86,095 research outputs found

    Class two 1-planar graphs with maximum degree six or seven

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    A graph is 1-planar if it can be drawn on the plane so that each edge is crossed by at most one other edge. In this note we give examples of class two 1-planar graphs with maximum degree six or seven.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    A Potts/Ising Correspondence on Thin Graphs

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    We note that it is possible to construct a bond vertex model that displays q-state Potts criticality on an ensemble of phi3 random graphs of arbitrary topology, which we denote as ``thin'' random graphs in contrast to the fat graphs of the planar diagram expansion. Since the four vertex model in question also serves to describe the critical behaviour of the Ising model in field, the formulation reveals an isomorphism between the Potts and Ising models on thin random graphs. On planar graphs a similar correspondence is present only for q=1, the value associated with percolation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Distributed Dominating Set Approximations beyond Planar Graphs

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    The Minimum Dominating Set (MDS) problem is one of the most fundamental and challenging problems in distributed computing. While it is well-known that minimum dominating sets cannot be approximated locally on general graphs, over the last years, there has been much progress on computing local approximations on sparse graphs, and in particular planar graphs. In this paper we study distributed and deterministic MDS approximation algorithms for graph classes beyond planar graphs. In particular, we show that existing approximation bounds for planar graphs can be lifted to bounded genus graphs, and present (1) a local constant-time, constant-factor MDS approximation algorithm and (2) a local O(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log^*{n})-time approximation scheme. Our main technical contribution is a new analysis of a slightly modified variant of an existing algorithm by Lenzen et al. Interestingly, unlike existing proofs for planar graphs, our analysis does not rely on direct topological arguments.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1602.0299

    Boxicity of graphs on surfaces

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    The boxicity of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is the least integer kk for which there exist kk interval graphs Gi=(V,Ei)G_i=(V,E_i), 1ik1 \le i \le k, such that E=E1...EkE=E_1 \cap ... \cap E_k. Scheinerman proved in 1984 that outerplanar graphs have boxicity at most two and Thomassen proved in 1986 that planar graphs have boxicity at most three. In this note we prove that the boxicity of toroidal graphs is at most 7, and that the boxicity of graphs embeddable in a surface Σ\Sigma of genus gg is at most 5g+35g+3. This result yields improved bounds on the dimension of the adjacency poset of graphs on surfaces.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Yang-Lee Zeros of the Ising model on Random Graphs of Non Planar Topology

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    We obtain in a closed form the 1/N^2 contribution to the free energy of the two Hermitian N\times N random matrix model with non symmetric quartic potential. From this result, we calculate numerically the Yang-Lee zeros of the 2D Ising model on dynamical random graphs with the topology of a torus up to n=16 vertices. They are found to be located on the unit circle on the complex fugacity plane. In order to include contributions of even higher topologies we calculated analytically the nonperturbative (sum over all genus) partition function of the model Z_n = \sum_{h=0}^{\infty} \frac{Z_n^{(h)}}{N^{2h}} for the special cases of N=1,2 and graphs with n\le 20 vertices. Once again the Yang-Lee zeros are shown numerically to lie on the unit circle on the complex fugacity plane. Our results thus generalize previous numerical results on random graphs by going beyond the planar approximation and strongly indicate that there might be a generalization of the Lee-Yang circle theorem for dynamical random graphs.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures ,1 reference and a note added ,To Appear in Nucl.Phys

    Hamiltonian cycles in maximal planar graphs and planar triangulations

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    In this thesis we study planar graphs, in particular, maximal planar graphs and general planar triangulations. In Chapter 1 we present the terminology and notations that will be used throughout the thesis and review some elementary results on graphs that we shall need. In Chapter 2 we study the fundamentals of planarity, since it is the cornerstone of this thesis. We begin with the famous Euler's Formula which will be used in many of our results. Then we discuss another famous theorem in graph theory, the Four Colour Theorem. Lastly, we discuss Kuratowski's Theorem, which gives a characterization of planar graphs. In Chapter 3 we discuss general properties of a maximal planar graph, G particularly concerning connectivity. First we discuss maximal planar graphs with minimum degree i, for i = 3; 4; 5, and the subgraph induced by the vertices of G with the same degree. Finally we discuss the connectivity of G, a maximal planar graph with minimum degree i. Chapter 4 will be devoted to Hamiltonian cycles in maximal planar graphs. We discuss the existence of Hamiltonian cycles in maximal planar graphs. Whitney proved that any maximal planar graph without a separating triangle is Hamiltonian, where a separating triangle is a triangle such that its removal disconnects the graph. Chen then extended Whitney's results and allowed for one separating triangle and showed that the graph is still Hamiltonian. Helden also extended Chen's result and allowed for two separating triangles and showed that the graph is still Hamiltonian. G. Helden and O. Vieten went further and allowed for three separating triangles and showed that the graph is still Hamiltonian. In the second section we discuss the question by Hakimi and Schmeichel: what is the number of cycles of length p that a maximal planar graph on n vertices could have in terms of n? Then in the last section we discuss the question by Hakimi, Schmeichel and Thomassen: what is the minimum number of Hamiltonian cycles that a maximal planar graph on n vertices could have, in terms of n? In Chapter 5, we look at general planar triangulations. Note that every maximal planar graph on n ≥ 3 vertices is a planar triangulation. In the first section we discuss general properties of planar triangulations and then end with Hamiltonian cycles in planar triangulations