21 research outputs found

    Convective boundary layer flow in generalized Newtonian nanofluid under various boundary conditions

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    The four mathematical models of boundary layer flow solved under different boundary conditions. The first problem considered the unsteady squeezing flow of the Carreau nanofluid over the sensor surface, where three different nanoparticles were suspended in the base fluid. A comparison of the results of suspended materials in liquids proved that increased surface permeability leads to increased heat transfer. The second problem described the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Darcy-Forchheimer model, which considers Maxwell nanofluids' flow. It was observed that an increase in the Biot number coefficient increased heat transfer. The third problem evaluated activation energy and binary reaction effect on the MHD Carreau nanofluid model. Buongiorno nanofluid model was applied to shear-thinning or pseudoplastic fluid over the pereamble surface. The relationship between the activation energy and chemical reaction is influential and controls heat transfer processes. The fourth problem analyzed the radiative Sutterby model over a stretching/shrinking sheet towards stagnation point flow. Dual solutions were found using the scaling group transformation, which was examined by a stability approach. Such a problem found an increment in the suction parameter, the Deborah number, and the nanoparticle volume fraction delayed the flow separation. The influence of various pertinent parameters on the velocity and temperature distributions has been presented. The most relevant results by the forceful impacts of thermo-physical properties on fluids were analyzed through this work. Modeled equations are based on the conservation laws under the boundary layer approximation. The similarity transformation method is used to convert the governing partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations. They are then solved using a numerical technique, known as the Runge�Kutta-Fehlberg method with shooting technique in the MAPLE 17 or bvp4c method in the MATLAB 2019a

    An interdisciplinary method for a generic vehicle routing problem decision support system

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose an interdisciplinary method for the logistics of transportation. It focuses on the design of a generic architecture for the vehicle routing problem (VRP). We highlight that human factors and dynamics aspects are generally ignored in the classical approaches to solve the vehicle routing problem. In our study, a link is done between methods of operations research (specific methods to solve vehicle routing problems and constraint programming techniques) and a work domain analysis technique coming from cognitive ergonomics. The proposed architecture allows to consider and to process the constraints identified by the work domain analysis during the problem resolution. It is also well adapted to the consideration of the Human as a main actor in the decision-making process

    Menu Planning Model for Malaysian Boarding School Using Self-Adaptive Hybrid Genetic Algorithms

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    Malnutrition problem is the gravest single threat to the world's public health today. Statistics have showed that the number of under-nourished and over-nourished children and adolescents is increasing day by day. Thus, proper menu planning process among menu planners or caterers is important to avoid some diet-related diseases in the hture. Manual calculation of menu planning is unable to consider macronutrients and micronutrients simultaneously due to complexities of data and length of time. In this study, self-adaptive hybrid genetic algorithm (SHGA) approach has been proposed to solve the menu planning problem for Malaysian boarding school students aged 13 to 18 years old. The objectives of our menu planning model are to optimize the budget allocation for each student, to take into consideration the caterer's ability, to llfill the standard recommended nutrient intake (RNI) and maximize the variety of daily meals. New local search was adopted in this study, the insertion search with delete-and-create (ISDC) method, which combined the insertion search (IS) and delete-and-create (DC) local search method. The implementation of IS itself could not guarantee the production of feasible solutions as it only explores a small neighborhood area. Thus, the ISDC was utilized to enhance the search towards a large neighborhood area and the results indicated that the proposed algorithm is able to produce 100% feasible solutions with the best fitness value. Besides that, implementation of self-adaptive probability for mutation has significantly minimized computational time taken to generate the good solutions in just few minutes. Hybridization technique of local search method and self-adaptive strategy have improved the performance of traditional genetic algorithm through balanced exploitation and exploration scheme. Finally, the present study has developed a menu planning prototype for caterers to provide healthy and nutritious daily meals using simple and fhendly user interface

    Розв’язання задачі маршрутизації з використанням модифікованого мурашино-клітинно-автоматного алгоритму

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    В даній роботі продемонстрована принципова можливість використання модифікованого мурашино- клітинно-автоматного алгоритму при оптимізації маршрутів руху транспортних засобів оптового торговельного підприємства у процесі розвезення продукції. Вирішення цієї проблеми сприятиме зниженню непродуктивних витрат ресурсів підприємств, а значить - підвищенню їх конкурентоспроможності. Для реалізації моделі було використано тестовий приклад з вісьма пунктами-споживачами вантажу та двома транспортними засобами необмеженої вантажопідйомності, які рухаються по дорогах деякого міста.В данной работе продемонстрирована принципиальная возможность использования модифицированного муравьино-клеточно-автоматного алгоритма при оптимизации маршрутов движения транспортных средств оптового торгового предприятия в процессе развозки продукции. Решение этой проблемы будет способствовать снижению непроизводительных затрат ресурсов предприятий, а значит - повышению их конкурентоспособности. Для реализации модели было использован тестовый пример с восемью пунктами-потребителями груза и двумя транспортными средствами неограниченной грузоподъемности, движущимися по дорогам некоторого города.The principal potentiality of using the ant colony optimization algorithm in optimizing the vehicle routs in the process of products delivery was demonstrated in this research. Solution of this problem will contribute to decrease of non-productive resources consumption of enterprises and thus - to increase of their competitiveness. To realize this model the test example with eight locations-consumers of the fright and two transportation means of unlimited carrying capacity moving about a certain city was used

    Використання інтелектуальної власності як основа ефективної інноваційної діяльності та підвищення конкурентного потенціалу підприємств

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    У статті показано значення інтелектуальної власності в досягненні підприємствами конкурентних переваг на світових ринках в сучасних умовах. Наведені підходи до поняття інтелектуальна власність, розглянуті об’єкти права інтелектуальної власності, а також законодавче регулювання цих понять в Україні. Проаналізовані позитивні наслідки використання ОПІВ та негативні ефекти як результат порушення цього права. Висвітлені шляхи комерціалізації інтелектуальної власності на основі вивчення світового досвіду. Проведений аналіз дозволив сформулювати напрямки можливих перетворень в Україні, спрямованих на підвищення наукового, інтелектуального, а відповідно і економічного потенціалу держави.В статье показано значение интеллектуальной собственности для достижения предприятиями конкурентных преимуществ на мировых рынках в современных условиях. Предложены трактовки понятия интеллектуальная собственность, рассмотрены объекты права интеллектуальной собственности, а также законодательное регулирование этих вопросов в Украине. Проанализированы позитивные результаты использования ОПИВ и негативные эффекты вследствие нарушения этого права. Показаны пути коммерциализации интеллектуальной собственности на основе изучения мирового опыта. Проведенный анализ позволил сформулировать направления возможных изменений в Украине, направленных на повышение научного, интеллектуального, а, следовательно, и экономического потенциала государства.The article shows the importance of intellectual property for enterprises to achieve competitive advantages in the world markets under current conditions. The article proposes some interpretations of the concept of intellectual property and reviews intellectual property rights, as well as the legal regulation of these rights in Ukraine. Positive results of the use of IPR and adverse effects as a result of violations of these rights were analyzed. The article shows the ways of commercialization of intellectual property based on the study of the world experience. The analysis made it possible to formulate directions of possible changes in Ukraine, aimed at improving the scientific, intellectual, and therefore the economic potential of the country

    An artificial bee colony algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem

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    This paper introduces an artificial bee colony heuristic for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem. The artificial bee colony heuristic is a swarm-based heuristic, which mimics the foraging behavior of a honey bee swarm. An enhanced version of the artificial bee colony heuristic is also proposed to improve the solution quality of the original version. The performance of the enhanced heuristic is evaluated on two sets of standard benchmark instances, and compared with the original artificial bee colony heuristic. The computational results show that the enhanced heuristic outperforms the original one, and can produce good solutions when compared with the existing heuristics. These results seem to indicate that the enhanced heuristic is an alternative to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.postprin

    Modelo de roteamento para coleta de leite cru utilizando algoritmos genéticos

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    The article examines the use of a metaheuristic method – genetic algorithms – for evaluating a model of routes for raw milk collection. A model was implemented based on real data, collected through fieldwork, following the method of the «traveling agent’s problem», using the toolbox of Matlab® genetic algorithm. The results show that the routes obtained with the implementation of the genetic algorithm are feasible in terms of time and visited nodes, demonstrating the potential of this tool. The costs obtained by this method differ from the current methods by about 3%, which is within the range reported in the literature.El artículo presenta la utilización de un método metaheurístico –algoritmos genéticos– para la evaluación de un modelo de rutas de recolección de leche cruda. Se implementó un modelo a partir de datos reales, recolectados por medio de trabajo de campo, siguiendo el método del «problema del agente viajero», usando el toolbox de algoritmos genéticos de Matlab®. Los resultados evidencian que las rutas obtenidas con la implementación del algoritmo genético son viables en cuanto a tiempo y nodos visitados, lo que demuestra el potencial de esta herramienta. Los costos obtenidos por este método difieren de los actuales en alrededor de 3%, valor que está dentro de los márgenes reportados en la literatura.O artigo mostra o uso de um método meta heurístico - algoritmos genéticos - para avaliar um padrão de rotas de coleta de leite cru. Foi implementado um modelo baseado em dados reais, coletados por meio de trabalho de campo, seguindo o método do "Problema do Caixeiro Viajante", usando os algoritmos genéticos da caixa de ferramentas Matlab®. Os resultados mostram que as rotas obtidas com a implementação do algoritmo genético são viáveis em termos de tempo e de nós visitados, demonstrando assim o potencial desta ferramenta. Os custos obtidos por este método diferem dos atuais em aproximadamente 3%, o que está dentro do intervalo referido na literatura