1,118 research outputs found

    A new weighting scheme and discriminative approach for information retrieval in static and dynamic document collections

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    This paper introduces a new weighting scheme in information retrieval. It also proposes using the document centroid as a threshold for normalizing documents in a document collection. Document centroid normalization helps to achieve more effective information retrieval as it enables good discrimination between documents. In the context of a machine learning application, namely unsupervised document indexing and retrieval, we compared the effectiveness of the proposed weighting scheme to the 'Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency' or TF-IDF, which is commonly used and considered as one of the best existing weighting schemes. The paper shows how the document centroid is used to remove less significant weights from documents and how this helps to achieve better retrieval effectiveness. Most of the existing weighting schemes in information retrieval research assume that the whole document collection is static. The results presented in this paper show that the proposed weighting scheme can produce higher retrieval effectiveness compared with the TF-IDF weighting scheme, in both static and dynamic document collections. The results also show the variation in information retrieval effectiveness that is achieved for static and dynamic document collections by using a specific weighting scheme. This type of comparison has not been presented in the literature before

    Term frequency with average term occurrences for textual information retrieval

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    In the context of Information Retrieval (IR) from text documents, the term-weighting scheme (TWS) is a key component of the matching mechanism when using the vector space model (VSM). In this paper we propose a new TWS that is based on computing the average term occurrences of terms in documents and it also uses a discriminative approach based on the document centroid vector to remove less significant weights from the documents. We call our approach Term Frequency With Average Term Occurrence (TF-ATO). An analysis of commonly used document collections shows that test collections are not fully judged as achieving that is expensive and may be infeasible for large collections. A document collection being fully judged means that every document in the collection acts as a relevant document to a specific query or a group of queries. The discriminative approach used in our proposed approach is a heuristic method for improving the IR effectiveness and performance, and it has the advantage of not requiring previous knowledge about relevance judgements. We compare the performance of the proposed TF-ATO to the well-known TF-IDF approach and show that using TF-ATO results in better effectiveness in both static and dynamic document collections. In addition, this paper investigates the impact that stop-words removal and our discriminative approach have on TFIDF and TF-ATO. The results show that both, stopwords removal and the discriminative approach, have a positive effect on both term-weighting schemes. More importantly, it is shown that using the proposed discriminative approach is beneficial for improving IR effectiveness and performance with no information in the relevance judgement for the collection

    Information Retrieval Using Context Based Document Indexing and Term Graph

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    Information retrieval is task of retrieving relevant information according to query of user. An idea is presented in this paper about document retrieval using context based indexing and term weighting approach. Here lexical association is used to separate content carrying terms and background terms. Content carrying terms are used as they give idea about theme of the document. Indexing weight calculation is done for content carrying terms. Lexical association measure is used to calculate indexing weight of terms. The term having higher indexing weight is considered as important and sentence which contains these terms is also important. The summary of document is prepared. The graph of word approach is used here for information retrieval. The terms are weighted according to in-degree of vertices in document graph. When user enters search query, the important terms are matched with the terms with higher weights in order to retrieve documents. The documents which are relevant are retrieved according to weight of terms. Weight of term is determined using term graph. Term weight – Inverse document frequency scoring function is used to retrieve relevant documents. Using this approach information can be retrieved efficiently. Performance of retrieval will be improved as time required to search documents is less using proposed approach

    Distributed Information Retrieval using Keyword Auctions

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    This report motivates the need for large-scale distributed approaches to information retrieval, and proposes solutions based on keyword auctions

    Adaptive content mapping for internet navigation

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    The Internet as the biggest human library ever assembled keeps on growing. Although all kinds of information carriers (e.g. audio/video/hybrid file formats) are available, text based documents dominate. It is estimated that about 80% of all information worldwide stored electronically exists in (or can be converted into) text form. More and more, all kinds of documents are generated by means of a text processing system and are therefore available electronically. Nowadays, many printed journals are also published online and may even discontinue to appear in print form tomorrow. This development has many convincing advantages: the documents are both available faster (cf. prepress services) and cheaper, they can be searched more easily, the physical storage only needs a fraction of the space previously necessary and the medium will not age. For most people, fast and easy access is the most interesting feature of the new age; computer-aided search for specific documents or Web pages becomes the basic tool for information-oriented work. But this tool has problems. The current keyword based search machines available on the Internet are not really appropriate for such a task; either there are (way) too many documents matching the specified keywords are presented or none at all. The problem lies in the fact that it is often very difficult to choose appropriate terms describing the desired topic in the first place. This contribution discusses the current state-of-the-art techniques in content-based searching (along with common visualization/browsing approaches) and proposes a particular adaptive solution for intuitive Internet document navigation, which not only enables the user to provide full texts instead of manually selected keywords (if available), but also allows him/her to explore the whole database

    Information Retrieval using Context Based Document Indexing

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    Information retrieval is task of retrieving relevant information according to query of user. A brief idea is presented in this paper about document retrieval using context based indexing approach. Here lexical association is used to separate content carrying terms and background terms. Content carrying terms are used as they give idea about theme of the document. Indexing weight calculation is done for content carrying terms. Lexical association measure is used to calculate indexing weight of terms. The term having higher indexing weight is considered as important and sentence which contains these terms is also important. When user enters search query, the important terms are matched with the terms with higher weights in order to retrieve documents. The documents which are relevant are retrieved according to importance of sentences. Using this approach information can be retrieved efficiently

    A Semantic Graph-Based Approach for Mining Common Topics From Multiple Asynchronous Text Streams

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    In the age of Web 2.0, a substantial amount of unstructured content are distributed through multiple text streams in an asynchronous fashion, which makes it increasingly difficult to glean and distill useful information. An effective way to explore the information in text streams is topic modelling, which can further facilitate other applications such as search, information browsing, and pattern mining. In this paper, we propose a semantic graph based topic modelling approach for structuring asynchronous text streams. Our model in- tegrates topic mining and time synchronization, two core modules for addressing the problem, into a unified model. Specifically, for handling the lexical gap issues, we use global semantic graphs of each timestamp for capturing the hid- den interaction among entities from all the text streams. For dealing with the sources asynchronism problem, local semantic graphs are employed to discover similar topics of different entities that can be potentially separated by time gaps. Our experiment on two real-world datasets shows that the proposed model significantly outperforms the existing ones

    Spoken content retrieval: A survey of techniques and technologies

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    Speech media, that is, digital audio and video containing spoken content, has blossomed in recent years. Large collections are accruing on the Internet as well as in private and enterprise settings. This growth has motivated extensive research on techniques and technologies that facilitate reliable indexing and retrieval. Spoken content retrieval (SCR) requires the combination of audio and speech processing technologies with methods from information retrieval (IR). SCR research initially investigated planned speech structured in document-like units, but has subsequently shifted focus to more informal spoken content produced spontaneously, outside of the studio and in conversational settings. This survey provides an overview of the field of SCR encompassing component technologies, the relationship of SCR to text IR and automatic speech recognition and user interaction issues. It is aimed at researchers with backgrounds in speech technology or IR who are seeking deeper insight on how these fields are integrated to support research and development, thus addressing the core challenges of SCR