4 research outputs found

    Opportunities for improving the processes of preparing legal acts by public authorities based on the process mining

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    The processes of creating legal acts must meet such criteria as transparency, controllability, compliance with regulations. However, currently the procedures are extremely bureaucratic, pre-planned and go through many instances during the preparation, approval and signing. Of course, most of these processes are necessary, time-tested and legally fixed. At the same time, there are operations that require optimisation, including due to their automation or robotisation. To identify them and ensure that the procedure meet the changing needs of the state, it is important to create conditions for continuous monitoring, timely identification and operational adaptation and optimisation of the rule-making activities of the authorities. In this regard, the issue of applying contemporary technologies and approaches to analysis and the formation of recommendations for improving proactive processes seems extremely relevant. The purpose of this study is to examine the currend specifics of the preparation of the legal acts by the federal executive authorities and to identify areas for this normative documents’ improvement based on the process mining. The research methods used were a literature review and the Russian legal framework analysis, a questionnaire survey and process modelling. The authors analyse how draft legal documents (government and presidential acts, federal laws) are developed in the Russian Federation. They demonstrate the need for a transition to smart management. Its principles will ensure efficiency and flexibility in the preparation of normative legal acts. The metrics for monitoring and controlling the execution of the relevant instructions are formulated and the prospects for the development of their information support as a result of the implementation of process mining technologies are highlighted

    Business process management (bpm) application through strategy, indicators and operations model (meio): a health service company case

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    Business Process Management (BPM) is an approach to analyze and improve main activities of a company continuously. It seeks consistent results aligned with the strategic objectives. There are several approaches to the application of BPM, which focus on specific aspects of the company, not meeting all their needs. The Strategy, Indicators and Operations Model (MEIO), developed by Müller (2003), compiles the fundamental points of each isolated approach, creating a single model. The objective of this work is to provide a step-by-step application of the BPM aspects of MEIO in a practical case: a reference company that provides health services. Also, it provides a framework for organizing and connecting the various components of a product or service to its value chain. Through MEIO, a general analyze of the Company under study was made and the process “payment of invoices from providers” was detailed. Improvements were suggested based on a deeper investigation of the activities involved. The results include: (i) creation of rules engine to validate the procedures to be launched according to coverage, shortage, and contract; (ii) receiving procedure and cost audits separately and; (iii) digitalization and automatization of repetitive and manual activities

    Business Process Management (BPM) application through strategy, indicators and operations model (MEIO) : a health service company case

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    Business Process Management (BPM) is an approach to analyze and improve main activities of a company continuously. It seeks consistent results aligned with the strategic objectives. There are several approaches to the application of BPM, which focus on specific aspects of the company, not meeting all their needs. The Strategy, Indicators and Operations Model (MEIO), developed by Müller (2003), compiles the fundamental points of each isolated approach, creating a single model. The objective of this work is to provide a step-by-step application of the BPM aspects of MEIO in a practical case: a reference company that provides health services. Also, it provides a framework for organizing and connecting the various components of a product or service to its value chain. Through MEIO, a general analyze of the Company under study was made andthe process “payment of invoices from providers” was detailed. Improvements were suggested based on a deeper investigation of the activities involved. The results include: (i) creation of rules engine to validate the procedures to be launched according to coverage, shortage, and contract; (ii) receiving procedure and cost audits separately and; (iii) digitalization and automatization of repetitive and manual activities

    Propuesta de mejora basada en la filosofía Lean Service para reducir el alto índice de merma de una tienda de conveniencia

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    Hoy en día las tiendas de conveniencia representan un modelo práctico de negocio en toda América Latina debido a que, existe una gran necesidad por la obtención de productos de primera necesidad de manera rápida y sencilla. Se sabe que las ventas en este modelo de negocio incrementaron hasta en un 6% durante el año 2018, manteniendo una tendencia similar hasta el día de hoy. Es necesario mencionar que estas tiendas de conveniencia, o también conocidas como Tiendas Retail, impulsan un crecimiento favorable al sector económico comercial, específicamente al comercio minorista, promoviendo en muchos casos la tasa de empleabilidad y oportunidad de negocios de emprendimientos similares. El presente proyecto busca centrarse en la identificación, análisis y propuesta de solución para uno de los principales problemas evidenciados en estas tiendas de conveniencia: alto índice de mermas de productos; representando grandes pérdidas económicas para la empresa en estudio. Para dicha serie de análisis se estarán utilizando herramientas de ingeniería, así como también un modelo innovador de solución, el cual está sostenido en la filosofía Lean Services y esquematizado bajo el framework PDCA, lo cual impactaría positivamente en la reducción de productos mermados. Eventualmente, se detallarán los resultados del plan piloto de la solución propuesta, con el fin de ahondar en la evaluación de los impactos administrativos, operativos y económicos principalmente; así como también, en otros negocios similares con el mismo problema, pudiendo estos replicar la mejora brindada en este estudio.Nowadays, convenience stores represent a practical business model throughout Latin America because there is a great need to obtain necessities quickly and easily. It is known that sales in this business model increased by up to 6% during 2018, maintaining a similar trend until today. It is necessary to mention that these convenience stores, or also known as Retail Stores, promote growth favorable to the commercial economic sector, specifically the retail trade, promoting in many cases the rate of employability and business opportunity of similar undertakings. This project seeks to focus on the identification, analysis, and solution proposal for one of the main problems evidenced in these convenience stores: high rate of product losses; representing great economic losses for the company under study. For this series of analyzes, engineering tools will be used, as well as an innovative solution model, which is based on the Lean Services philosophy and outlined under the PDCA framework, which would positively impact the reduction of depleted products. Eventually, the results of the pilot plan of the proposed solution will be detailed, in order to delve into the evaluation of the administrative, operational and economic impacts mainly; as well as in other similar businesses with the same problem, being able to replicate the improvement provided in this study.Tesi