544 research outputs found

    Novel Uncertainty Quantification Techniques For Problems Described By Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

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    Uncertainty propagation (UP) in physical systems governed by PDEs is a challenging problem. This thesis addresses the development of a number of innovative techniques that emphasize the need for high-dimensionality modeling, resolving discontinuities in the stochastic space and considering the computational expense of forward solvers. Both Bayesian and non-Bayesian approaches are considered. Applications demonstrating the developed techniques are investigated in the context of flow in porous media and reservoir engineering applications. An adaptive locally weighted projection method (ALWPR) is firstly developed. It adaptively selects the needed runs of the forward solver (data collection) to maximize the predictive capability of the method. The methodology effectively learns the local features and accurately quantifies the uncertainty in the prediction of the statistics. It could provide predictions and confidence intervals at any query input and can deal with multi-output responses. A probabilistic graphical model framework for uncertainty quantification is next introduced. The high dimensionality issue of the input is addressed by a local model reduction framework. Then the conditional distribution of the multi-output responses on the low dimensional representation of the input field is factorized into a product of local potential functions that are represented non-parametrically. A nonparametric loopy belief propagation algorithm is developed for studying uncertainty quantification directly on the graph. The nonparametric nature of the model is able to efficiently capture non-Gaussian features of the response. Finally an infinite mixture of Multi-output Gaussian Process (MGP) models is presented to effectively deal with many of the difficulties of current UQ methods. This model involves an infinite mixture of MGP's using Dirichlet process priors and is trained using Variational Bayesian Inference. The Bayesian nature of the model allows for the quantification of the uncertainties due to the limited number of simulations. The automatic detection of the mixture components by the Variational Inference algorithm is able to capture discontinuities and localized features without adhering to ad hoc constructions. Finally, correlations between the components of multi-variate responses are captured by the underlying MGP model in a natural way. A summary of suggestions for future research in the area of uncertainty quantification field are given at the end of the thesis

    UQ and AI: data fusion, inverse identification, and multiscale uncertainty propagation in aerospace components

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    A key requirement for engineering designs is that they offer good performance across a range of uncertain conditions while exhibiting an admissibly low probability of failure. In order to design components that offer good performance across a range of uncertain conditions, it is necessary to take account of the effect of the uncertainties associated with a candidate design. Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) methods are statistical methods that may be used to quantify the effect of the uncertainties inherent in a system on its performance. This thesis expands the envelope of UQ methods for the design of aerospace components, supporting the integration of UQ methods in product development by addressing four industrial challenges. Firstly, a method for propagating uncertainty through computational models in a hierachy of scales is described that is based on probabilistic equivalence and Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos (NIPC). This problem is relevant to the design of aerospace components as the computational models used to evaluate candidate designs are typically multiscale. This method was then extended to develop a formulation for inverse identification, where the probability distributions for the material properties of a coupon are deduced from measurements of its response. We demonstrate how probabilistic equivalence and the Maximum Entropy Principle (MEP) may be used to leverage data from simulations with scarce experimental data- with the intention of making this stage of product design less expensive and time consuming. The third contribution of this thesis is to develop two novel meta-modelling strategies to promote the wider exploration of the design space during the conceptual design phase. Design Space Exploration (DSE) in this phase is crucial as decisions made at the early, conceptual stages of an aircraft design can restrict the range of alternative designs available at later stages in the design process, despite limited quantitative knowledge of the interaction between requirements being available at this stage. A histogram interpolation algorithm is presented that allows the designer to interactively explore the design space with a model-free formulation, while a meta-model based on Knowledge Based Neural Networks (KBaNNs) is proposed in which the outputs of a high-level, inexpensive computer code are informed by the outputs of a neural network, in this way addressing the criticism of neural networks that they are purely data-driven and operate as black boxes. The final challenge addressed by this thesis is how to iteratively improve a meta-model by expanding the dataset used to train it. Given the reliance of UQ methods on meta-models this is an important challenge. This thesis proposes an adaptive learning algorithm for Support Vector Machine (SVM) metamodels, which are used to approximate an unknown function. In particular, we apply the adaptive learning algorithm to test cases in reliability analysis.Open Acces

    Modelling discrepancy in Bayesian calibration of reservoir models

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    Simulation models of physical systems such as oil field reservoirs are subject to numerous uncertainties such as observation errors and inaccurate initial and boundary conditions. However, after accounting for these uncertainties, it is usually observed that the mismatch between the simulator output and the observations remains and the model is still inadequate. This incapability of computer models to reproduce the real-life processes is referred to as model inadequacy. This thesis presents a comprehensive framework for modelling discrepancy in the Bayesian calibration and probabilistic forecasting of reservoir models. The framework efficiently implements data-driven approaches to handle uncertainty caused by ignoring the modelling discrepancy in reservoir predictions using two major hierarchical strategies, parametric and non-parametric hierarchical models. The central focus of this thesis is on an appropriate way of modelling discrepancy and the importance of the model selection in controlling overfitting rather than different solutions to different noise models. The thesis employs a model selection code to obtain the best candidate solutions to the form of non-parametric error models. This enables us to, first, interpolate the error in history period and, second, propagate it towards unseen data (i.e. error generalisation). The error models constructed by inferring parameters of selected models can predict the response variable (e.g. oil rate) at any point in input space (e.g. time) with corresponding generalisation uncertainty. In the real field applications, the error models reliably track down the uncertainty regardless of the type of the sampling method and achieve a better model prediction score compared to the models that ignore discrepancy. All the case studies confirm the enhancement of field variables prediction when the discrepancy is modelled. As for the model parameters, hierarchical error models render less global bias concerning the reference case. However, in the considered case studies, the evidence for better prediction of each of the model parameters by error modelling is inconclusive

    Quantification of model uncertainty in RANS simulations: A review

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    In computational fluid dynamics simulations of industrial flows, models based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations are expected to play an important role in decades to come. However, model uncertainties are still a major obstacle for the predictive capability of RANS simulations. This review examines both the parametric and structural uncertainties in turbulence models. We review recent literature on data-free (uncertainty propagation) and data-driven (statistical inference) approaches for quantifying and reducing model uncertainties in RANS simulations. Moreover, the fundamentals of uncertainty propagation and Bayesian inference are introduced in the context of RANS model uncertainty quantification. Finally, the literature on uncertainties in scale-resolving simulations is briefly reviewed with particular emphasis on large eddy simulations

    Probabilistic Modelling of Uncertainty with Bayesian nonparametric Machine Learning

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    This thesis addresses the use of probabilistic predictive modelling and machine learning for quantifying uncertainties. Predictive modelling makes inferences of a process from observations obtained using computational modelling, simulation, or experimentation. This is often achieved using statistical machine learning models which predict the outcome as a function of variable predictors and given process observations. Towards this end Bayesian nonparametric regression is used, which is a highly flexible and probabilistic type of statistical model and provides a natural framework in which uncertainties can be included. The contributions of this thesis are threefold. Firstly, a novel approach to quantify parametric uncertainty in the Gaussian process latent variable model is presented, which is shown to improve predictive performance when compared with the commonly used variational expectation maximisation approach. Secondly, an emulator using manifold learning (local tangent space alignment) is developed for the purpose of dealing with problems where outputs lie in a high dimensional manifold. Using this, a framework is proposed to solve the forward problem for uncertainty quantification and applied to two fluid dynamics simulations. Finally, an enriched clustering model for generalised mixtures of Gaussian process experts is presented, which improves clustering, scaling with the number of covariates, and prediction when compared with what is known as the alternative model. This is then applied to a study of Alzheimer’s disease, with the aim of improving prediction of disease progression

    Bayesian inference with optimal maps

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    We present a new approach to Bayesian inference that entirely avoids Markov chain simulation, by constructing a map that pushes forward the prior measure to the posterior measure. Existence and uniqueness of a suitable measure-preserving map is established by formulating the problem in the context of optimal transport theory. We discuss various means of explicitly parameterizing the map and computing it efficiently through solution of an optimization problem, exploiting gradient information from the forward model when possible. The resulting algorithm overcomes many of the computational bottlenecks associated with Markov chain Monte Carlo. Advantages of a map-based representation of the posterior include analytical expressions for posterior moments and the ability to generate arbitrary numbers of independent posterior samples without additional likelihood evaluations or forward solves. The optimization approach also provides clear convergence criteria for posterior approximation and facilitates model selection through automatic evaluation of the marginal likelihood. We demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the approach on nonlinear inverse problems of varying dimension, involving the inference of parameters appearing in ordinary and partial differential equations.United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (Grant DE-SC0002517)United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (Grant DE-SC0003908