17,037 research outputs found

    Weak Coherent State Path Integrals

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    Weak coherent states share many properties of the usual coherent states, but do not admit a resolution of unity expressed in terms of a local integral. They arise e.g. in the case that a group acts on an inadmissible fiducial vector. Motivated by the recent Affine Quantum Gravity Program, the present article studies the path integral representation of the affine weak coherent state matrix elements of the unitary time-evolution operator. Since weak coherent states do not admit a resolution of unity, it is clear that the standard way of constructing a path integral, by time slicing, is predestined to fail. Instead a well-defined path integral with Wiener measure, based on a continuous-time regularization, is used to approach this problem. The dynamics is rigorously established for linear Hamiltonians, and the difficulties presented by more general Hamiltonians are addressed.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, accepted by J. Math. Phy

    Line defects and 5d instanton partition functions

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    We consider certain line defect operators in five-dimensional SUSY gauge theories, whose interaction with the self-dual instantons is described by 1d ADHM-like gauged quantum mechanics constructed by Tong and Wong. The partition function in the presence of these operators is known to be a generating function of BPS Wilson loops in skew symmetric tensor representations of the gauge group. We calculate the partition function and explicitly prove that it is a finite polynomial of the defect mass parameter xx, which is an essential property of the defect operator and the Wilson loop generating function. The relation between the line defect partition function and the qq-character defined by N. Nekrasov is briefly discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure; typos fixed, references corrected; version to be published in JHE

    Turning the Quantum Group Invariant XXZ Spin-Chain Hermitian: A Conjecture on the Invariant Product

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    This is a continuation of a previous joint work with Robert Weston on the quantum group invariant XXZ spin-chain (math-ph/0703085). The previous results on quasi-Hermiticity of this integrable model are briefly reviewed and then connected with a new construction of an inner product with respect to which the Hamiltonian and the representation of the Temperley-Lieb algebra become Hermitian. The approach is purely algebraic, one starts with the definition of a positive functional over the Temperley-Lieb algebra whose values can be computed graphically. Employing the Gel'fand-Naimark-Segal (GNS) construction for C*-algebras a self-adjoint representation of the Temperley-Lieb algebra is constructed when the deformation parameter q lies in a special section of the unit circle. The main conjecture of the paper is the unitary equivalence of this GNS representation with the representation obtained in the previous paper employing the ideas of PT-symmetry and quasi-Hermiticity. An explicit example is presented.Comment: 12 page

    Spontaneous breakdown of Lorentz symmetry in scalar QED with higher order derivatives

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    Scalar QED is studied with higher order derivatives for the scalar field kinetic energy. A local potential is generated for the gauge field due to the covariant derivatives and the vacuum with non-vanishing expectation value for the scalar field and the vector potential is constructed in the leading order saddle point expansion. This vacuum breaks the global gauge and Lorentz symmetry spontaneously. The unitarity of time evolution is assured in the physical, positive norm subspace and the linearized equations of motion are calculated. Goldstone theorem always keeps the radiation field massless. A particular model is constructed where the the full set of standard Maxwell equations is recovered on the tree level thereby relegating the effects of broken Lorentz symmetry to the level of radiative corrections.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Random words, quantum statistics, central limits, random matrices

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    Recently Tracy and Widom conjectured [math.CO/9904042] and Johansson proved [math.CO/9906120] that the expected shape \lambda of the semi-standard tableau produced by a random word in k letters is asymptotically the spectrum of a random traceless k by k GUE matrix. In this article we give two arguments for this fact. In the first argument, we realize the random matrix itself as a quantum random variable on the space of random words, if this space is viewed as a quantum state space. In the second argument, we show that the distribution of \lambda is asymptotically given by the usual local limit theorem, but the resulting Gaussian is disguised by an extra polynomial weight and by reflecting walls. Both arguments more generally apply to an arbitrary finite-dimensional representation V of an arbitrary simple Lie algebra g. In the original question, V is the defining representation of g = su(k).Comment: 11 pages. Minor changes suggested by the refere

    A rigorous path integral for quantum spin using flat-space Wiener regularization

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    Adapting ideas of Daubechies and Klauder [J. Math. Phys. {\bf 26} (1985) 2239] we derive a rigorous continuum path-integral formula for the semigroup generated by a spin Hamiltonian. More precisely, we use spin-coherent vectors parametrized by complex numbers to relate the coherent representation of this semigroup to a suitable Schr\"odinger semigroup on the Hilbert space L2(R2)L^2(R^2) of Lebesgue square-integrable functions on the Euclidean plane R2R^2. The path-integral formula emerges from the standard Feynman-Kac-It\^o formula for the Schr\"odinger semigroup in the ultra-diffusive limit of the underlying Brownian bridge on R2R^2. In a similar vein, a path-integral formula can be constructed for the coherent representation of the unitary time evolution generated by the spin Hamiltonian.Comment: revised versio

    Topological BF Theories in 3 and 4 Dimensions

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    In this paper we discuss topological BF theories in 3 and 4 dimensions. Observables are associated to ordinary knots and links (in 3 dimensions) and to 2-knots (in 4 dimensions). The vacuum expectation values of such observables give a wide range of invariants. Here we consider mainly the 3-dimensional case, where these invariants include Alexander polynomials, HOMFLY polynomials and Kontsevich integrals.Comment: 25 pages, latex, no figures. Transmission problems have been solve
