure and we show that the Malmquist Hamiltonian p,qp,q variables are rational functions in complete elliptic integrals. Fuchsian equations for off diagonal correlations C(N,M)C(N,M) are given which extend our considerations to discrete generalizations of Painlev{\'e}.Comment: 18 pages, Dedicated to the centenary of the publication of the Painleve VI equation in the Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris by Richard Fuchs in 190

    Laplace equations, conformal superintegrability and B\^ocher contractions

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    Quantum superintegrable systems are solvable eigenvalue problems. Their solvability is due to symmetry, but the symmetry is often "hidden". The symmetry generators of 2nd order superintegrable systems in 2 dimensions close under commutation to define quadratic algebras, a generalization of Lie algebras. Distinct systems and their algebras are related by geometric limits, induced by generalized In\"on\"u-Wigner Lie algebra contractions of the symmetry algebras of the underlying spaces. These have physical/geometric implications, such as the Askey scheme for hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials. The systems can be best understood by transforming them to Laplace conformally superintegrable systems and using ideas introduced in the 1894 thesis of B\^ocher to study separable solutions of the wave equation. The contractions can be subsumed into contractions of the conformal algebra so(4,C)so(4,C) to itself. Here we announce main findings, with detailed classifications in papers under preparation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Two-Variable Wilson Polynomials and the Generic Superintegrable System on the 3-Sphere

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    We show that the symmetry operators for the quantum superintegrable system on the 3-sphere with generic 4-parameter potential form a closed quadratic algebra with 6 linearly independent generators that closes at order 6 (as differential operators). Further there is an algebraic relation at order 8 expressing the fact that there are only 5 algebraically independent generators. We work out the details of modeling physically relevant irreducible representations of the quadratic algebra in terms of divided difference operators in two variables. We determine several ON bases for this model including spherical and cylindrical bases. These bases are expressed in terms of two variable Wilson and Racah polynomials with arbitrary parameters, as defined by Tratnik. The generators for the quadratic algebra are expressed in terms of recurrence operators for the one-variable Wilson polynomials. The quadratic algebra structure breaks the degeneracy of the space of these polynomials. In an earlier paper the authors found a similar characterization of one variable Wilson and Racah polynomials in terms of irreducible representations of the quadratic algebra for the quantum superintegrable system on the 2-sphere with generic 3-parameter potential. This indicates a general relationship between 2nd order superintegrable systems and discrete orthogonal polynomials

    Models of Quadratic Algebras Generated by Superintegrable Systems in 2D

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    In this paper, we consider operator realizations of quadratic algebras generated by second-order superintegrable systems in 2D. At least one such realization is given for each set of St\"ackel equivalent systems for both degenerate and nondegenerate systems. In almost all cases, the models can be used to determine the quantization of energy and eigenvalues for integrals associated with separation of variables in the original system

    Bispectrality of the Complementary Bannai-Ito Polynomials

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    A one-parameter family of operators that have the complementary Bannai-Ito (CBI) polynomials as eigenfunctions is obtained. The CBI polynomials are the kernel partners of the Bannai-Ito polynomials and also correspond to a q1q\rightarrow-1 limit of the Askey-Wilson polynomials. The eigenvalue equations for the CBI polynomials are found to involve second order Dunkl shift operators with reflections and exhibit quadratic spectra. The algebra associated to the CBI polynomials is given and seen to be a deformation of the Askey-Wilson algebra with an involution. The relation between the CBI polynomials and the recently discovered dual -1 Hahn and para-Krawtchouk polynomials, as well as their relation with the symmetric Hahn polynomials, is also discussed

    Hidden Symmetries of Stochastic Models

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    In the matrix product states approach to nn species diffusion processes the stationary probability distribution is expressed as a matrix product state with respect to a quadratic algebra determined by the dynamics of the process. The quadratic algebra defines a noncommutative space with a SUq(n)SU_q(n) quantum group action as its symmetry. Boundary processes amount to the appearance of parameter dependent linear terms in the algebraic relations and lead to a reduction of the SUq(n)SU_q(n) symmetry. We argue that the boundary operators of the asymmetric simple exclusion process generate a tridiagonal algebra whose irriducible representations are expressed in terms of the Askey-Wilson polynomials. The Askey-Wilson algebra arises as a symmetry of the boundary problem and allows to solve the model exactly.Comment: This is a contribution to the Proc. of the O'Raifeartaigh Symposium on Non-Perturbative and Symmetry Methods in Field Theory (June 2006, Budapest, Hungary), published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA