2 research outputs found

    Probing phospholipid microbubbles by atomic force microscopy to quantify bubble mechanics and nanostructural shell properties

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    Microbubbles (MBs), which are used as ultrasonic contrast agents, have distinct acoustic signatures which enable them to significantly enhance visualisation of the vasculature. Research is progressing to develop MBs which act as drug/gene delivery vehicles for site-specific therapeutics. In order to manufacture effective theranostic vehicles, it is imperative to understand the mechanical and nanostructural properties of these agents; this will enrich the understanding of how the structural, biophysical and chemical properties of these bubbles impact their functionality. We produced microfluidic phospholipid-based MBs due to their favourable properties, such as biocompatibility and echogenicity, as well as the ability to modify the shell for targeting applications. We have drawn upon atomic force microscopy to conduct force spectroscopy and tapping-mode imaging investigations. We have, for the first time to our knowledge, been able to accurately quantify the thickness and lipid configuration of phospholipid-shelled MBs - showing a trilayer as opposed to the conventional monolayer structure. Furthermore, we have measured MB stiffness and employed different mechanical theories to quantify the Young’s modulus. We show that the Reissner theory is inappropriate for mechanical characterisation of phospholipid MBs, however, the Hertz model does offer biologically relevant comparisons. Analysis using the Alexander-de Gennes polymer brush theory has allowed us to provide new information regarding how the thickness of the polyethylene glycol brushes, end-grafted to our phospholipid microbubbles, changes with diameter

    Applications of Axiomatic Design in academic publications 2013-2018 : A Systematic Literature Review

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    Aksiomaattinen suunnitteluteoria on ollut kasvavan kiinnostuksen kohteena tiedeyhteisössĂ€ siitĂ€ lĂ€htien, kun Nam P. Suh esitteli teorian 1990-luvulla. SiitĂ€ huolimatta, ettĂ€ aiheesta on tehty runsaasti aktiivista tutkimusta (muun muassa vuotuinen aksiomaattiseen suunnitteluteoriaan keskittynyt konferenssi), kattavia kirjallisuuskatsauksia on kirjoitettu vĂ€hĂ€n. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus pyrkii osaltaan tĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn edellĂ€kuvattua aukkoa aksiomaattisen suunnitteluteorian tutkimuskentĂ€llĂ€, keskittyen julkaisuihin vuodesta 2013 vuoteen 2018. Tutkimus on kirjoitettu jatkumoksi vuonna 2010 tutkijoiden Kulak, Cebi & Kahmaran (2010) julkaisemalle kirjallisuuskatsakuselle. TĂ€mĂ€n vuoksi samankaltainen kategorisointi on implementoitu tĂ€hĂ€n tutkimukseen. Kategorisoinnin perusteina ovat kĂ€ytetty aksiooma, sovellutusalue, metodologia ja mÀÀrittelytyyppi. Sovellutusalueisiin on tĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa lisĂ€tty ’palvelut’ omana, uutena kategorianaan. TyössĂ€ esitellÀÀn lyhyesti aksiomaattinen suunnitteluteoria ja sen keskeiset osa- alueet, tĂ€rkeimpinĂ€ sunnnittelualueet, suunnitteluprosessi ja suunnitteluaksioomat. Metodologia-osiossa taustoitetaan systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen soveltamista tĂ€hĂ€n tutkimukseen ja kuvataan prosessin toteutus PRISMA-mallia kĂ€yttĂ€en. Tutkimustulokset kĂ€ydÀÀn lyhyesti lĂ€pi esimerkein kustakin kategoriasta. Tutkimusaineisto esitetÀÀn sekĂ€ lukuina, liitteenĂ€ ettĂ€ graaffeina. NĂ€itĂ€ kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimustuloksia verrataan varhemman tutkimuksen vastaaviin. Sovelletun aksiooman suhteen merkittĂ€viĂ€ muutoksia ei ole havaittavissa tĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen perusteella aikaisempaan kirjallisuuskatsaukseen verrattuna. Sovellutusaluessa, sitĂ€ vastoin, systeemisuunnittelun osuus on kasvanut merkittĂ€vĂ€sti edelliseen tutkimukseen verrattuna, kun taas ohjelmistosuunnittelun osuus on vastaavasti pienentynyt. Palvelusuunnittelun osuus on verrattain vaatimaton, joskin suurempi kuin esimerkiksi ohjelmistosuunnittelun. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen perusteella suositellaan jatkotutkimuksia erityisesti aksiomaattisen suunitteluteorian sovellutuksista ohjelmisto- ja palvelusuunnitteluihin sekĂ€ mahdollisista syistĂ€, miksi mainittujen sovellutusaljen osuus tutkimuskentĂ€ssĂ€ on pienehkö.Axiomatic Design theory has been gaining growing interest within a design community since introduced by Nam P. Suh in 1990s. Despite an active research within the field, including yearly international conferences of Axiomatic Design, there is not many literature reviews made of academic publications of Axiomatic Design. This research aims to fulfil previously described gap on secondary research of Axiomatic Design, focusing on papers published between 2013 and 2018. The study is a continuum to previous paper published by Kulak, Cebi & Kahmaran (2010). Therefore, similar categorization based on applied axiom, application area, methodology and evaluation type is applied in this research. In application area, ‘services’ have been added as a new category for this research. Results are compared with previous study. In findings, no siginificant change has happened in applied axiom, Independece axiom still being clearly more popular within academic publications. In application area, however, there are noticeable changes compared to the previous study. Share of system design has increased while softare design has significantly decreased. Future research is recommended to further explore specifically applications of Axiomatic Design in software and in services