8 research outputs found

    Design for policy in data for policy practices. Exploring potential convergences for policy innovation

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    This position paper recognises and investigates a gap between two fields of research and practice dealing with innovation in public policy: data for policy and design for policy. These fields act within government and the public sector, but with a different focus. On the one hand, data for policy deals with the use of non-traditional digital data sources for policy-making (as administrative or citizens-generated data) and emergent organisational practices connected to these data (e.g., data collaboratives). On the other hand, design for policy inquiries the adoption of design approaches, methods and tools in policy-making and public services development. The difference in focus explains the current gap between the two fields and implies different approaches toward policy innovation. This paper advances an argument in favour of explicitly and systematically connecting these fields. To do so, I propose three areas of convergences by looking at experiences in the data for policy field. In these areas, I look at the value of this integration through the lens of policy innovation, intended as innovative ways of learning about policy-related matters that can influence the design of policies. The perspective offered is directed to scholars and practitioners in both fields and hopes to sparkle a fruitful discussion on innovative policy epistemologies needed to address the contemporary complexity of policy problems. In the paper, I first contextualise my reasoning line by reviewing the concept of public sector innovation (PSI). Then I consider different disciplinary perspectives about one particular subset of PSI: policy innovation. Starting from these authors, I propose to see policy innovation as innovative ways of learning about policy-related matters that can influence the design of policies. I hypothesise three potential areas of convergence between data for policy and design for policy by holding this perspective. To support them, I will draw on illustrative examples found through a systematic review of articles published in the past editions of the Data for Policy Conference.This paper is developed as part of the author's ongoing doctoral research, supported by a scholarship for interdisciplinary research of Politecnico di Milano. The PhD Program in Design and the PhD program in Urban Planning, Design and Policy of Politecnico di Milano jointly funded the scholarship.

    Pensare per Sistemi: la chiave delle moderne organizzazioni intelligenti

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    Peter Senge1 (Stanford, California, 1947) è uno dei teorici della cosiddetta Learning Organization, cioè l’organizzazione in grado di apprendere. Laureatosi alla Stanford University in ingegneria aerospaziale, negli anni successivi diventò direttore del Center for Organizational Learning alla MIT Sloan School of Management ed è il fondatore della Society for Organizational Learning (SoL). Come avrete in qualche modo compreso dalla lettura di questo volume, secondo Senge la caratteristica fondamentale delle Learning Organizations è che esse apprendono attraverso l’azione e l’esperienza dei suoi membri. Le organizzazioni che apprendono sono dunque quelle che hanno acquisito la consapevolezza del legame tra miglioramento, cambiamento e apprendimento, e le persone che ne fanno parte cercano di incrementare di continuo la loro capacità di conseguire i risultati cui aspirano. Tale tendenza verso l’apprendimento (che va inseguito e sviluppato lungo l’intero arco della vita) avviene sulla base dell’esercizio delle cinque discipline descritte in questo libro, e sono proprio tali discipline (di cui la quinta è proprio il Systems Thinkng – o Pensiero Sistemico – che integra le altre quattro) che permettono alle persone di apprendere quando sono inserite in un contesto organizzativo che in qualche modo anch’esso “risuona” con tale capacità di migliorarsi e cambiare, imparando. A più di 20 anni dalla prima proposizione2 in Italia di questo brillante ed illuminante volume, l’uscita di questo libro segue di poco l’uscita nel panorama italiano di un altro masterpiece del pensiero sistemico, Pensare per Sistemi3, di Donella Meadows4, con cui Senge ebbe modo di confrontarsi a lungo e lavorare insieme negli anni trascorsi al MIT ed anche successivamente. Ecco dunque che la riproposizione di questo volume, insieme al libro della Meadows, tradotto per l’Italia dal SYDIC, il System Dynamics Italian Chapter5 di cui ho l’onore di essere il Presidente, acquisisce oggi una fondamentale importanza nella costruzione di una letteratura di base sistemica in lingua italiana che sia al tempo stesso di supporto alla divulgazione del Systems Thinking e di illuminazione e base culturale comune per accademici, professionisti e aziende che intendono sposare questa metodologia di analisi e comprensione dei sistemi, che poi diviene inevitabilmente anche una importante filosofia nella vita di tutti i giorni. Proprio in continuità con Pensare per Sistemi, il SYDIC ha supportato con entusiasmo questa operazione editoriale sin dai primi passi e fino all’inclusione in questa nuova edizione di due capitoli inediti, il Capitolo 1 (del prof. Edoardo Mollona, Ordinario in Economia Aziendale e socio fondatore del SYDIC), che ha introdotto il lettore ad alcuni concetti preliminari e fondamentali de La Quinta Disciplina ad inizio volume e prima dell’inizio del testo stesso di Peter Senge, e di questo Capitolo conclusivo, a cura del sottoscritto (research fellow in modellazione e simulazione presso la Link Campus University e Presidente del Chapter Italiano della System Dynamics Society), che intende tirare invece le fila del discorso “Sengiano” e rilanciare una visione innovativa sulle organizzazioni moderne attraverso un concetto che evolve dalla Learning Organization e si proietta verso il futuro con la proposizione dell’idea di “Smart Model-based Governance”, un nuovo framework per le Organizzazioni Intelligenti, che in questo capitolo viene raffinata rispetto alle prime proposizioni (Armenia et al., 2017). Come si potrà dunque leggere nel prosieguo di questo capitolo, cercherò di guidare il lettore nella comprensione del concetto di “governance basata su modelli e dati” mostrando come gli elementi più tecnologici del moderno decision-making possano sfruttare appieno il paradigma concettuale offerto dal Systems Thinking e sposarsi perfettamente (senza dunque andarvi in contrasto) con gli elementi modellistici che emergono dalla transizione dalla Learning Organization alla Intelligent Organization

    A Multi-Dimensional Approach for Framing Crowdsourcing Archetypes

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    All different kinds of organizations – business, public, and non-governmental alike – are becoming aware of a soaring complexity in problem solving, decision making and idea development. In a multitude of circumstances, multidisciplinary teams, high-caliber skilled resources and world-class computer suites do not suffice to cope with such a complexity: in fact, a further need concerns the sharing and ‘externalization’ of tacit knowledge already existing in the society. In this direction, participatory tendencies flourishing in the interconnected society in which we live today lead ‘collective intelligence’ to emerge as key ingredient of distributed problem solving systems going well beyond the traditional boundaries of organizations. Resulting outputs can remarkably enrich decision processes and creative processes carried out by indoor experts, allowing organizations to reap benefits in terms of opportunity, time and cost. Taking stock of the mare magnum of promising opportunities to be tapped, of the inherent diversity lying among them, and of the enormous success of some initiative launched hitherto, the thesis aspires to provide a sound basis for the clear comprehension and systematic exploitation of crowdsourcing. After a thorough literature review, the thesis explores new ways for formalizing crowdsourcing models with the aim of distilling a brand-new multi-dimensional framework to categorize various crowdsourcing archetypes. To say it in a nutshell, the proposed framework combines two dimensions (i.e., motivations to participate and organization of external solvers) in order to portray six archetypes. Among the numerous significant elements of novelty brought by this framework, the prominent one is the ‘holistic’ approach that combines both profit and non-profit, trying to put private and public sectors under a common roof in order to examine in a whole corpus the multi-faceted mechanisms for mobilizing and harnessing competence and expertise which are distributed among the crowd. Looking at how the crowd may be turned into value to be internalized by organizations, the thesis examines crowdsourcing practices in the public as well in the private sector. Regarding the former, the investigation leverages the experience into the PADGETS project through action research – drawing on theoretical studies as well as on intensive fieldwork activities – to systematize how crowdsourcing can be fruitfully incorporated into the policy lifecycle. Concerning the private realm, a cohort of real cases in the limelight is examined – having recourse to case study methodology – to formalize different ways through which crowdsourcing becomes a business model game-changer. Finally, the two perspectives (i.e., public and private) are coalesced into an integrated view acting as a backdrop for proposing next-generation governance model massively hinged on crowdsourcing. In fact, drawing on archetypes schematized, the thesis depicts a potential paradigm that government may embrace in the coming future to tap the potential of collective intelligence, thus maximizing the utilization of a resource that today seems certainly underexploited

    Exploring Digital Government transformation in the EU

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    This report presents the findings of the analysis of the state of the art conducted as part of the JRC research on “Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU: understanding public sector innovation in a data-driven society” (DIGIGOV), within the framework of the “European Location Interoperability Solutions for eGovernment (ELISE)" Action of the ISA2 Programme on Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens, coordinated by DIGIT. The results of the review of literature, based on almost 500 academic and grey literature sources, as well as the analysis of digital government policies in the EU Member States provide a synthetic overview of the main themes and topics of the digital government discourse. The report depicts the variety of existing conceptualisations and definitions of the digital government phenomenon, measured and expected effects of the application of more disruptive innovations and emerging technologies in government, as well as key drivers and barriers for transforming the public sector. Overall, the literature review shows that many sources appear overly optimistic with regard to the impact of digital government transformation, although the majority of them are based on normative views or expectations, rather than empirically tested insights. The authors therefore caution that digital government transformation should be researched empirically and with a due differentiation between evidence and hope. In this respect, the report paves the way to in-depth analysis of the effects that can be generated by digital innovation in public sector organisations. A digital transformation that implies the redesign of the tools and methods used in the machinery of government will require in fact a significant change in the institutional frameworks that regulate and help coordinate the governance systems in which such changing processes are implemented.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU - Understanding public sector innovation in a data-driven society

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    This report presents the final results of the research “Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU: understanding public sector innovation in a data-driven society”, in short DigiGov. After introducing the design and methodology of the study, the report provides a summary of the findings of the comprehensive analysis of the state of the art in the field, conducted reviewing a vast body of scientific literature, policy documents and practitioners generated reports in a broad range of disciplines and policy domains, with a focus on the EU. The scope and key dimensions underlying the development of the DigiGov-F conceptual framework are then presented. This is a theory-informed heuristic instrument to help mapping the effects of Digital Government Transformation and able to support defining change strategies within the institutional settings of public administration. Further, the report provides an overview of the findings of the empirical case studies conducted, and employing experimental or quasi-experimental components, to test and refine the conceptual framework proposed, while gathering evidence on impacts of Digital Government Transformation, through identifying real-life drivers and barriers in diverse Member States and policy domains. The report concludes outlining future research and policy recommendations, as well as depicting possible scenarios for future Digital Government Transformation, developed as a result of a dedicated foresight policy lab. This was conducted as part of the expert consultation and stakeholder engagement process that accompanied all the phases of the research implementation. Insights generated from the study also serve to pave the way for further empirical research and policy experimentation, and to contribute to the policy debate on how to shape Digital Europe at the horizon 2040.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    Open government in São Paulo : democracy in public policy

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    Orientador: Wagner de Melo RomãoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências HumanasResumo: Os planos abertos do governo incluem uma variedade de atividades de participação política, provisão da informação e transparência, colaboração para qualificação da tomada de decisão, mecanismos de responsabilidade e medidas anticorrupção, assentados transversalmente na abertura, disponibilidade de dados padronizados e inovação tecnológica. A estratégia aplicada para alcançar esses propósitos corresponde a certas exigências que foram aplicadas à gestão pública, tais como a modernização da administração, o uso dos avanços tecnológicos, o desenvolvimento das mídias interativas, plataformas de governo e formas híbridas de participação. Diante do cenário, analisamos os limites e potencialidades da municipalização do governo aberto na Prefeitura de São Paulo, inaugurada na gestão de Fernando Haddad. Especificamente, examinamos o potencial para elaboração de políticas públicas de três iniciativas: Programa de Metas 2013-2016, a plataforma virtual Planeja Sampa e o São Paulo Aberta. A abordagem da pesquisa compreendeu a estratégia governamental de abertura como possível reforço aos processos democráticos no nível local, priorizando as diferentes sequências de tomada de decisão, e que envolvem a arena técnica e a arena cidadã na elaboração de políticas públicas, apoiando-se na participação, transparência, colaboração e inovação tecnológica. A pesquisa foi estruturada em três fases. Na primeira fase analisamos a literatura e a intersecção entre e-democracia e governo aberto. Identificamos e selecionamos modelos de análise no campo da e-participação para encerrar um quadro analítico do governo aberto, o ecossistema de governo aberto. A segunda fase consolidou a operacionalização da pesquisa, com a definição dos instrumentos e métodos de pesquisa, promovendo dispositivos arquitetados para analisar o processo políticos apoiado pelas tecnologias, como aplicação de heurística e modelagem política. Na última fase da pesquisa analisamos os casos sob a lente da dimensão democrática do governo aberto e os valores políticos caracterizados pela defesa da abertura; a dimensão do projeto e seus objetivos, o gerenciamento das iniciativas e atuação dos atores envolvidos; e finalmente, a dimensão sociotécnica com as propriedades e características das tecnologias do governo aberto. Os resultados apontaram que as iniciativas variam muito em relação à implementação de estratégias, gerenciamento das estratégias e sua capacidade de influenciar as políticas. A estratégia de abertura é promissora apenas as primeiras etapas do ciclo de políticas - formulação, agenda e tomada de decisões. A pesquisa revelou que critérios operacionais, institucionais e legais do gerenciamento da abertura tem um grande peso sobre a sustentabilidade das iniciativas, confirmando que a condução do projeto impacta nas escolhas das tecnologias e nas escolhas políticas sobre quais iniciativas tem maior prioridade. Ainda que o panorama seja de avanço, os resultados da abertura são intermediários ou de curto prazo, isso quer dizer que a municipalização ainda está em sua infância. As barreiras para o desenvolvimento do governo aberto foram reforçadas pela coordenação fragmentada para elaboração de políticas, sobreposição e conflitos legais e econômicos, baixa adesão à cultura pública aberta, baixa institucionalidade e alta informalidade entre os agentes públicos. Indicando lacunas de habilidades e investimentos em recursos humanos, padrões e especificações pouco claros na formatação técnica e operacional das iniciativas, incerteza quanto à sustentabilidade perante um quadro legal lasso. Ademais, a combinação da inovação social e tecnológica em programas do governo aberto da Prefeitura de São Paulo, envolvendo a participação e colaboração da população foi capaz de promover o status da abertura com o apoio da Open Government PartnershipAbstract: Government open plans include a variety of policy engagement, information provision and transparency, collaboration to qualify decision-making, accountability mechanisms and anti-corruption measures, settling across the gap, availability of standardized data, and technological innovation. The strategy applied to achieve these aims corresponds to certain requirements that have been applied to public management, such as the modernization of administration, the use of technological advances, the development of interactive media, platforms of government and hybrid forms of participation. In view of the scenario, we analyzed the limits and potentialities of the municipalization of open government in the City of São Paulo, inaugurated in the management of Fernando Haddad. Specifically, we examine the potential for public policy-making of three initiatives: Programa de Metas 2013-2016, the virtual platform Planeja Sampa and São Paulo Aberta. The research approach comprised the governmental strategy of opening as a possible reinforcement to democratic processes at the local level, prioritizing the different sequences of decision-making, and involving the technical arena and the citizen arena in the elaboration of public policies, relying on participation , transparency, collaboration and technological innovation. The research was structured in three phases. In the first phase we analyze the literature and the intersection between e-democracy and open government. We identify and select models of analysis in the field of e-participation to close an analytical framework of open government, the ecosystem of open government. The second phase consolidated the operationalization of the research, with the definition of the instruments and methods of research, promoting devices designed to analyze the political process supported by technologies, such as heuristic application and political modeling. In the last phase of the research we analyze the cases under the lens of the democratic dimension of open government and the political values ??characterized by the defense of openness; the size of the project and its objectives, the management of the initiatives and actions of the actors involved; and finally, the sociotechnical dimension with the properties and characteristics of open government technologies. The results showed that the initiatives vary widely in relation to the implementation of strategies, management of strategies and their capacity to influence policies. The opening strategy is promising only the first steps of the policy cycle - formulation, agenda and decision making. The survey revealed that operational, institutional and legal criteria for openness management weigh heavily on the sustainability of initiatives, confirming that project management impacts on technology choices and policy choices on which initiatives have the highest priority. Although the outlook is progress, the results of the opening are intermediate or short term, this means that municipalization is still in its infancy. The barriers to the development of open government were reinforced by fragmented coordination for policymaking, overlapping and legal and economic conflicts, low adherence to open public culture, low institutionality and high informality among public agents. Indicating skills gaps and investments in human resources, unclear standards and specifications in the technical and operational formatting of the initiatives, uncertainty about sustainability before a lax legal framework. In addition, the combination of social and technological innovation in open government programs of the City of São Paulo involving the participation and collaboration of the population was able to promote the status of openness with the support of the Open Government PartnershipDoutoradoCiencia PoliticaDoutora em Ciência Política1443125CAPE

    A new roadmap for next-generation policy-making

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    In the last thirty years the role of the government has moved consistently away from services provision to regulation. Society and economy has become more interconnected, unstable and unpredictable than ever, and citizens are keener to engage in complex policy making. Within this context, traditional tools for policy making, based upon the perfectly rational representative agent maximizing its own utility in a general equilibrium framework, have been demonstrated to be unable to predict and cope with some of today's most pressing challenges, such as the financial crisis and climate change. Despite the explosion of data availability, the possibility to analyse them through crowdsourcing and large scale collaboration, the advance in modelling and simulation tools for assessing non-linear impact of policy options, the full potential offered by the new instruments for policy making has yet to be achieved. Therefore policy makers have not yet at their disposal a set of instruments able to cope with the needs stemming from their decision making activities. In order to meet those needs the project CROSSOVER "Bridging Communities for Next Generation Policy-Making" is elaborating a demand/driven "International Research Roadmap on ICT tools for Governance and Policy Modelling", which links the needs and the activities of policy-making with current and future research challenges. Copyright 2012 ACM

    A New Roadmap for Next-Generation Policy-Making

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    In the last thirty years the role of the government has moved consistently away from services provision to regulation. Society and economy has become more interconnected, unstable and unpredictable than ever, and citizens are more keen to engage in complex policy making. Within this context, traditional tools for policy making, based upon the perfectly rational representative agent maximizing its own utility in a general equilibrium framework, have been demonstrated as unable to predict and cope with some of today’s most pressing challenges, such as the financial crisis and climate change. Despite the explosion of data availability, the possibility to analyse them through crowdsourcing and large scale collaboration, the advance in modeling and simulation tools for assessing non-linear impact of policy options, the full potential offered by the new instruments for policy making has yet to be achieved. This is the reason why the European Commission decided to invest massively in this area. This paper presents the project CROSSOVER “Bridging Communities for Next Generation Policy-Making”, aimed at bridging the gaps both within the expert communities and towards the large public, in order to raise the level of policy‐making, increase the transparency and participation of citizens, reach out actual and potential users, and ensure growth of service providers. To do that the project will define a new “International Research Roadmap on ICT tools for Governance and Policy Modelling”. More in particular, the paper analyzes the Model‐based Collaborative Governance challenge, which is the section of the roadmap concerning the development of tools and methodologies able to design an efficient and effective decision making process, capable of detecting emergencies and evaluate the impact of different policy choices, as well as to foster stakeholders’ engagement in models building and in the evaluation and simulation of policy making.JRC.J.3-Information Societ