6 research outputs found

    Обнаружение движущихся целей с помощью многовзглядового одноантенного радиолокатора с синтезированной апертурой

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    В этой работе на основе общих уравнений, описывающих процесс формирования многовзглядовых изображений во временной области, получены формулы, описывающие смещение образов движущейся цели в предположении, что цель движется с постоянным вектором скорости.В цій роботі на основі загальних рівнянь, що описують процес формування багатопоглядових зображень у часовій області, отримано формули, що описують зміщення образів рухомих цілей у припущенні, що ціль рухається з постійним вектором швидкості.In this paper, formulas that describe the displacement of a moving target in SAR images are derived on the basis of the common equations of the multi-look SAR processing in time domain under the assumption that the target velocity vector is constant

    Real-time tracking of moving objects from scattering matrix in real-world microwave imaging

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    The problem of the real-time microwave imaging of small, moving objects from a scattering matrix without diagonal elements, whose elements are measured scattering parameters, is considered herein. An imaging algorithm based on a Kirchhoff migration operated at single frequency is designed, and its mathematical structure is investigated by establishing a relationship with an infinite series of Bessel functions of integer order and antenna configuration. This is based on the application of the Born approximation to the scattering parameters of small objects. The structure explains the reason for the detection of moving objects via a designed imaging function and supplies some of its properties. To demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed algorithm, various simulations with real-data are conducted

    A moving target velocity estimation method based on the MC-MASA SAR mode

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    Imaging position shift based on the multiple azimuth squint angles (MASA) mode is effective for target azimuth velocity estimation, whereas accuracy is low when target range velocity is high. In this paper, the estimation problem for both target azimuth and range velocities is considered based on the multi-channels MASA (MC-MASA) mode. Firstly, the acquisition geometry of MC-MASA mode and Doppler characteristics of a moving target are analyzed in detail, especially in squint mode. Then, for better moving target estimation, the stationary background clutter is removed using the displacement phase center antenna (DPCA) technique, and the failure in range velocity estimation with sequential SAR images is also discussed. Furthermore, a modified along-track interferometry (ATI) is proposed to preliminarily reconstruct the azimuth-and-range velocity map based on the MC-MASA mode. Since the velocity estimation accuracy is dependent on squint angle and signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR), the circumstances are divided into three cases with different iteration estimation strategies, which could expand the scene application scope of velocity estimation and achieve a high estimation accuracy along both azimuth and range directions. Finally, the performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by experimental results

    Joint shape and motion estimation from echo-based sensor data

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    2018 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Given a set of time-series data collected from echo-based ranging sensors, we study the problem of jointly estimating the shape and motion of the target under observation when the sensor positions are also unknown. Using an approach first described by Stuff et al., we model the target as a point configuration in Euclidean space and estimate geometric invariants of the configuration. The geometric invariants allow us to estimate the target shape, from which we can estimate the motion of the target relative to the sensor position. This work will unify the various geometric- invariant based shape and motion estimation literature under a common framework, and extend that framework to include results for passive, bistatic sensor systems

    A New MTI-SAR Approach Using the Reflectivity Displacement Method.

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    A new method for moving target detection, localization, and velocity estimation using SAR raw data is presented which allows the determination of the target's complete velocity vector. The paper gives a short description of the state of the art of moving target velocity measurements, introduces the RDM for stationary targets and its extension to the application for moving targets. It furthermore shows experimental results

    A New MTI-SAR-Approach Using the Reflectivity Displacement Method.

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    A new method for detection of moving targets (MI) is presented. It applies the reflectivity displacement method (RDM). Experimental results proves the consistency of this method