17 research outputs found

    Multi-time-horizon Solar Forecasting Using Recurrent Neural Network

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    The non-stationarity characteristic of the solar power renders traditional point forecasting methods to be less useful due to large prediction errors. This results in increased uncertainties in the grid operation, thereby negatively affecting the reliability and increased cost of operation. This research paper proposes a unified architecture for multi-time-horizon predictions for short and long-term solar forecasting using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). The paper describes an end-to-end pipeline to implement the architecture along with the methods to test and validate the performance of the prediction model. The results demonstrate that the proposed method based on the unified architecture is effective for multi-horizon solar forecasting and achieves a lower root-mean-squared prediction error compared to the previous best-performing methods which use one model for each time-horizon. The proposed method enables multi-horizon forecasts with real-time inputs, which have a high potential for practical applications in the evolving smart grid.Comment: Accepted at: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2018), 7 pages, 5 figures, code available: sakshi-mishra.github.i

    Ensemble of radial basis neural networks with k-means clustering for heating energy consumption prediction

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    U radu je predložen i prikazan ansambl neuronskih mreža za predviđanje potrošnje toplote univerzitetskog kampusa. Za obučavanje i testiranje modela korišćeni su eksperimentalni podaci. Razmatrano je poboljšanje tačnosti predviđanja primenom k-means metode klasterizacije za generisanje obučavajućih podskupova neuronskih mreža zasnovanih na radijalnim bazisnim funkcijama. Korišćen je različit broj klastera, od 2-5. Izlazi članova ansambla su kombinovani primenom aritmetičkog, težinskog i osrednjavanja metodom medijane. Pokazano je da ansambli neuronskih mreža ostvaruju bolje rezultate predviđanja nego svaka pojedinačna mreža članica ansambla. PR Data used for this paper were gathered during study visit to NTNU, as a part of the collaborative project: Sustainable energy and environment in Western Balkans.For the prediction of heating energy consumption of university campus, neural network ensemble is proposed. Actual measured data are used for training and testing the models. Improvement of the prediction accuracy using k-means clustering for creating subsets used to train individual radial basis function neural networks is examined. Number of clusters is varying from 2 to 5. The outputs of ensemble members are aggregated using simple, weighted and median based averaging. It is shown that ensembles achieve better prediction results than the individual network

    ANFIS-based prediction of power generation for combined cycle power plant

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    This paper presents the application of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to predict the generated electrical power in a combined cycle power plant. The ANFIS architecture is implemented in MATLAB through a code that utilizes a hybrid algorithm that combines gradient descent and the least square estimator to train the network. The Model is verified by applying it to approximate a nonlinear equation with three variables, the time series Mackey-Glass equation and the ANFIS toolbox in MATLAB. Once its validity is confirmed, ANFIS is implemented to forecast the generated electrical power by the power plant. The ANFIS has three inputs: temperature, pressure, and relative humidity. Each input is fuzzified by three Gaussian membership functions. The first-order Sugeno type defuzzification approach is utilized to evaluate a crisp output. Proposed ANFIS is cable of successfully predicting power generation with extremely high accuracy and being much faster than Toolbox, which makes it a promising tool for energy generation applications

    Multistage ensemble of feedforward neural networks for prediction of heating energy consumption

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    Feedforward neural network models are created for prediction of heating energy consumption of a university campus. Actual measured data are used for training and testing the models. Multistage neural network ensemble is proposed for the possible improvement of prediction accuracy. Previously trained feed-forward neural networks are first separated into clusters, using k-means algorithm, and then the best network of each cluster is chosen as a member of the ensemble. Three different averaging methods (simple, weighted, and median) for obtaining ensemble output are applied. Besides this conventional approach, single radial basis neural network in the second level is used to aggregate the selected ensemble members. It is shown that heating energy consumption can be predicted with better accuracy by using ensemble of neural networks than using the best trained single neural network, while the best results are achieved with multistage ensemble

    An adaptive network-based approach for advanced forecasting of cryptocurrency values

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    This paper describes an architecture for predicting the price of cryptocurrencies for the next seven days using the Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). Historical data of cryptocurrencies and indexes that are considered are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Dominance (BTC.D), and Ethereum Dominance (ETH.D) in a daily timeframe. The methods used to teach the data are hybrid and backpropagation algorithms, as well as grid partition, subtractive clustering, and Fuzzy C-means clustering (FCM) algorithms, which are used in data clustering. The architectural performance designed in this paper has been compared with different inputs and neural network models in terms of statistical evaluation criteria. Finally, the proposed method can predict the price of digital currencies in a short time.Comment: 11 page

    An Integrated Multi-Time-Scale Modeling for Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Deep Learning

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    For short-term solar irradiance forecasting, the traditional point forecasting methods are rendered less useful due to the non-stationary characteristic of solar power. The amount of operating reserves required to maintain reliable operation of the electric grid rises due to the variability of solar energy. The higher the uncertainty in the generation, the greater the operating-reserve requirements, which translates to an increased cost of operation. In this research work, we propose a unified architecture for multi-time-scale predictions for intra-day solar irradiance forecasting using recurrent neural networks (RNN) and long-short-term memory networks (LSTMs). This paper also lays out a framework for extending this modeling approach to intra-hour forecasting horizons thus, making it a multi-time-horizon forecasting approach, capable of predicting intra-hour as well as intra-day solar irradiance. We develop an end-to-end pipeline to effectuate the proposed architecture. The performance of the prediction model is tested and validated by the methodical implementation. The robustness of the approach is demonstrated with case studies conducted for geographically scattered sites across the United States. The predictions demonstrate that our proposed unified architecture-based approach is effective for multi-time-scale solar forecasts and achieves a lower root-mean-square prediction error when benchmarked against the best-performing methods documented in the literature that use separate models for each time-scale during the day. Our proposed method results in a 71.5% reduction in the mean RMSE averaged across all the test sites compared to the ML-based best-performing method reported in the literature. Additionally, the proposed method enables multi-time-horizon forecasts with real-time inputs, which have a significant potential for practical industry applications in the evolving grid.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, under review for journal submissio

    Interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system for non-linear system prediction

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    A Novel Time Series Prediction Approach Based on a Hybridization of Least Squares Support Vector Regression and Swarm Intelligence

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    This research aims at establishing a novel hybrid artificial intelligence (AI) approach, named as firefly-tuned least squares support vector regression for time series prediction (FLSVR TSP ). The proposed model utilizes the least squares support vector regression (LS-SVR) as a supervised learning technique to generalize the mapping function between input and output of time series data. In order to optimize the LS-SVR's tuning parameters, the FLSVR TSP incorporates the firefly algorithm (FA) as the search engine. Consequently, the newly construction model can learn from historical data and carry out prediction autonomously without any prior knowledge in parameter setting. Experimental results and comparison have demonstrated that the FLSVR TSP has achieved a significant improvement in forecasting accuracy when predicting both artificial and real-world time series data. Hence, the proposed hybrid approach is a promising alternative for assisting decision-makers to better cope with time series prediction

    Comparative study of static and dynamic neural network models for nonlinear time series forecasting

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    During the recent decades, neural network models have been focused upon by researchers due to their more real performance and on this basis different types of these models have been used in forecasting. Now, there is this question that which kind of these models has more explanatory power in forecasting the future processes of the stock. In line with this, the present paper made a comparison between static and dynamic neural network models in forecasting the return of Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) index in order to find the best model to be used for forecasting this series (as a nonlinear financial time series). The data were collected daily from 25/3/2009 to 22/10/2011. The models examined in this study included two static models (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems or ANFIS and Multi-layer Feed-forward Neural Network or MFNN) and a dynamic model (nonlinear neural network autoregressive model or NNAR). The findings showed that based on the Mean Square Error and Root Mean Square Error criteria, ANFIS model had a much higher forecasting ability compared to other models

    Comparative study of static and dynamic neural network models for nonlinear time series forecasting

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    During the recent decades, neural network models have been focused upon by researchers due to their more real performance and on this basis different types of these models have been used in forecasting. Now, there is this question that which kind of these models has more explanatory power in forecasting the future processes of the stock. In line with this, the present paper made a comparison between static and dynamic neural network models in forecasting the return of Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) index in order to find the best model to be used for forecasting this series (as a nonlinear financial time series). The data were collected daily from 25/3/2009 to 22/10/2011. The models examined in this study included two static models (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems or ANFIS and Multi-layer Feed-forward Neural Network or MFNN) and a dynamic model (nonlinear neural network autoregressive model or NNAR). The findings showed that based on the Mean Square Error and Root Mean Square Error criteria, ANFIS model had a much higher forecasting ability compared to other models