32,563 research outputs found

    Learning Depth from Monocular Videos using Direct Methods

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    The ability to predict depth from a single image - using recent advances in CNNs - is of increasing interest to the vision community. Unsupervised strategies to learning are particularly appealing as they can utilize much larger and varied monocular video datasets during learning without the need for ground truth depth or stereo. In previous works, separate pose and depth CNN predictors had to be determined such that their joint outputs minimized the photometric error. Inspired by recent advances in direct visual odometry (DVO), we argue that the depth CNN predictor can be learned without a pose CNN predictor. Further, we demonstrate empirically that incorporation of a differentiable implementation of DVO, along with a novel depth normalization strategy - substantially improves performance over state of the art that use monocular videos for training

    Learning deep dynamical models from image pixels

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    Modeling dynamical systems is important in many disciplines, e.g., control, robotics, or neurotechnology. Commonly the state of these systems is not directly observed, but only available through noisy and potentially high-dimensional observations. In these cases, system identification, i.e., finding the measurement mapping and the transition mapping (system dynamics) in latent space can be challenging. For linear system dynamics and measurement mappings efficient solutions for system identification are available. However, in practical applications, the linearity assumptions does not hold, requiring non-linear system identification techniques. If additionally the observations are high-dimensional (e.g., images), non-linear system identification is inherently hard. To address the problem of non-linear system identification from high-dimensional observations, we combine recent advances in deep learning and system identification. In particular, we jointly learn a low-dimensional embedding of the observation by means of deep auto-encoders and a predictive transition model in this low-dimensional space. We demonstrate that our model enables learning good predictive models of dynamical systems from pixel information only.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure
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