10 research outputs found

    Enhancing privacy and preserving accuracy of a distributed collaborative filtering

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    Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a powerful technique for generating personalized predictions. CF systems are typically based on a central storage of user profiles used for generating the recommendations. However, such centralized storage introduces a severe privacy breach, since the profiles may be accessed for purposes, possibly malicious, not related to the recommendation process. Recent researches proposed to protect the privacy of CF by distributing the profiles between multiple repositories and exchange only a subset of the profile data, which is useful for the recommendation. This work investigates how a decentralized distributed storage of user profiles combined with data modification techniques may mitigate some privacy issues. Results of experimental evaluation show that parts of the user profiles can be modified without hampering the accuracy of CF predictions. The experiments also indicate which parts of the user profiles are most useful for generating accurate CF predictions, while their exposure still keeps the essential privacy of the users


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    Access to huge amounts of various data with private information brings out a dual demand for preservation of data privacy and correctness of knowledge discovery, which are two apparently contradictory tasks. Low-rank approximations generated by matrix decompositions are a fundamental element in this dissertation for the privacy preserving data mining (PPDM) applications. Two categories of PPDM are studied: data value hiding (DVH) and data pattern hiding (DPH). A matrix-decomposition-based framework is designed to incorporate matrix decomposition techniques into data preprocessing to distort original data sets. With respect to the challenge in the DVH, how to protect sensitive/confidential attribute values without jeopardizing underlying data patterns, we propose singular value decomposition (SVD)-based and nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF)-based models. Some discussion on data distortion and data utility metrics is presented. Our experimental results on benchmark data sets demonstrate that our proposed models have potential for outperforming standard data perturbation models regarding the balance between data privacy and data utility. Based on an equivalence between the NMF and K-means clustering, a simultaneous data value and pattern hiding strategy is developed for data mining activities using K-means clustering. Three schemes are designed to make a slight alteration on submatrices such that user-specified cluster properties of data subjects are hidden. Performance evaluation demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed strategy since some optimal solutions can be computed with zero side effects on nonconfidential memberships. Accordingly, the protection of privacy is simplified by one modified data set with enhanced performance by this dual privacy protection. In addition, an improved incremental SVD-updating algorithm is applied to speed up the real-time performance of the SVD-based model for frequent data updates. The performance and effectiveness of the improved algorithm have been examined on synthetic and real data sets. Experimental results indicate that the introduction of the incremental matrix decomposition produces a significant speedup. It also provides potential support for the use of the SVD technique in the On-Line Analytical Processing for business data analysis

    Privacy-preserving data mining

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    In the research of privacy-preserving data mining, we address issues related to extracting knowledge from large amounts of data without violating the privacy of the data owners. In this study, we first introduce an integrated baseline architecture, design principles, and implementation techniques for privacy-preserving data mining systems. We then discuss the key components of privacy-preserving data mining systems which include three protocols: data collection, inference control, and information sharing. We present and compare strategies for realizing these protocols. Theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation show that our protocols can generate accurate data mining models while protecting the privacy of the data being mined

    Data utility and privacy protection in data publishing

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    Data about individuals is being increasingly collected and disseminated for purposes such as business analysis and medical research. This has raised some privacy concerns. In response, a number of techniques have been proposed which attempt to transform data prior to its release so that sensitive information about the individuals contained within it is protected. A:-Anonymisation is one such technique that has attracted much recent attention from the database research community. A:-Anonymisation works by transforming data in such a way that each record is made identical to at least A: 1 other records with respect to those attributes that are likely to be used to identify individuals. This helps prevent sensitive information associated with individuals from being disclosed, as each individual is represented by at least A: records in the dataset. Ideally, a /c-anonymised dataset should maximise both data utility and privacy protection, i.e. it should allow intended data analytic tasks to be carried out without loss of accuracy while preventing sensitive information disclosure, but these two notions are conflicting and only a trade-off between them can be achieved in practice. The existing works, however, focus on how either utility or protection requirement may be satisfied, which often result in anonymised data with an unnecessarily and/or unacceptably low level of utility or protection. In this thesis, we study how to construct /-anonymous data that satisfies both data utility and privacy protection requirements. We propose new criteria to capture utility and protection requirements, and new algorithms that allow A:-anonymisations with required utility/protection trade-off or guarantees to be generated. Our extensive experiments using both benchmarking and synthetic datasets show that our methods are efficient, can produce A:-anonymised data with desired properties, and outperform the state of the art methods in retaining data utility and providing privacy protection

    Erzeugung Mehrfach Imputierter Synthetischer Datensätze: Theorie und Implementierung

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    The book describes different approaches to generating multiply imputed synthetic datasets to guarantee confidentiality. Each chapter is dedicated to one approach, first describing the general concept followed by a detailed application to a real dataset providing useful guidelines on how to implement the theory in practice.Die Arbeit beschreibt verschiedene Ansätze zur Erstellung mehrfach imputierter synthetischer Datensätze. Diese Datensätze können der interessierten Fachöffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden, ohne den Datenschutz zu verletzen. Jedes Kapitel befasst sich mit einem eigenen Ansatz, wobei zunächst das allgemeine Konzept beschrieben wird. Anschließend bietet eine detailierte Anwendung auf einen realen Datensatz hilfreiche Richtlinien, wie sich die beschriebene Theorie in der Praxis anwenden läßt

    A new scheme on privacy-preserving data classification

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