15 research outputs found

    Analyzing digital societal interactions and sentiment classification in Twitter (X) during critical events in Chile

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    This study explores the influence of social media content on societal attitudes and actions during critical events, with a special focus on occurrences in Chile, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2019 protests, and the wildfires in 2017 and 2023. By leveraging a novel tweet dataset, this study introduces new metrics for assessing sentiment, inclusivity, engagement, and impact, thereby providing a comprehensive framework for analyzing social media dynamics. The methodology employed enhances sentiment classification through the use of a Deep Random Vector Functional Link (D-RVFL) neural network, which demonstrates superior performance over traditional models such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), naive Bayes, and back propagation (BP) neural networks, achieving an overall average accuracy of 78.30% (0.17). This advancement is attributed to deep learning techniques with direct input–output connections that facilitate faster and more precise sentiment classification. This analysis differentiates the roles of influencers, press radio, and television handlers during crises, revealing how various social media actors affect information dissemination and audience engagement. By dissecting online behaviors and classifying sentiments using the RVFL network, this study sheds light on the effects of the digital landscape on societal attitudes and actions during emergencies. These findings underscore the importance of understanding the nuances of social media engagement to develop more effective crisis communication strategies

    Developing a hybrid hidden MARKOV model using fusion of ARMA model and artificial neural network for crude oil price forecasting

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    Crude oil price forecasting is an important component of sustainable development of many countries as crude oil is an unavoidable product that exist on earth. Crude oil price forecasting plays a very vital role in economic development of many countries in the world today. Any fluctuation in crude oil price tremendously affects many economies in terms of budget and expenditure. In view of this, it is of great concern by economists and financial analysts to forecast such a vital commodity. However, Hidden Markov Model, ARMA Model and Artificial Neural Network has many drawbacks in forecasting such as linear limitations of ARMA model which is in contrast to the financial time series which are often nonlinear, ANN is very weak in terms of out-sample forecast and it has very tedious process of implementation, HMM is very weak in an in-sample forecast and has issue of a large number of unstructured parameters. In view of this drawbacks of these three models (ANN, ARMA and HMM), we developed an efficient Hybrid Hidden Markov Model using fusion of ARMA Model and Artificial Neural Network for crude oil price forecasting, MATLAB was employed to develop the four models (Hybrid HMM, HMM, ARMA and ANN). The models were evaluated using three different evaluation techniques which are Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Absolute Error (AE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The findings showed that Hybrid Hidden Markov Model was found to provide more accurate crude oil price forecast than the other three models in which. The results of this study indicate that Hybrid Hidden Markov Model using fusion of ARMA and ANN is a potentially promising model for crude oil price forecasting

    Empirical validation of ELM trained neural networks for financial modelling

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    The purpose of this work is to compare predictive performance of neural networks trained using the relatively novel technique of training single hidden layer feedforward neural networks (SFNN), called Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), with commonly used backpropagation-trained recurrent neural networks (RNN) as applied to the task of financial market prediction. Evaluated on a set of large capitalisation stocks on the Australian market, specifically the components of the ASX20, ELM-trained SFNNs showed superior performance over RNNs for individual stock price prediction. While this conclusion of efficacy holds generally, long short-term memory (LSTM) RNNs were found to outperform for a small subset of stocks. Subsequent analysis identified several areas of performance deviations which we highlight as potentially fruitful areas for further research and performance improvement

    Efficient uniform approximation using Random Vector Functional Link networks

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    A Random Vector Functional Link (RVFL) network is a depth-2 neural network with random inner weights and biases. As only the outer weights of such architectures need to be learned, the learning process boils down to a linear optimization task, allowing one to sidestep the pitfalls of nonconvex optimization problems. In this paper, we prove that an RVFL with ReLU activation functions can approximate Lipschitz continuous functions provided its hidden layer is exponentially wide in the input dimension. Although it has been established before that such approximation can be achieved in L2L_2 sense, we prove it for L∞L_\infty approximation error and Gaussian inner weights. To the best of our knowledge, our result is the first of this kind. We give a nonasymptotic lower bound for the number of hidden layer nodes, depending on, among other things, the Lipschitz constant of the target function, the desired accuracy, and the input dimension. Our method of proof is rooted in probability theory and harmonic analysis