103 research outputs found

    Machine Learning, Low-Rank Approximations and Reduced Order Modeling in Computational Mechanics

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    The use of machine learning in mechanics is booming. Algorithms inspired by developments in the field of artificial intelligence today cover increasingly varied fields of application. This book illustrates recent results on coupling machine learning with computational mechanics, particularly for the construction of surrogate models or reduced order models. The articles contained in this compilation were presented at the EUROMECH Colloquium 597, « Reduced Order Modeling in Mechanics of Materials », held in Bad Herrenalb, Germany, from August 28th to August 31th 2018. In this book, Artificial Neural Networks are coupled to physics-based models. The tensor format of simulation data is exploited in surrogate models or for data pruning. Various reduced order models are proposed via machine learning strategies applied to simulation data. Since reduced order models have specific approximation errors, error estimators are also proposed in this book. The proposed numerical examples are very close to engineering problems. The reader would find this book to be a useful reference in identifying progress in machine learning and reduced order modeling for computational mechanics

    Advances in Robotics, Automation and Control

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    The book presents an excellent overview of the recent developments in the different areas of Robotics, Automation and Control. Through its 24 chapters, this book presents topics related to control and robot design; it also introduces new mathematical tools and techniques devoted to improve the system modeling and control. An important point is the use of rational agents and heuristic techniques to cope with the computational complexity required for controlling complex systems. Through this book, we also find navigation and vision algorithms, automatic handwritten comprehension and speech recognition systems that will be included in the next generation of productive systems developed by man

    A generalised feedforward neural network architecture and its applications to classification and regression

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    Shunting inhibition is a powerful computational mechanism that plays an important role in sensory neural information processing systems. It has been extensively used to model some important visual and cognitive functions. It equips neurons with a gain control mechanism that allows them to operate as adaptive non-linear filters. Shunting Inhibitory Artificial Neural Networks (SIANNs) are biologically inspired networks where the basic synaptic computations are based on shunting inhibition. SIANNs were designed to solve difficult machine learning problems by exploiting the inherent non-linearity mediated by shunting inhibition. The aim was to develop powerful, trainable networks, with non-linear decision surfaces, for classification and non-linear regression tasks. This work enhances and extends the original SIANN architecture to a more general form called the Generalised Feedforward Neural Network (GFNN) architecture, which contains as subsets both SIANN and the conventional Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) architectures. The original SIANN structure has the number of shunting neurons in the hidden layers equal to the number of inputs, due to the neuron model that is used having a single direct excitatory input. This was found to be too restrictive, often resulting in inadequately small or inordinately large network structures

    Utilizing Knowledge Bases In Information Retrieval For Clinical Decision Support And Precision Medicine

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    Accurately answering queries that describe a clinical case and aim at finding articles in a collection of medical literature requires utilizing knowledge bases in capturing many explicit and latent aspects of such queries. Proper representation of these aspects needs knowledge-based query understanding methods that identify the most important query concepts as well as knowledge-based query reformulation methods that add new concepts to a query. In the tasks of Clinical Decision Support (CDS) and Precision Medicine (PM), the query and collection documents may have a complex structure with different components, such as disease and genetic variants that should be transformed to enable an effective information retrieval. In this work, we propose methods for representing domain-specific queries based on weighted concepts of different types whether exist in the query itself or extracted from the knowledge bases and top retrieved documents. Besides, we propose an optimization framework, which allows unifying query analysis and expansion by jointly determining the importance weights for the query and expansion concepts depending on their type and source. We also propose a probabilistic model to reformulate the query given genetic information in the query and collection documents. We observe significant improvement of retrieval accuracy will be obtained for our proposed methods over state-of-the-art baselines for the tasks of clinical decision support and precision medicine

    Simple low cost causal discovery using mutual information and domain knowledge

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    PhDThis thesis examines causal discovery within datasets, in particular observational datasets where normal experimental manipulation is not possible. A number of machine learning techniques are examined in relation to their use of knowledge and the insights they can provide regarding the situation under study. Their use of prior knowledge and the causal knowledge produced by the learners are examined. Current causal learning algorithms are discussed in terms of their strengths and limitations. The main contribution of the thesis is a new causal learner LUMIN that operates with a polynomial time complexity in both the number of variables and records examined. It makes no prior assumptions about the form of the relationships and is capable of making extensive use of available domain information. This learner is compared to a number of current learning algorithms and it is shown to be competitive with them

    Ensembles of Pruned Deep Neural Networks for Accurate and Privacy Preservation in IoT Applications

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    The emergence of the AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) represents the powerful convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the expansive realm of the Internet of Things (IoT). By integrating AI algorithms with the vast network of interconnected IoT devices, we open new doors for intelligent decision-making and edge data analysis, transforming various domains from healthcare and transportation to agriculture and smart cities. However, this integration raises pivotal questions: How can we ensure deep learning models are aptly compressed and quantised to operate seamlessly on devices constrained by computational resources, without compromising accuracy? How can these models be effectively tailored to cope with the challenges of statistical heterogeneity and the uneven distribution of class labels inherent in IoT applications? Furthermore, in an age where data is a currency, how do we uphold the sanctity of privacy for the sensitive data that IoT devices incessantly generate while also ensuring the unhampered deployment of these advanced deep learning models? Addressing these intricate challenges forms the crux of this thesis, with its contributions delineated as follows: Ensyth: A novel approach designed to synthesise pruned ensembles of deep learning models, which not only makes optimal use of limited IoT resources but also ensures a notable boost in predictability. Experimental evidence gathered from CIFAR-10, CIFAR-5, and MNIST-FASHION datasets solidify its merit, especially given its capacity to achieve high predictability. MicroNets: Venturing into the realms of efficiency, this is a multi-phase pruning pipeline that fuses the principles of weight pruning, channel pruning. Its objective is clear: foster efficient deep ensemble learning, specially crafted for IoT devices. Benchmark tests conducted on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets demonstrate its prowess, highlighting a compression ratio of nearly 92%, with these pruned ensembles surpassing the accuracy metrics set by conventional models. FedNets: Recognising the challenges of statistical heterogeneity in federated learning and the ever-growing concerns of data privacy, this innovative federated learning framework is introduced. It facilitates edge devices in their collaborative quest to train ensembles of pruned deep neural networks. More than just training, it ensures data privacy remains uncompromised. Evaluations conducted on the Federated CIFAR-100 dataset offer a testament to its efficacy. In this thesis, substantial contributions have been made to the AIoT application domain. Ensyth, MicroNets, and FedNets collaboratively tackle the challenges of efficiency, accuracy, statistical heterogeneity arising from distributed class labels, and privacy concerns inherent in deploying AI applications on IoT devices. The experimental results underscore the effectiveness of these approaches, paving the way for their practical implementation in real-world scenarios. By offering an integrated solution that satisfies multiple key requirements simultaneously, this research brings us closer to the realisation of effective and privacy-preserved AIoT systems