3 research outputs found

    Fuzzy practical exponential tracking of an electrohydraulic servosystem

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    Cilj ovog rada je da doprinese teorijskoj i praktičnoj primeni fazi logičkog upravljanja koriŔćenjem koncepta praktičnog praćenja. Predlaže se novi fazi upravljački algoritam za ostvarivanje željenog kvaliteta praćenja jednog elektrohidrauličkog pozicionog servosistema, koji se može naći u mnogim industrijskim uređajima. Fazi logički kontroler je jedan od najjednostavnijih. On koristi samo jednu ulaznu veličinu, sa linearnom metodom zaključivanja. Fazi prateći algoritam upravljanja je zasnovan na principu samoprilagodljivosti. Strukturna karakteristika takvog sistema upravljanja je postojanje dve povratne sprege: globalne, negativne po izlaznoj veličini i lokalne, pozitivne po upravljačkoj veličini. Takva struktura obezbeđuje sintezu upravljanja bez poznavanja unutraÅ”nje dinamike objekta i bez merenja poremećajnih veličina. Predloženi fazi prateći algoritam upravljanja obezbeđuje promenu greÅ”ke izlazne veličine po unapred definisanom eksponencijalnom zakonu. Prezentuju se rezultati simulacije nelinearnog matematičkog modela hidrauličkog servosistema.The aim of this paper is to contribute to the theoretical and practical applications of fuzzy logic control using practical tracking concept. A new fuzzy control algorithm is proposed to achieve the desired tracking performance of a nonlinear electrohydraulic position servo system, which can be found in many manufacturing devices. The fuzzy logic controller is one of the simplest. It employs only one input, with linear fuzzy inference method. The practical tracking control algorithm is based on the selfadjustment principle. The structural characteristic of such a control system is the existence of two feedback sources: the global negative of the output value and the local positive of the control value. Such a structure ensures the synthesis of the control without the internal dynamics knowledge and without measurements of disturbance values. The proposed fuzzy practical control algorithm ensures the change of the output error value according to a prespecified exponential law. The simulation results of the nonlinear mathematical model of the hydraulic servo system are presented

    Fuzzy practical exponential tracking of an electrohydraulic servosystem

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    Cilj ovog rada je da doprinese teorijskoj i praktičnoj primeni fazi logičkog upravljanja koriŔćenjem koncepta praktičnog praćenja. Predlaže se novi fazi upravljački algoritam za ostvarivanje željenog kvaliteta praćenja jednog elektrohidrauličkog pozicionog servosistema, koji se može naći u mnogim industrijskim uređajima. Fazi logički kontroler je jedan od najjednostavnijih. On koristi samo jednu ulaznu veličinu, sa linearnom metodom zaključivanja. Fazi prateći algoritam upravljanja je zasnovan na principu samoprilagodljivosti. Strukturna karakteristika takvog sistema upravljanja je postojanje dve povratne sprege: globalne, negativne po izlaznoj veličini i lokalne, pozitivne po upravljačkoj veličini. Takva struktura obezbeđuje sintezu upravljanja bez poznavanja unutraÅ”nje dinamike objekta i bez merenja poremećajnih veličina. Predloženi fazi prateći algoritam upravljanja obezbeđuje promenu greÅ”ke izlazne veličine po unapred definisanom eksponencijalnom zakonu. Prezentuju se rezultati simulacije nelinearnog matematičkog modela hidrauličkog servosistema.The aim of this paper is to contribute to the theoretical and practical applications of fuzzy logic control using practical tracking concept. A new fuzzy control algorithm is proposed to achieve the desired tracking performance of a nonlinear electrohydraulic position servo system, which can be found in many manufacturing devices. The fuzzy logic controller is one of the simplest. It employs only one input, with linear fuzzy inference method. The practical tracking control algorithm is based on the selfadjustment principle. The structural characteristic of such a control system is the existence of two feedback sources: the global negative of the output value and the local positive of the control value. Such a structure ensures the synthesis of the control without the internal dynamics knowledge and without measurements of disturbance values. The proposed fuzzy practical control algorithm ensures the change of the output error value according to a prespecified exponential law. The simulation results of the nonlinear mathematical model of the hydraulic servo system are presented

    Mathematical Models of the Simplest Fuzzy Two-Term (PI/PD) Controllers Using Algebraic Product Inference

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    This paper reveals mathematical models of the simplest Mamdani PI/PD controllers which employ two fuzzy sets (N: negative and P: positive) on the universe of discourse (UoD) of each of two input variables (displacement and velocity) and three fuzzy sets (N: negative, Z: zero, and P: positive) on the UoD of output variable (control output in the case of PD, and incremental control output in the case of PI). The basic constituents of these models are algebraic product/minimum AND, bounded sum/algebraic sum/maximum OR, algebraic product inference, three linear fuzzy control rules, and Center of Sums (CoS) defuzzification. Properties of all these models are investigated. It is shown that all these controllers are different nonlinear PI/PD controllers with their proportional and derivative gains changing with the inputs. The proposed models are significant and useful to control community as they are completely new and qualitatively different from those reported in the literature