1,880 research outputs found

    Discrete-Event Control and Optimization of Container Terminal Operations

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    This thesis discusses the dynamical modeling of complex container terminal operations. In the current literature, the systems are usually modeled in static way using linear programming techniques. This setting does not completely capture the dynamic aspects in the operations, where information about external factors such as ships and trucks arrivals or departures and also the availability of terminal's equipment can always change. We propose dynamical modeling of container terminal operations using discrete-event systems (DES) modeling framework. The basic framework in this thesis is the DES modeling for berth and quay crane allocation problem (BCAP) where the systems are not only dynamic, but also asynchronous. We propose a novel berth and QC allocation method, namely the model predictive allocation (MPA) which is based on model predictive control principle and rolling horizon implementation. The DES models with asynchronous event transition is mathematically analyzed to show the efficacy of our method. We study an optimal input allocation problem for a class of discrete-event systems with dynamic input sequence (DESDIS). We show that in particular, the control input can be obtained by the minimization/maximization of the present input sequence only. We have shown that the proposed approach performed better than the existing method used in the studied terminal and state-of-the-art methods in the literature

    Storage space allocation in container terminals with mixed storage mode under uncertain conditions

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    Simultaneous allocation and scheduling of quay cranes, yard cranes, and trucks in dynamical integrated container terminal operations

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    We present a dynamical modeling of integrated (end-to-end) container terminal operations using finite state machine (FSM) framework where each state machine is represented by a discrete-event system (DES) formulation. The hybrid model incorporates the operations of quay cranes (QC), internal trucks (IT), and yard cranes (YC) and also the selection of storage positions in container yard (CY) and vessel bays. The QC and YC are connected by the IT in our models. As opposed to the commonly adapted modeling in container terminal operations, in which the entire information/inputs to the systems are known for a defined planning horizon, in this research we use real-time trucks, crane, and container storage operations information, which are always updated as the time evolves. The dynamical model shows that the predicted state variables closely follow the actual field data from a container terminal in Tanjung Priuk, Jakarta, Indonesia. Subsequently, using the integrated container terminal hybrid model, we proposed a model predictive algorithm (MPA) to obtain the near-optimal solution of the integrated terminal operations problem, namely the simultaneous allocation and scheduling of QC, IT, and YC, as well as selecting the storage location for the inbound and outbound containers in the CY and vessel. The numerical experiment based on the extensive Monte Carlo simulation and real dataset show that the MPA outperforms by 3-6% both of the policies currently implemented by the terminal operator and the state-of-the-art method from the current literature

    Concepts, Mechanisms, and Algorithms to Measure the Potential of Container Sharing in Seaport Hinterland Transportation

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    This thesis analyzes how trucking companies of a hinterland region can improve their routes if shipping companies allow the mutual exchange of their containers. In this case, trucking companies that are assigned by shipping companies cooperate by sharing information regarding which locations empty containers are currently stacked. These containers can then be integrated into a vehicle's route of any operating trucking company in the hinterland. The investigation aims at measuring the quantitative potential of the container sharing idea by means of problem settings illustrating realistic hinterland regions of a seaport. As a first step, the impact of street turns on the transportation costs of a trucking company should be measured. By forbidding or allowing the use of street turns for a single trucking company, the potential of the container sharing idea can be indicated, and the interrelation of empty container movements and transportation costs can be shown. As a further step, the benefit of exchanging empty containers between several trucking companies needs to be analyzed. In doing so, it is possible to investigate the potential and realistic limits of container sharing

    A Decision Support System for the Storage Space Allocation Problem under the Effect of Disturbances: a Case of the Port of Arica (Chile)

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    Lo scopo del lavoro è provare a risolvere il container allocation problem: come disporre i container in maniera più efficace all'interno di un terminal? Dopo un attento esame della letteratura, sono state sviluppate diverse strategie di allocazione basate sulla fuzzy logic. Tali strategie sono poi state combinate per dare vita ad un sistema che sia in grado di reagire a eventi che possono alterare le normali operazioni all'interno del terminal.ope

    Physical internet-enabled hyperconnected distribution assessment

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    L'Internet Physique (IP) est une initiative qui identifie plusieurs symptômes d'inefficacité et non-durabilité des systèmes logistiques et les traite en proposant un nouveau paradigme appelé logistique hyperconnectée. Semblable à l'Internet Digital, qui relie des milliers de réseaux d'ordinateurs personnels et locaux, IP permettra de relier les systèmes logistiques fragmentés actuels. Le but principal étant d'améliorer la performance des systèmes logistiques des points de vue économique, environnemental et social. Se concentrant spécifiquement sur les systèmes de distribution, cette thèse remet en question l'ordre de magnitude du gain de performances en exploitant la distribution hyperconnectée habilitée par IP. Elle concerne également la caractérisation de la planification de la distribution hyperconnectée. Pour répondre à la première question, une approche de la recherche exploratoire basée sur la modélisation de l'optimisation est appliquée, où les systèmes de distribution actuels et potentiels sont modélisés. Ensuite, un ensemble d'échantillons d'affaires réalistes sont créé, et leurs performances économique et environnementale sont évaluées en ciblant de multiples performances sociales. Un cadre conceptuel de planification, incluant la modélisation mathématique est proposé pour l’aide à la prise de décision dans des systèmes de distribution hyperconnectée. Partant des résultats obtenus par notre étude, nous avons démontré qu’un gain substantiel peut être obtenu en migrant vers la distribution hyperconnectée. Nous avons également démontré que l'ampleur du gain varie en fonction des caractéristiques des activités et des performances sociales ciblées. Puisque l'Internet physique est un sujet nouveau, le Chapitre 1 présente brièvement l’IP et hyper connectivité. Le Chapitre 2 discute les fondements, l'objectif et la méthodologie de la recherche. Les défis relevés au cours de cette recherche sont décrits et le type de contributions visés est mis en évidence. Le Chapitre 3 présente les modèles d'optimisation. Influencés par les caractéristiques des systèmes de distribution actuels et potentiels, trois modèles fondés sur le système de distribution sont développés. Chapitre 4 traite la caractérisation des échantillons d’affaires ainsi que la modélisation et le calibrage des paramètres employés dans les modèles. Les résultats de la recherche exploratoire sont présentés au Chapitre 5. Le Chapitre 6 décrit le cadre conceptuel de planification de la distribution hyperconnectée. Le chapitre 7 résume le contenu de la thèse et met en évidence les contributions principales. En outre, il identifie les limites de la recherche et les avenues potentielles de recherches futures.The Physical Internet (PI) is an initiative that identifies several symptoms of logistics systems unsustainability and inefficiency and tackles them by proposing a novel paradigm called Hyperconnected Logistics. Similar to the Digital Internet, which connects thousands of personal and local computer networks, PI will connect the fragmented logistics systems of today. The main purpose is to enhance the performance of logistics systems from economic, environmental and social perspectives. Focusing specifically on the distribution system, this thesis questions the order of magnitude of the performance gain by exploiting the PI-enabled hyperconnected distribution. It is also concerned by the characterization of the hyperconnected distribution planning. To address the first question, an exploratory research approach based on optimization modeling is applied; first, the current and prospective distribution systems are modeled. Then, a set of realistic business samples are created, and their economic and environmental performance by targeting multiple social performances are assessed. A conceptual planning framework is proposed to support the decision making in the hyperconnected distribution system. Based on the results obtained by our investigation, it can be argued that a substantial gain can be achieved by shifting toward Hyperconnected Distribution. It is also revealed that the magnitude of the gain varies by business characteristics and the targeted social performance. Since the Physical Internet is a novel topic, chapter 1 briefly introduces PI and Hyperconnected Logistics. Chapter 2 discusses the research foundations, goal and methodology. It also describes the challenges of conducting this research and highlights the type of contributions aimed for. Chapter 3 presents the optimization models including a core distribution network design modeling approach. Influenced by the characteristics of the current and prospective distribution systems, three distribution system-driven models are developed. Chapter 4 engages with the characterization of the business samples, the modeling and calibration of the parameter that are employed in the models. The exploratory investigation results are presented in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 describes the hyperconnected distribution planning framework. Chapter 7 summarizes the content of the thesis and highlights the main contributions. Moreover, it identifies the research limitations and potential future research avenues

    Evaluation of shipping finished automotive in multimodal containers : a marketing plan for shipping company

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