7 research outputs found

    Heuristics for the Early/Tardy Scheduling Problem with Release Dates

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    In this paper we consider the single machine earliness/tardiness scheduling problem with di?erent release dates and no unforced idle time. We analyse the performance of several dispatch rules, a greedy procedure and a decision theory local search heuristic. The dispatch rules use a lookahead parameter whose value must be specified. We perform some experiments to determine an appropriate value for this parameter. The use of dominance rules to improve the solutions obtained by these heuristics is also considered. The computational results show that the use of the dominance rules can indeed improve the solution quality with little additional computational e?ort. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first analysis of heuristic performance for the early/tardy scheduling problem with release dates and no unforced idle time.scheduling, early/tardy, release dates, heuristics

    An Exact Approach to Early/Tardy Scheduling with Release Dates

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    In this paper we consider the single machine earliness/tardiness scheduling problem with di?erent release dates and no unforced idle time. The problem is decomposed into a weighted earliness subproblem and a weighted tardiness subproblem. Lower bounding procedures are proposed for each of these subproblems, and the lower bound for the original problem is then simply the sum of the lower bounds for the two subproblems. The lower bounds and several versions of a branch-and-bound algorithm are then tested on a set of randomly generated problems, and instances with up to 30 jobs are solved to optimality. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first exact approach for the early/tardy scheduling problem with release dates and no unforced idle time.scheduling, early/tardy, release dates, lower bounds, branch-and-bound

    A new dominance rule to minimize total weighted tardiness with unequal release dates

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We present a new dominance rule by considering the time-dependent orderings between each pair of jobs for the single machine total weighted tardiness problem with release dates. The proposed dominance rule provides a sufficient condition for local optimality. Therefore, if any sequence violates the dominance rule then switching the violating jobs either lowers the total weighted tardiness or leaves it unchanged. We introduce an algorithm based on the dominance rule, which is compared to a number of competing heuristics for a set of randomly generated problems. Our computational results indicate that the proposed algorithm dominates the competing algorithms in all runs, therefore it can improve the upper bounding scheme in any enumerative algorithm. The proposed time-dependent local dominance rule is also implemented in two local search algorithms to guide these algorithms to the areas that will most likely contain the good solutions. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    A new dominance rule to minimize total weighted tardiness with unequal release dates

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    We present a new dominance rule by considering the time-dependent orderings between each pair of jobs for the single machine total weighted tardiness problem with release dates. The proposed dominance rule provides a sufficient condition for local optimality. Therefore, if any sequence violates the dominance rule then switching the violating jobs either lowers the total weighted tardiness or leaves it unchanged. We introduce an algorithm based on the dominance rule, which is compared to a number of competing heuristics for a set of randomly generated problems. Our computational results indicate that the proposed algorithm dominates the competing algorithms in all runs, therefore it can improve the upper bounding scheme in any enumerative algorithm. The proposed time-dependent local dominance rule is also implemented in two local search algorithms to guide these algorithms to the areas that will most likely contain the good solutions. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Voraussicht zur Verbesserung der Zielerreichung bei prioritätsregelgesteuerter Produktion

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein umfassender Überblick zum Thema Voraussicht im Rahmen der Ablaufplanung gewährt. Zunächst werden die unterschiedlichen Verfahren aus allen Bereichen der Ablaufplanung dargestellt und klassifiziert. Darauf folgend werden neu entwickelte Verfahren vorgestellt, die als Repräsentanten ihrer Klassen zur Erweiterung von Prioritätsregeln eingesetzt werden können. Dabei handelt es sich um ein modulares Konzept, das es gestattet, die Einzelmechanismen in beliebiger Kombination einzusetzen. Zur Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit findet eine Untersuchung aller entwickelten Verfahren im Rahmen eines stochastisch dynamischen Job Shops mithilfe umfangreicher Experimente statt. Bestandteil dieser experimentellen Studie ist auch die Untersuchung der Wechselwirkungen der verschiedenen Voraussichtsmechanismen. Die Experimentergebnisse zeigen auf, dass Voraussicht in vielen Situationen zur Verbesserung der Zielerreichung eingesetzt werden kann und liefern zudem zahlreiche Erkenntnisse über den Einfluss der Systemparameter auf die Vorteilhaftigkeit der einzelnen Voraussichtsklassen