1,904 research outputs found

    The analysis of convergence process of voivodships’ efficiency in Poland using the DEA metod

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    Since 1999 – when the new administrative division in Poland was introduced – it has been possible to measure and compare standard of living between Polish and other European regions (NUTS II). In 2004 Poland has joined the European Union. Since that year voivodships have become main beneficiaries of the EU funds. The essential part of that aid is related to the EU cohesion policy (convergence objective). According to the fifth cohesion report “cohesion policy has made a significant contribution to spreading growth and prosperity across the Union, while reducing economic, social and territorial disparitiesâ€. However, the differences in standard of living still remains significant between countries as well as between regions within one country. In many researches the level of welfare is measured using “classic†indicators (GDP per capita, GNI per capita, unemployment rate, etc.). In this paper the authors focus on the regional economies’ efficiency. The efficiency will be measured using the Data Envelopment Analysis. Due to the method used, the efficiency will be measured as relative in nature, i.e. will be compared between voivodships within the period of research. The goal of the paper is to analyze variety of relative voivodships’ efficiency in order to answer the question if the dispersion in efficiency is increasing or decreasing over time.

    Regional effectiveness of innovation – leaders and followers of the EU NUTS 0 and NUTS 2 regions

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    Innovation constitutes an important factor for growth in all EU countries. Regions of the EU play a principle role in shaping new innovation trajectories and in bringing out the hidden potential for national growth. However, it is not only the level of innovation that diversifies regions, but also the innovative potential and the level of its realization. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to assess the realization of innovative potential, defined as effectiveness, in EU NUTS 0 and, if possible, NUTS 2 regions. To accomplish this goal a relative effectiveness method in used. The DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) makes it possible to analyse the relative technical effectiveness based on regional inputs and outputs, without incorporating the legal and technological specifications of innovations, thus treating it like a production process. The inputs of the process are employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors and R&D expenditure, while the outputs include the number of patents and GDP. All variables are standardized by the size of the economically active population. DEA results divide regions in to two groups – effective, being the leaders; and ineffective, or followers. The DEA approach was combined and extended by ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis) in order to pinpoint spatial patterns of innovation efficiency across NUTS 2 regions. Defining the best practices and implementing the learning-from-the-best policy is important in the process of regional development and specialization

    Multicriteria ranking using weights which minimize the score range

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    Various schemes have been proposed for generating a set of non-subjective weights when aggregating multiple criteria for the purposes of ranking or selecting alternatives. The maximin approach chooses the weights which maximise the lowest score (assuming there is an upper bound to scores). This is equivalent to finding the weights which minimize the maximum deviation, or range, between the worst and best scores (minimax). At first glance this seems to be an equitable way of apportioning weight, and the Rawlsian theory of justice has been cited in its support.We draw a distinction between using the maximin rule for the purpose of assessing performance, and using it for allocating resources amongst the alternatives. We demonstrate that it has a number of drawbacks which make it inappropriate for the assessment of performance. Specifically, it is tantamount to allowing the worst performers to decide the worth of the criteria so as to maximise their overall score. Furthermore, when making a selection from a list of alternatives, the final choice is highly sensitive to the removal or inclusion of alternatives whose performance is so poor that they are clearly irrelevant to the choice at hand

    Measuring Eco-efficiency of Production: A Frontier Approach

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    Eco-efficiency of production is an important concept both from the viewpoint of society and business community; but as yet, there is no unambiguous way to its measurement. The purpose of this paper is to present a general measurement framework based on production theory and the activity analysis approach. Although we exploit the existing methods and techniques, our approach diverges essentially from the usual treatments of the environmental performance of firms in the productive efficiency analysis. The main difference between our approach and the earlier studies is that we build on the definition of eco-efficiency as the ratio of economic value added to the environmental damage index. Related to this orientation, we also approach eco-efficiency from a more aggregate perspective. Our general framework is illustrated by an empirical application to the evaluation of eco-efficiency of road transportation in Finland.Eco-efficiency, Environmental Pressures, Aggregation, Benefit of the Doubt Weighting, Distance Function, Activity Analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis, Road transportation

    Eco-Efficiency Analysis of Consumer Durables Using Absolute Shadow Prices

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    We develop a method for eco-efficiency analysis of consumer durables by utilizing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). In contrast to previous product efficiency studies, we consider the measurement problem from the perspective of a policy maker. The novel innovation of the paper is to measure efficiency in terms of absolute shadow prices that are optimized endogenously within the model to maximize efficiency of the good. Thus, the efficiency measure has a direct economic interpretation as a monetary loss due to inefficiency, expressed in some currency unit. The advantages as well as technical differences between the proposed approach and the traditional production-side methods are discussed in detail. We illustrate the approach by an application to eco-efficiency evaluation of Sport Utility Vehicles.Activity Analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Environmental efficiency, Product evaluation, Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs)

    Share Capital Increase Strategies and the Efficiency of Listed Companies – A Polish-German Comparative Analytical Study

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    The assessment of the efficiency of publicly-listed companies was conducted by means of the nonparametric DEA method, using measures oriented on input and constant returns-to-scale. The effects (results) are shown by means of the following ratios: return on sales, return on equity, and return on assets, whereas the inputs are illustrated by ratios of share capital dynamics, financing total assets by share capital and equity dilution.Ocena efektywności publicznych spółek giełdowych została przeprowadzona za pomocą nieparametrycznej metody DEA, z wykorzystaniem miar zorientowanych na nakłady oraz stałych efektów skali. Za efekty(wyniki) przyjęto współczynniki rentowności sprzedaży, kapitału własnego oraz aktywów całkowitych, zaś za nakłady uznano wskaźniki dynamiki kapitału zakładowego, sfinansowania majątku całkowitego kapitałem zakładowym oraz rozwodnienia kapitału własnego

    Technical efficiency of dairy farms : an empirical study of producers in Poland

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    Purpose: The main objective of this article was to determine the technical efficiency of Polish dairy farms in 2008-2017, taking into account the dependence on the herd size, the milk yield of cows and the effects of scale. Design/Methodology/Approach: The non-parametric DEA method based on the concept of border efficiency was used to assess technical efficiency. The research uses models assuming constant (CCR) and variable returns to scale (BCC). The source of the data was information collected by the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) in Poland. Data came from farms specializing dairying (type 45), with more than 15 cows. Findings: The results of the conducted research indicate a higher share of efficient farms using the model assuming variable returns to scale. The average efficiency ratio increased along with the increase in the size of the herd of cows and the improvement in the milk yields of cows. Practical Implications: The results of this study will be used to determine rationally the combination of inputs in dairy production. The result of these activities is an increase of efficiency and the use of economies of scale. The article clearly presents among which farm groups exists the lowest efficiency (cow herd size and milk yield). Originality/Value: The study fills a gap in approach methods to conducting research on dairy farm efficiency. On the one hand, the value of the article is built by the size of observation field, on the other – dairy farms classification by cow herd size and milk yield.peer-reviewe

    Improvement Of Discrimination Power And Weight Dispersion In Multi-Criteria Data Envelopment Analysis

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    Lack of discrimination power and poor weight dispersion remain major issues in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Since the initial multiple criteria DEA (MCDEA) model developed in the late 1990s, only goal programming approaches; that is, the GPDEA-CCR and GPDEA-BCC were introduced for solving the said problems in a multi-objective framework. Kekurangan keupayaan mendiskriminasi dan kelemahan pengagihan pemberat kekal sebagai isu utama dalam Analisis Penyampulan Data (DEA). Semenjak model DEA berbilang kriteria (MCDEA) pertama yang dibentuk pada akhir tahun 1990an, hanya pendekatan pengaturcaraangol; yakni, GPDEA-CCR dan GPDEA-BCC telah diperkenalkan bagi menyelesaikan masalah berkenaan dalam konteks berbilang kriteria

    Evaluating Greek equity funds using data envelopment analysis

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    This study assesses the relative performance of Greek equity funds employing a non-parametric method, specifically Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Using an original sample of cost and operational attributes we explore the e¤ect of each variable on funds' operational efficiency for an oligopolistic and bank-dominated fund industry. Our results have significant implications for the investors' fund selection process since we are able to identify potential sources of inefficiencies for the funds. The most striking result is that the percentage of assets under management affects performance negatively, a conclusion which may be related to the structure of the domestic stock market. Furthermore, we provide evidence against the notion of funds' mean-variance efficiency