1,846 research outputs found

    The rectification and recognition of document images with perspective and geometric distortions

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    Partner selection in sustainable supply chains: a fuzzy ensemble learning model

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    With the increasing demands on businesses to operate more sustainably, firms must ensure that the performance of their whole supply chain in sustainability is optimized. As partner selection is critical to supply chain management, focal firms now need to select supply chain partners that can offer a high level of competence in sustainability. This paper proposes a novel multi-partner classification model for the partner qualification and classification process, combining ensemble learning technology and fuzzy set theory. The proposed model enables potential partners to be classified into one of four categories (strategic partner, preference partner, leverage partner and routine partner), thereby allowing distinctive partner management strategies to be applied for each category. The model provides for the simultaneous optimization of both efficiency in its use of multi-partner and multi-dimension evaluation data, and effectiveness in dealing with the vagueness and uncertainty of linguistic commentary data. Compared to more conventional methods, the proposed model has the advantage of offering a simple classification and a stable prediction performance. The practical efficacy of the model is illustrated by an application in a listed electronic equipment and instrument manufacturing company based in southeastern China

    Polysemy in Advertising

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    The article reviews the conceptual foundations of advertising polysemy – the occurrence of different interpretations for the same advertising message. We discuss how disciplines as diverse as psychology, semiotics and literary theory have dealt with the issue of polysemy, and provide translations and integration among these multiple perspectives. From such review we draw recurrent themes to foster future research in the area and to show how seemingly opposed methodological and theoretical perspectives complement and extend each other. Implications for advertising research and practice are discussed.Advertising;Polysemy;Semiotics

    Business Intelligence Through Personalised Location-Aware Service Delivery

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    Reliability Improvement On Feasibility Study For Selection Of Infrastructure Projects Using Data Mining And Machine Learning

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    With the progressive development of infrastructure construction, conventional analytical methods such as correlation index, quantifying factors, and peer review are no longer satisfactory in support for decision-making of implementing an infrastructure project in the age of big data. This study proposes using a mathematical model named Fuzzy-Neural Comprehensive Evaluation Model (FNCEM) to improve the reliability of the feasibility study of infrastructure projects by using data mining and machine learning. Specifically, the data collection on time-series data, including traffic videos (278 Gigabytes) and historical weather data, uses transportation cameras and online searching, respectively. Meanwhile, the researcher sent out a questionnaire for the collection of the public opinions upon the influencing factors that an infrastructure project may have. Then, this model implements the backpropagation Artificial Neural Network (BP-ANN) algorithm to simulate traffic flows and generate outputs as partial quantitative references for evaluation. The traffic simulation outputs used as partial inputs to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based Fuzzy logic module of the system for the determination of the minimum traffic flows that a construction scheme in corresponding feasibility study should meet. This study bases on a real scenario of constructing a railway-crossing facility in a college town. The research results indicated that BP-ANN was well applied to simulate 15-minute small-scale pedestrian and vehicle flow with minimum overall logarithmic mean squared errors (Log-MSE) of 3.80 and 5.09, respectively. Also, AHP-based Fuzzy evaluation significantly decreased the evaluation subjectivity of selecting construction schemes by 62.5%. It concluded that the FNCEM model has strong potentials of enriching the methodology of conducting a feasibility study of the infrastructure project

    Front Matter - Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications

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    Efficient tools and algorithms for knowledge discovery in large data sets have been devised during the recent years. These methods exploit the capability of computers to search huge amounts of data in a fast and effective manner. However, the data to be analyzed is imprecise and afflicted with uncertainty. In the case of heterogeneous data sources such as text, audio and video, the data might moreover be ambiguous and partly conflicting. Besides, patterns and relationships of interest are usually vague and approximate. Thus, in order to make the information mining process more robust or say, human-like methods for searching and learning it requires tolerance towards imprecision, uncertainty and exceptions. Thus, they have approximate reasoning capabilities and are capable of handling partial truth. Properties of the aforementioned kind are typical soft computing. Soft computing techniques like Genetic

    Polysemy in Advertising

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    The article reviews the conceptual foundations of advertising polysemy – the occurrence of different interpretations for the same advertising message. We discuss how disciplines as diverse as psychology, semiotics and literary theory have dealt with the issue of polysemy, and provide translations and integration among these multiple perspectives. From such review we draw recurrent themes to foster future research in the area and to show how seemingly opposed methodological and theoretical perspectives complement and extend each other. Implications for advertising research and practice are discussed

    Heuristic 3d Reconstruction Of Irregular Spaced Lidar

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    As more data sources have become abundantly available, an increased interest in 3D reconstruction has emerged in the image processing academic community. Applications for 3D reconstruction of urban and residential buildings consist of urban planning, network planning for mobile communication, tourism information systems, spatial analysis of air pollution and noise nuisance, microclimate investigations, and Geographical Information Systems (GISs). Previous, classical, 3D reconstruction algorithms solely utilized aerial photography. With the advent of LIDAR systems, current algorithms explore using captured LIDAR data as an additional feasible source of information for 3D reconstruction. Preprocessing techniques are proposed for the development of an autonomous 3D Reconstruction algorithm. The algorithm is designed for autonomously deriving three dimensional models of urban and residential buildings from raw LIDAR data. First, a greedy insertion triangulation algorithm, modified with a proposed noise filtering technique, triangulates the raw LIDAR data. The normal vectors of those triangles are then passed to an unsupervised clustering algorithm – Fuzzy Simplified Adaptive Resonance Theory (Fuzzy SART). Fuzzy SART returns a rough grouping of coplanar triangles. A proposed multiple regression algorithm then further refines the coplanar grouping by further removing outliers and deriving an improved planar segmentation of the raw LIDAR data. Finally, further refinement is achieved by calculating the intersection of the best fit roof planes and moving nearby points close to that intersection to exist at the intersection, resulting in straight roof ridges. The end result of the aforementioned techniques culminates in a well defined model approximating the considered building depicted by the LIDAR data

    The file naming habits of personal computer users

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    This study is an extension of research by J.M. Carroll (1982) on the naming of personal computer files. Eleven one-on-one interviews were conducted with both veteran and novice Personal Computer users to gain insights into the filenaming habits of individuals and the reasons for each of these naming behaviors. Randomly-selected filenames were examined both in isolation and within the context of other filenames, for morphological, lexical and semantic attributes and patterns; and evidence of the participants' purposes in employing each technique was obtained from the interview transcripts. The range of different filenaming strategies observed in this sample has implications for both the design of future measures of filenaming behavior, and of improved file management systems