Ensemble of radial basis neural networks with k-means clustering for heating energy consumption prediction


U radu je predložen i prikazan ansambl neuronskih mreža za predviđanje potrošnje toplote univerzitetskog kampusa. Za obučavanje i testiranje modela korišćeni su eksperimentalni podaci. Razmatrano je poboljšanje tačnosti predviđanja primenom k-means metode klasterizacije za generisanje obučavajućih podskupova neuronskih mreža zasnovanih na radijalnim bazisnim funkcijama. Korišćen je različit broj klastera, od 2-5. Izlazi članova ansambla su kombinovani primenom aritmetičkog, težinskog i osrednjavanja metodom medijane. Pokazano je da ansambli neuronskih mreža ostvaruju bolje rezultate predviđanja nego svaka pojedinačna mreža članica ansambla. PR Data used for this paper were gathered during study visit to NTNU, as a part of the collaborative project: Sustainable energy and environment in Western Balkans.For the prediction of heating energy consumption of university campus, neural network ensemble is proposed. Actual measured data are used for training and testing the models. Improvement of the prediction accuracy using k-means clustering for creating subsets used to train individual radial basis function neural networks is examined. Number of clusters is varying from 2 to 5. The outputs of ensemble members are aggregated using simple, weighted and median based averaging. It is shown that ensembles achieve better prediction results than the individual network

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