289 research outputs found


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    The tremendous development of digital technology, it is mandatory to address the security while transmitting information over network in a way that observer couldn’t depict it. Measures to be taken to provide the security by establishing hidden communication using steganography principle which is help to camouflage the secret information in some carrier file such as text, image, audio and video. In this era of hidden data communication, image becoming an effective tool on account of their frequency, capability and accuracy. Image steganography uses an image as a carrier medium to hide the secret data. The main motive of this article is that the uses the combination of frequency domain and optimization method inorder to increasing in robustness. In this article, Integer Wavelet transform is performed into the host image and coefficients have been transformed. ACO optimization algorithm is used to find the optimal coefficients where to hide the data. Furthermore, sample images and information having been demonstrated which proved the increased robustness as well as high level of data embedding capacity

    Efficiency of LSB steganography on medical information

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    The development of the medical field had led to the transformation of communication from paper information into the digital form. Medical information security had become a great concern as the medical field is moving towards the digital world and hence patient information, disease diagnosis and so on are all being stored in the digital image. Therefore, to improve the medical information security, securing of patient information and the increasing requirements for communication to be transferred between patients, client, medical practitioners, and sponsors is essential to be secured. The core aim of this research is to make available a complete knowledge about the research trends on LSB Steganography Technique, which are applied to securing medical information such as text, image, audio, video and graphics and also discuss the efficiency of the LSB technique. The survey findings show that LSB steganography technique is efficient in securing medical information from intruder

    Transparent authentication methodology in electronic education

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    In the context of on-line assessment in e-learning, a problem arises when a student taking an exam may wish to cheat by handing over personal credentials to someone else to take their place in an exam, Another problem is that there is no method for signing digital content as it is being produced in a computerized environment. Our proposed solution is to digitally sign the participant’s work by embedding voice samples in the transcript paper at regular intervals. In this investigation, we have demonstrated that a transparent stenographic methodology will provide an innovative and practical solution for achieving continuous authentication in an online educational environment by successful insertion and extraction of audio digital signatures

    A Study of Data Security on E-Governance using Steganographic Optimization Algorithms

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    Steganography has been used massively in numerous fields to maintain the privacy and integrity of messages transferred via the internet. The need to secure the information has augmented with the increase in e-governance usage. The wide adoption of e-governance services also opens the doors to cybercriminals for fraudulent activities in cyberspace. To deal with these cybercrimes we need optimized and advanced steganographic techniques. Various advanced optimization techniques can be applied to steganography to obtain better results for the security of information. Various optimization techniques like particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithms with cryptography can be used to protect information for e-governance services. In this study, a comprehensive review of steganographic algorithms using optimization techniques is presented. A new perspective on using this technique to protect the information for e-governance is also presented. Deep Learning might be the area that can be used to automate the steganography process in combination with other method

    An Adaptive Image Encryption Scheme Guided by Fuzzy Models

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    A new image encryption scheme using the advanced encryption standard (AES), a chaotic map, a genetic operator, and a fuzzy inference system is proposed in this paper. In this work, plain images were used as input, and the required security level was achieved. Security criteria were computed after running a proposed encryption process. Then an adaptive fuzzy system decided whether to repeat the encryption process, terminate it, or run the next stage based on the achieved results and user demand. The SHA-512 hash function was employed to increase key sensitivity. Security analysis was conducted to evaluate the security of the proposed scheme, which showed it had high security and all the criteria necessary for a good and efficient encryption algorithm were met. Simulation results and the comparison of similar works showed the proposed encryptor had a pseudo-noise output and was strongly dependent upon the changing key and plain image.Comment: Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (2023
