792 research outputs found

    A chaotic spread spectrum system for underwater acoustic communication

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    The work is supported in part by NSFC (Grant no. 61172070), IRT of Shaanxi Province (2013KCT-04), EPSRC (Grant no.Ep/1032606/1).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Low-complexity iterative receiver algorithms for multiple-input multiple-output underwater wireless communications

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    This dissertation proposes three low-complexity iterative receiver algorithms for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) underwater acoustic (UWA) communications. First is a bidirectional soft-decision feedback Turbo equalizer (Bi-SDFE) which harvests the time-reverse diversity in severe multipath MIMO channels. The Bi-SDFE outperforms the original soft-decision feedback Turbo equalizer (SDFE) while keeping its total computational complexity similar to that of the SDFE. Second, this dissertation proposes an efficient direct adaptation Turbo equalizer for MIMO UWA communications. Benefiting from the usage of soft-decision reference symbols for parameter adaptation as well as the iterative processing inside the adaptive equalizer, the proposed algorithm is efficient in four aspects: robust performance in tough channels, high spectral efficiency with short training overhead, time efficient with fast convergence and low complexity in hardware implementation. Third, a frequency-domain soft-decision block iterative equalizer combined with iterative channel estimation is proposed for the uncoded single carrier MIMO systems with high data efficiency. All the three new algorithms are evaluated by data recorded in real world ocean experiment or pool experiment. Finally, this dissertation also compares several Turbo equalizers in single-input single-output (SISO) UWA channels. Experimental results show that the channel estimation based Turbo equalizers are robust in SISO underwater transmission under harsh channel conditions --Abstract, page iv

    Soft-Decision-Driven Sparse Channel Estimation and Turbo Equalization for MIMO Underwater Acoustic Communications

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    Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) detection based on turbo principle has been shown to provide a great enhancement in the throughput and reliability of underwater acoustic (UWA) communication systems. Benefits of the iterative detection in MIMO systems, however, can be obtained only when a high quality channel estimation is ensured. In this paper, we develop a new soft-decision-driven sparse channel estimation and turbo equalization scheme in the triply selective MIMO UWA. First, the Homotopy recursive least square dichotomous coordinate descent (Homotopy RLS-DCD) adaptive algorithm, recently proposed for sparse single-input single-output system identification, is extended to adaptively estimate rapid time-varying MIMO sparse channels. Next, the more reliable a posteriori soft-decision symbols, instead of the hard decision symbols or the a priori soft-decision symbols, at the equalizer output, are not only feedback to the Homotopy RLS-DCD-based channel estimator but also to the minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) equalizer. As the turbo iterations progress, the accuracy of channel estimation and the quality of the MMSE equalizer are improved gradually, leading to the enhancement in the turbo equalization performance. This also allows the reduction in pilot overhead. The proposed receiver has been tested by using the data collected from the SHLake2013 experiment. The performance of the receiver is evaluated for various modulation schemes, channel estimators, and MIMO sizes. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed a posteriori soft-decision-driven sparse channel estimation based on the Homotopy RLS-DCD algorithm and turbo equalization offer considerable improvement in system performance over other turbo equalization schemes

    Robust frequency-domain turbo equalization for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications

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    This dissertation investigates single carrier frequency-domain equalization (SC-FDE) with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels for radio frequency (RF) and underwater acoustic (UWA) wireless communications. It consists of five papers, selected from a total of 13 publications. Each paper focuses on a specific technical challenge of the SC-FDE MIMO system. The first paper proposes an improved frequency-domain channel estimation method based on interpolation to track fast time-varying fading channels using a small amount of training symbols in a large data block. The second paper addresses the carrier frequency offset (CFO) problem using a new group-wise phase estimation and compensation algorithm to combat phase distortion caused by CFOs, rather than to explicitly estimate the CFOs. The third paper incorporates layered frequency-domain equalization with the phase correction algorithm to combat the fast phase rotation in coherent communications. In the fourth paper, the frequency-domain equalization combined with the turbo principle and soft successive interference cancelation (SSIC) is proposed to further improve the bit error rate (BER) performance of UWA communications. In the fifth paper, a bandwidth-efficient SC-FDE scheme incorporating decision-directed channel estimation is proposed for UWA MIMO communication systems. The proposed algorithms are tested by extensive computer simulations and real ocean experiment data. The results demonstrate significant performance improvements in four aspects: improved channel tracking, reduced BER, reduced computational complexity, and enhanced data efficiency --Abstract, page iv


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    In the modern warfare environment, communication is a cornerstone of combat competence. However, the increasing threat of communications-denied environments highlights the need for communications systems with low probability of intercept and detection. This is doubly true in the subsurface environment, where communications and sonar systems can reveal the tactical location of platforms and capabilities, subverting their covert mission set. A steganographic communication scheme that leverages existing technologies and unexpected data carriers is a feasible means of increasing assurance of communications, even in denied environments. This research works toward a covert communication system by determining and comparing novel symbol recovery schemes to extract data from a signal transmitted under a steganographic technique and interfered with by a simulated underwater acoustic channel. We apply techniques for reliably extracting imperceptible information from unremarkable acoustic events robust to the variability of the hostile operating environment. The system is evaluated based on performance metrics, such as transmission rate and bit error rate, and we show that our scheme is sufficient to conduct covert communications through acoustic transmissions, though we do not solve the problems of synchronization or equalization.Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Channel Estimation, Equalization and Phase Correction for Single Carrier Underwater Acoustic Communications

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    In this paper, we employ a time-domain channel estimation, equalization and phase correction scheme for single carrier single input multiple output (SIMO) underwater acoustic communications. In this scheme, Doppler shift, which is caused by relative motion between transducer (source) and hydrophones (receiver), is estimated and compensated in the received baseband signals. Then the channel is estimated using a small training block at the front of a transmitted data package, in which the data is artificially partitioned into consecutive data blocks. The estimated channel is utilized to equalize a block of received data, then the equalized data is processed by a group-wise phase correction before data detection. At the end of the detected data block, a small portion of the detected data is utilized to update channel estimation, and the re-estimated channel is employed for channel equalization for next data block. This block-wise channel estimation, equalization and phase correction process is repeated until the entire data package is processed. The receiver scheme is tested with experimental data measured at Saint Margaret\u27s Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, in May 2006. The results show that it can be applied not only to the scenario of fixed source to fixed receiver, but also to the moving source to fixed receiver case. The achievable uncoded bit error rate (BER) is on the order of 10-4 for moving-to-fixed transmissions, and on the order of 10-5 for fixed-to-fixed transmissions

    Design and implementation of low complexity wake-up receiver for underwater acoustic sensor networks

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    This thesis designs a low-complexity dual Pseudorandom Noise (PN) scheme for identity (ID) detection and coarse frame synchronization. The two PN sequences for a node are identical and are separated by a specified length of gap which serves as the ID of different sensor nodes. The dual PN sequences are short in length but are capable of combating severe underwater acoustic (UWA) multipath fading channels that exhibit time varying impulse responses up to 100 taps. The receiver ID detection is implemented on a microcontroller MSP430F5529 by calculating the correlation between the two segments of the PN sequence with the specified separation gap. When the gap length is matched, the correlator outputs a peak which triggers the wake-up enable. The time index of the correlator peak is used as the coarse synchronization of the data frame. The correlator is implemented by an iterative algorithm that uses only one multiplication and two additions for each sample input regardless of the length of the PN sequence, thus achieving low computational complexity. The real-time processing requirement is also met via direct memory access (DMA) and two circular buffers to accelerate data transfer between the peripherals and the memory. The proposed dual PN detection scheme has been successfully tested by simulated fading channels and real-world measured channels. The results show that, in long multipath channels with more than 60 taps, the proposed scheme achieves high detection rate and low false alarm rate using maximal-length sequences as short as 31 bits to 127 bits, therefore it is suitable as a low-power wake-up receiver. The future research will integrate the wake-up receiver with Digital Signal Processors (DSP) for payload detection. --Abstract, page iv
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