8 research outputs found

    Assessment of Multi-Criteria Preference Measurement Methods for a Dynamic Environment

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    Multi-criteria decision analysis is required in various domains where decision making reoccurs as part of a longer-term process. When the decision context changes or the preferences evolve due to process dynamics, one-shot preference measurement is not sufficient to build an adequate basis for decision making. Process dynamics require taking into account the dimension of time. We investigate six interactive preference measurement methods providing the possibility to assess alternatives in terms of utility for an individual decision maker, whether they are suitable for dynamic preference adjustment. We use a mixed-methods approach to analyse them towards 1) requirements for a dynamic method, and 2) their efficiency, validity, and complexity. Our results show that the best method to be further developed for dynamic context is Adaptive Self-Explication slightly preferable over Pre-Sorted Self-Explication. Our assessment implicates that an extension of the Adaptive Self-Explication will enable efficient dynamic decision support

    Long Waiting Times for Elective Hospital Care – Breaking the Vicious Circle by Abandoning Prioritisation

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    Background: Policies assigning low-priority patients treatment delays for care, in order to make room for patients of higher priority arriving later, are common in secondary healthcare services today. Alternatively, each new patient could be granted the first available appointment. We aimed to investigate whether prioritisation can be part of the reason why waiting times for care are often long, and to describe how departments can improve their waiting situation by changing away from prioritisation. Methods: We used patient flow data from 2015 at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Haukeland University Hospital, Norway. In Dynaplan Smia, Dynaplan AS, dynamic simulations were used to compare how waiting time, size and shape of the waiting list, and capacity utilisation developed with and without prioritisation. Simulations were started from the actual waiting list at the beginning of 2015, and from an empty waiting list (simulating a new department with no initial patient backlog).Results: From an empty waiting list and with capacity equal to demand, waiting times were built 7 times longer when prioritising than when not. Prioritisation also led to poor resource utilisation and short-lived effects of extra capacity. Departments where prioritisation is causing long waits can improve their situation by temporarily bringing capacity above demand and introducing “first come, first served” instead of prioritisation. Conclusion: A poor appointment allocation policy can build long waiting times, even when capacity is sufficient to meet demand. By bringing waiting times down and going away from prioritisation, the waiting list size and average waiting times at the studied department could be maintained almost 90% below the current level – without requiring permanent change in the capacity/demand ratio

    Developing A Personal Decision Support Tool for Hospital Capacity Assessment and Querying

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    This article showcases a personal decision support tool (PDST) called HOPLITE, for performing insightful and actionable quantitative assessments of hospital capacity, to support hospital planners and health care managers. The tool is user-friendly and intuitive, automates tasks, provides instant reporting, and is extensible. It has been developed as an Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) due to its perceived ease of deployment, ease of use, Office's vast installed userbase, and extensive legacy in business. The methodology developed in this article bridges the gap between mathematical theory and practice, which our inference suggests, has restricted the uptake and or development of advanced hospital planning tools and software. To the best of our knowledge, no personal decision support tool (PDST) has yet been created and installed within any existing hospital IT systems, to perform the aforementioned tasks. This article demonstrates that the development of a PDST for hospitals is viable and that optimization methods can be embedded quite simply at no cost. The results of extensive development and testing indicate that HOPLITE can automate many nuanced tasks. Furthermore, there are few limitations and only minor scalability issues with the application of free to use optimization software. The functionality that HOPLITE provides may make it easier to calibrate hospitals strategically and/or tactically to demands. It may give hospitals more control over their case-mix and their resources, helping them to operate more proactively and more efficiently.Comment: 33 pages, 11 tables, 17 figure

    An integrated decision analytic framework of machine learning with multi-criteria decision making for patient prioritization in elective surgeries

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    Objectif: De nombreux centres de santĂ© Ă  travers le monde utilisent des critĂšres d'Ă©valuation des prĂ©fĂ©rences cliniques (CPAC) pour donner la prioritĂ© aux patients pour accĂ©der aux chirurgies Ă©lectives. Le processus de priorisation clinique du patient utilise Ă  cette fin les caractĂ©ristiques du patient et se compose gĂ©nĂ©ralement de critĂšres cliniques, d'expĂ©riences de patients prĂ©cĂ©demment hospitalisĂ©s et de commentaires sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux. Le but de la hiĂ©rarchisation des patients est de dĂ©terminer un ordre prĂ©cis pour les patients et de dĂ©terminer combien chaque patient bĂ©nĂ©ficiera de la chirurgie. En d'autres termes, la hiĂ©rarchisation des patients est un type de problĂšme de prise de dĂ©cision qui dĂ©termine l'ordre de ceux qui ont le plus bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de la chirurgie. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thodologie hybride en intĂ©grant des algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique et des techniques de prise de dĂ©cision multicritĂšres (MCDM) afin de dĂ©velopper un nouveau modĂšle de priorisation des patients. L'hypothĂšse principale est de valider le fait que l'intĂ©gration d'algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique et d'outils MCDM est capable de mieux prioriser les patients en chirurgie Ă©lective et pourrait conduire Ă  une plus grande prĂ©cision. MĂ©thode: Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thodologie hybride en intĂ©grant des algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique et des techniques de prise de dĂ©cision multicritĂšres (MCDM) afin de dĂ©velopper un modĂšle prĂ©cis de priorisation des patients. Dans un premier temps, une revue de la littĂ©rature sera effectuĂ©e dans diffĂ©rentes bases de donnĂ©es pour identifier les mĂ©thodes rĂ©cemment dĂ©veloppĂ©es ainsi que les facteurs de risque / attributs les plus courants dans la hiĂ©rarchisation des patients. Ensuite, en utilisant diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes MCDM telles que la pondĂ©ration additive simple (SAW), le processus de hiĂ©rarchie analytique (AHP) et VIKOR, l'Ă©tiquette appropriĂ©e pour chaque patient sera dĂ©terminĂ©e. Dans la troisiĂšme Ă©tape, plusieurs algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique seront appliquĂ©s pour deux raisons: d'abord la sĂ©lection des caractĂ©ristiques parmi les caractĂ©ristiques communes identifiĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature et ensuite pour prĂ©dire les classes de patients initialement dĂ©terminĂ©s. Enfin, les mesures dĂ©taillĂ©es des performances de prĂ©diction des algorithmes pour chaque mĂ©thode seront dĂ©terminĂ©es. RĂ©sultats: Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l'approche proposĂ©e a atteint une prĂ©cision de priorisation assez Ă©levĂ©e(~70 %). Cette prĂ©cision a Ă©tĂ© obtenue sur la base des donnĂ©es de 300 patients et elle pourrait ĂȘtre considĂ©rablement amĂ©liorĂ©e si nous avions accĂšs Ă  plus de donnĂ©es rĂ©elles Ă  l'avenir. À notre connaissance, cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente la premiĂšre et la plus importante du genre Ă  combiner efficacement les mĂ©thodes MCDM avec des algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique dans le problĂšme de priorisation des patients en chirurgie Ă©lective.Objective: Many healthcare centers worldwide use Clinical Preference Assessment criteria (CPAC) to prioritize patients for accessing elective surgeries [44]. The patient's clinical prioritization process uses patient characteristics for this purpose and usually consists of clinical criteria, experiences of patients who have been previously hospitalized, and comments on social media. The sense of patient prioritization is to determine an accurate ordering for patients and how much each patient will benefit from the surgery. This research intends to build a hybrid approach for creating a new patient prioritizing model by combining machine learning algorithms with multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodologies. The central hypothesis is to validate that the integration of machine learning algorithms and MCDM tools can better prioritize elective surgery patients and lead to higher accuracy. Method: As a first step, a literature review was performed in different databases to identify the recently developed methods and the most common criteria in patient prioritization. Then, using various MCDM methods, including simple additive weighting (SAW), analytical hierarchy process (AHP), and VIKOR, the appropriate label for each patient was determined. As the third step, several machine learning algorithms were applied to predict each patient's classes. Finally, we established the algorithms' precise prediction performance metrics for each approach. Results: The results show that the proposed approach has achieved relatively high prioritization accuracy (~70%). This accuracy has been obtained based on the data from 300 patients, and it could be significantly improved if we have access to more accurate data in the future. To the best of our knowledge, this research is the first of its type to demonstrate the effectiveness of combining MCDM methodologies with machine learning algorithms in patient prioritization problems in elective surgery

    Prioritization of patients' access to health care services

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    L'accĂšs aux services de santĂ© et les longs dĂ©lais d'attente sont l’un des principaux problĂšmes dans la plupart des pays du monde, dont le Canada et les États-Unis. Les organismes de soins de santĂ© ne peuvent pas augmenter leurs ressources limitĂ©es, ni traiter tous les patients simultanĂ©ment. C'est pourquoi une attention particuliĂšre doit ĂȘtre portĂ©e Ă  la priorisation d'accĂšs des patients aux services, afin d’optimiser l’utilisation de ces ressources limitĂ©es et d’assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© des patients. En fait, la priorisation des patients est une pratique essentielle, mais oubliĂ©e dans les systĂšmes de soins de santĂ© Ă  l'Ă©chelle internationale. Les principales problĂ©matiques que l’on retrouve dans la priorisation des patients sont: la prise en considĂ©ration de plusieurs critĂšres conflictuels, les donnĂ©es incomplĂštes et imprĂ©cises, les risques associĂ©s qui peuvent menacer la vie des patients durant leur mise sur les listes d'attente, les incertitudes prĂ©sentes dans les dĂ©cisions des cliniciens et patients, impliquant l'opinion des groupes de dĂ©cideurs, et le comportement dynamique du systĂšme. La priorisation inappropriĂ©e des patients en attente de traitement a une incidence directe sur l’inefficacitĂ© des prestations de soins de santĂ©, la qualitĂ© des soins, et surtout sur la sĂ©curitĂ© des patients et leur satisfaction. InspirĂ©s par ces faits, dans cette thĂšse, nous proposons de nouveaux cadres hybrides pour prioriser les patients en abordant un certain nombre de principales lacunes aux mĂ©thodes proposĂ©es et utilisĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature et dans la pratique. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, nous considĂ©rons tout d'abord la prise de dĂ©cision collective incluant les multiples critĂšres de prioritĂ©, le degrĂ© d'importance de chacun de ces critĂšres et de leurs interdĂ©pendances dans la procĂ©dure d'Ă©tablissement des prioritĂ©s pour la priorisation des patients. Puis, nous travaillons sur l'implication des risques associĂ©s et des incertitudes prĂ©sentes dans la procĂ©dure de priorisation, dans le but d'amĂ©liorer la sĂ©curitĂ© des patients. Enfin, nous prĂ©sentons un cadre global en se concentrant sur tous les aspects mentionnĂ©s prĂ©cĂ©demment, ainsi que l'implication des patients dans la priorisation, et la considĂ©ration des aspects dynamiques du systĂšme dans la priorisation. À travers l'application du cadre global proposĂ© dans le service de chirurgie orthopĂ©dique Ă  l'hĂŽpital universitaire de Shohada, et dans un programme clinique de communication augmentative et alternative appelĂ© PACEC Ă  l'Institut de rĂ©adaptation en dĂ©ficience physique de QuĂ©bec (IRDPQ), nous montrons l'efficacitĂ© de nos approches en les comparant avec celles actuellement utilisĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats prouvent que ce cadre peut ĂȘtre adoptĂ© facilement et efficacement dans diffĂ©rents organismes de santĂ©. Notamment, les cliniciens qui ont participĂ© Ă  l'Ă©tude ont conclu que le cadre produit une priorisation prĂ©cise et fiable qui est plus efficace que la mĂ©thode de priorisation actuellement utilisĂ©e. En rĂ©sumĂ©, les rĂ©sultats de cette thĂšse pourraient ĂȘtre bĂ©nĂ©fiques pour les professionnels de la santĂ© afin de les aider Ă : i) Ă©valuer la prioritĂ© des patients plus facilement et prĂ©cisĂ©ment, ii) dĂ©terminer les politiques et les lignes directrices pour la priorisation et planification des patients, iii) gĂ©rer les listes d'attente plus adĂ©quatement, vi) diminuer le temps nĂ©cessaire pour la priorisation des patients, v) accroĂźtre l'Ă©quitĂ© et la justice entre les patients, vi) diminuer les risques associĂ©s Ă  l’attente sur les listes pour les patients, vii) envisager l'opinion de groupe de dĂ©cideurs dans la procĂ©dure de priorisation pour Ă©viter les biais possibles dans la prise de dĂ©cision, viii) impliquer les patients et leurs familles dans la procĂ©dure de priorisation, ix) gĂ©rer les incertitudes prĂ©sentes dans la procĂ©dure de prise de dĂ©cision, et finalement x) amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des soins.Access to health care services and long waiting times are one of the main issues in most of the countries including Canada and the United States. Health care organizations cannot increase their limited resources nor treat all patients simultaneously. Then, patients’ access to these services should be prioritized in a way that best uses the scarce resources, and to ensure patients’ safety. In fact, patients’ prioritization is an essential but forgotten practice in health care systems internationally. Some challenging aspects in patients’ prioritization problem are: considering multiple conflicting criteria, incomplete and imprecise data, associated risks that threaten patients on waiting lists, uncertainties in clinicians’ decisions, involving a group of decision makers’ opinions, and health system’s dynamic behavior. Inappropriate prioritization of patients waiting for treatment, affects directly on inefficiencies in health care delivery, quality of care, and most importantly on patients’ safety and their satisfaction. Inspired by these facts, in this thesis, we propose novel hybrid frameworks to prioritize patients by addressing a number of main shortcomings of current prioritization methods in the literature and in practice. Specifically, we first consider group decision-making, multiple prioritization criteria, these criteria’s importance weights and their interdependencies in the patients’ prioritization procedure. Then, we work on involving associated risks that threaten patients on waiting lists and handling existing uncertainties in the prioritization procedure with the aim of improving patients’ safety. Finally, we introduce a comprehensive framework focusing on all previously mentioned aspects plus involving patients in the prioritization, and considering dynamic aspects of the system in the patients’ prioritization. Through the application of the proposed comprehensive framework in the orthopedic surgery ward at Shohada University Hospital, and in an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) clinical program called PACEC at the Institute for Disability Rehabilitation in Physics of QuĂ©bec (IRDPQ), we show the effectiveness of our approaches comparing the currently used ones. The implementation results prove that this framework could be adopted easily and effectively in different health care organizations. Notably, clinicians that participated in the study concluded that the framework produces a precise and reliable prioritization that is more effective than the currently in use prioritization methods. In brief, the results of this thesis could be beneficial for health care professionals to: i) evaluate patients’ priority more accurately and easily, ii) determine policies and guidelines for patients’ prioritization and scheduling, iii) manage waiting lists properly, vi) decrease the time required for patients’ prioritization, v) increase equity and justice among patients, vi) diminish risks that could threaten patients during waiting time, vii) consider all of the decision makers’ opinions in the prioritization procedure to prevent possible biases in the decision-making procedure, viii) involve patients and their families in the prioritization procedure, ix) handle available uncertainties in the decision-making procedure, and x) increase quality of care

    Exploration des déterminants de l'implantation d'un outil d'aide à la priorisation de patients au sein de programmes de réadaptation

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    L’accĂšs aux services de rĂ©adaptation est compromis par de longs dĂ©lais d’attente. La priorisation est une mĂ©thode utilisĂ©e pour classer des patients selon des critĂšres permettant d’évaluer la prioritĂ© relative de chacun dans la liste l’attente. Les outils d’aide Ă  la priorisation (OAP) reprĂ©sentent une solution innovante qui peut s’appliquer pour les patients en attente de services de rĂ©adaptation et ainsi favoriser un accĂšs plus Ă©quitable aux services de rĂ©adaptation. Le but de ce projet Ă©tait d’explorer les dĂ©terminants de l’implantation d’un OAP au sein de programmes de rĂ©adaptation. L’outil de priorisation a Ă©tĂ© adaptĂ© au contexte de deux programmes de rĂ©adaptation grĂące Ă  l’utilisation d’une mĂ©thode de consensus auprĂšs de plusieurs parties prenantes. Au terme des consultations avec les patients, les cliniciens et les gestionnaires de ces programmes de rĂ©adaptation, dix critĂšres de priorisation par programme ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s par consensus comme Ă©tant importants Ă  considĂ©rer. Un prototype de l’outil a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© et proposĂ© Ă  chacun des milieux cliniques. Puis, d’autres consultations ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es auprĂšs des prestataires de services afin de recueillir les perceptions quant aux dĂ©terminants de l’implantation de l’outil dans les milieux cliniques. À l’aide de deux questionnaires et de groupes de discussion, les cliniciens et les gestionnaires ont nommĂ©s une grande variĂ©tĂ© de facilitateurs et obstacles Ă  l’implantation de l’OAP, soit par rapport Ă  des caractĂ©ristiques de l’outil, des individus impliquĂ©s et de l’environnement.Access to rehabilitation services can be compromised by problems of excessive wait times before receiving these services. Waiting lists are used to control resources and to ensure equitable and fair access to health services, the order of patients should be determined according to a relative priority. Prioritization is a method of ranking patients according to criteria evaluating the relative priority of each patient. Patient prioritization tools (PPTs) represent an innovative solution that can be applied to patients waiting for rehabilitation services and thus would promote more equitable access to rehabilitation services. The aim of this project was to explore the determinants for implementation of a PPT in rehabilitation settings. The tool was adapted to the context of two rehabilitation programs through the use of a multi-stakeholder consensus method. After consultations with patients, clinicians and managers of these rehabilitation programs, ten prioritization criteria by program were identified by consensus as important to consider. A prototype of the tool was developed and proposed to each of the clinical settings. Then, further consultations were conducted with service providers to collect perceptions about the determinants of implementation of the tool in clinical settings. Using two questionnaires and focus groups, clinicians and managers identified a wide variety of facilitators and barriers to the implementation of PPT, related to characteristics of the tool, individuals involved and the environment

    Développement d'une modalité de soutien pour les parents en situation de vulnérabilité socioéconomique dans le développement de leur enfant de moins de cinq ans

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    Au QuĂ©bec, le tiers des enfants en situation de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© socioĂ©conomique (SVSE) commence la maternelle avec un retard dans au moins un domaine de dĂ©veloppement. Les retards de dĂ©veloppement (RD) peuvent engendrer des consĂ©quences nĂ©gatives sur l’enfant, sa famille et la sociĂ©tĂ©. Les interventions prĂ©coces et de soutien aux parents peuvent contribuer Ă  rĂ©duire les effets du statut socioĂ©conomique sur le dĂ©veloppement. Or, diffĂ©rentes barriĂšres rĂ©duisent l’accĂšs des familles en SVSE Ă  ces interventions. Cette recherche participative a pour but de co-dĂ©velopper un outil d’information pour soutenir les parents dans le dĂ©veloppement de leur enfant de moins de cinq ans adaptĂ© aux familles en SVSE. Les objectifs sont : 1) explorer les besoins d’information des parents en SVSE que pourrait combler un outil sur le dĂ©veloppement du jeune enfant ; 2) cibler les informations prioritaires Ă  aborder dans l’outil (contenu) ; 3) dĂ©terminer le format d’outil le plus appropriĂ© pour rejoindre ces familles. Des parents, des professionnels de la santĂ©, des intervenants communautaires, une gestionnaire et une conseillĂšre scientifique ont participĂ© Ă  un processus de prise de dĂ©cision en groupe structurĂ© avec la Technique de Recherche d’Informations par Animation d’un Groupe Expert(TRIAGE) pour dĂ©terminer en consensus le contenu et le format de l’outil. Ces participants et des experts externes ont Ă©tĂ© impliquĂ©s dans un processus itĂ©ratif de production, validation et modification de l’outil. En accord, les participants ont dĂ©cidĂ© de prĂ©senter des informations sur les signes d’alarme, la porte d’entrĂ©e des services, les ressources de soutien et les stratĂ©gies de stimulation de l’autonomie dans un outil prenant la forme d’une Ă©chelle croissance. L’outil peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme une nouvelle piste de solution pour contribuer Ă  prĂ©venir l’apparition et la progression des RD. Cette Ă©tude soutient l’utilisation de TRIAGE comme mĂ©thode participative de recherche permettant l’obtention d’un consensus en groupe.In Quebec, 33% of children from low socioeconomic families have a delay in at least one area of their development at kindergarten. Developmental delays (DD) are associated with negative consequences on the child, its family and the society. Early intervention and parent-based interventions can reduce the effect of socioeconomic status on child development. However, several barriers limit the access of low socioeconomic families to these interventions. The purpose of this participatory research study is to co-develop an educational tool adapted to low socioeconomic families that could inform parents on early child development and strengthen their capacity to create a stimulating home learning environment. The objectives were to 1) explore which parents unmet information needs could be addressed in a tool on early child development, 2) identify which parents’ unmet information needs should be addressed in priority in the tool (tool content) and 3) which format would be the most appropriate to reach our target population (tool format). Parents, pediatric health professionals, community workers, managers and scientific advisers participated in a two phases consensus-seeking process (Technique of Research of Information by Animation of a Group of Experts (TRIAGE)) to reach an agreement regarding the tool content and format. These participants and external experts collaborated in the iterative process of production, validation and modification of the first version of the tool. Participants unanimously decided to present information about red flags, referral resource, support resources and autonomy stimulation strategies on an original, appealing and accessible format of a life size growth chart ruler. The tool developed could be used in primary healthcare and community settings as an intervention to contribute to the prevention of developmental delays. This study reinforced the effectiveness of the TRIAGE method in enabling a group of different stakeholders to reach a consensu