8 research outputs found

    A Nomadic Testbed for Teaching Computer Architecture

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    A nomadic laboratory or testbed, based on Raspberry Pi 3 computers and Arduino microcontrollers, has been developed in order to teach subjects related to computer architecture. The testbed can be transported to the classroom. Students can access it through the available network, which can be a wireless LAN, wired LAN o a custom network. The student can access without constraints to the platforms, therefore there are a wide range of possible experiments. This laboratory was used during 2017 for practical works in the course Introduction to Technology, and during 2018 in the course Computers Architecture at Universidad Nacional of Cuyo. Some of the experiments that are been carried out by students are: to explore and analyse the architecture of the computers through Linux commands, write and run programs on different programing languages, input and output operations through memory mapped addressing and isolated addressing, write interrupt service routines in order to service interrupts, multithreading programing, explore memory maps, CPU features, etc. This paper describes the testbed architecture, experiments performed by students in the mentioned subjects, present the students feedback, and describes the possible methods in order to integrate it to a remote laboratory.XVII Workshop Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A Nomadic Testbed for Teaching Computer Architecture

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    A nomadic laboratory or testbed, based on Raspberry Pi 3 computers and Arduino microcontrollers, has been developed in order to teach subjects related to computer architecture. The testbed can be transported to the classroom. Students can access it through the available network, which can be a wireless LAN, wired LAN o a custom network. The student can access without constraints to the platforms, therefore there are a wide range of possible experiments. This laboratory was used during 2017 for practical works in the course Introduction to Technology, and during 2018 in the course Computers Architecture at Universidad Nacional of Cuyo. Some of the experiments that are been carried out by students are: to explore and analyse the architecture of the computers through Linux commands, write and run programs on different programing languages, input and output operations through memory mapped addressing and isolated addressing, write interrupt service routines in order to service interrupts, multithreading programing, explore memory maps, CPU features, etc. This paper describes the testbed architecture, experiments performed by students in the mentioned subjects, present the students feedback, and describes the possible methods in order to integrate it to a remote laboratory.XVII Workshop Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A Nomadic Testbed for Teaching Computer Architecture

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    A nomadic laboratory or testbed, based on Raspberry Pi 3 computers and Arduino microcontrollers, has been developed in order to teach subjects related to computer architecture. The testbed can be transported to the classroom. Students can access it through the available network, which can be a wireless LAN, wired LAN o a custom network. The student can access without constraints to the platforms, therefore there are a wide range of possible experiments. This laboratory was used during 2017 for practical works in the course Introduction to Technology, and during 2018 in the course Computers Architecture at Universidad Nacional of Cuyo. Some of the experiments that are been carried out by students are: to explore and analyse the architecture of the computers through Linux commands, write and run programs on different programing languages, input and output operations through memory mapped addressing and isolated addressing, write interrupt service routines in order to service interrupts, multithreading programing, explore memory maps, CPU features, etc. This paper describes the testbed architecture, experiments performed by students in the mentioned subjects, present the students feedback, and describes the possible methods in order to integrate it to a remote laboratory.XVII Workshop Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A study of mobile phone ad hoc networks via bluetooth with different routing protocols

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    The growth of mobile computing is changing the way people communicate. Mobile devices, especially mobile phones, have become cheaper and more powerful, and are able to run more applications and provide networking services. Mobile phones use fixed cellular infrastructure such as base stations and transmission towers to enable users to share multimedia content and access the internet at any time or place. However, using the internet is costly. Therefore, one of the solutions is to create impromptu ad hoc networks to share information among users. Such networks are infrastructureless and self-organising, much like mobile ad hoc networks. This dissertation therefore investigates how mobile phones with low-power Bluetooth technology can be used to create ad hoc networks that connect mobile phones and allow them to share information. The mobile phones should be able organise themselves for multi-hop communication. Routing becomes important in order to achieve effciency in data communication. Several existing routing protocols were developed and evaluated for this network to determine how effciently they deliver data and deal with network disruptions such as a device moving out of transmission range. Representative routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networking, peer-to-peer networks and publish/subscribe systems were evaluated according to performance metrics defidened in the research, namely total traffc, data traffc, control traffc, delay, convergence time, and positive response. Prototypes for Nokia phones were developed and tested in a small ad hoc network. For practical networking setup, a simple routing protocol that uses the limited mobile phone resources effciently would be better than a sophisticated routing protocol that keeps routing information about the network participants

    Ubiquitous interaction on wireless mobile devices

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    Context-Aware Software

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    With the advent of PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), smart phones, and other forms of mobile and ubiquitous computers, our computing resources are increasingly moving off of our desktops and into our everyday lives. However, the software and user interfaces for these devices are generally very similar to that of their desktop counterparts, despite the radically different and dynamic environments that they face. We propose that to better assist their users, such devices should be able to sense, react to, and utilise, the user's current environment or context. That is, they should become context-aware. In this thesis we investigate context-awareness at three levels: user interfaces, applications, and supporting architectures/frameworks. To promote the use of context-awareness, and to aid its deployment in software, we have developed two supporting frameworks. The first is an application-oriented framework called stick-e notes. Based on an electronic version of the common Post-It Note, stick-e notes enable the attachment of any electronic resource (e.g. a text file, movie, Java program, etc.) to any type of context (e.g. location, temperature, time, etc.). The second framework we devised seeks to provide a more universal support for the capture, manipulation, and representation of context information. We call it the Context Information Service (CIS). It fills a similar role in context-aware software development as GUI libraries do in user interface development. Our applications research explored how context-awareness can be exploited in real environments with real users. In particular, we developed a suite of PDA-based context-aware tools for fieldworkers. These were used extensively by a group of ecologists in Africa to record observations of giraffe and rhinos in a remote Kenyan game reserve. These tools also provided the foundations for our HCI work, in which we developed the concept of the Minimal Attention User Interface (MAUI). The aim of the MAUI is to reduce the attention required by the user in operating a device by carefully selecting input/output modes that are harmonious to their tasks and environment. To evaluate our ideas and applications a field study was conducted in which over forty volunteers used our system for data collection activities over the course of a summer season at the Kenyan game reserve. The PDA-based tools were unanimously preferred to the paper-based alternatives, and the context-aware features were cited as particular reasons for preferring them. In summary, this thesis presents two frameworks to support context-aware software, a set of applications demonstrating how context-awareness can be utilised in the ''real world'', and a set of HCI guidelines and principles that help in creating user interfaces that fit to their context of use

    Context-aware software

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    With the advent of PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), smart phones, and other forms of mobile and ubiquitous computers, our computing resources are increasingly moving off of our desktops and into our everyday lives. However, the software and user interfaces for these devices are generally very similar to that of their desktop counterparts, despite the radically different and dynamic environments that they face. We propose that to better assist their users, such devices should be able to sense, react to, and utilise, the user's current environment or context. That is, they should become context-aware. In this thesis we investigate context-awareness at three levels: user interfaces, applications, and supporting architectures/frameworks. To promote the use of context-awareness, and to aid its deployment in software, we have developed two supporting frameworks. The first is an application-oriented framework called stick-e notes. Based on an electronic version of the common Post-It Note, stick-e notes enable the attachment of any electronic resource (e.g. a text file, movie, Java program, etc.) to any type of context (e.g. location, temperature, time, etc.). The second framework we devised seeks to provide a more universal support for the capture, manipulation, and representation of context information. We call it the Context Information Service (CIS). It fills a similar role in context-aware software development as GUI libraries do in user interface development. Our applications research explored how context-awareness can be exploited in real environments with real users. In particular, we developed a suite of PDA-based context-aware tools for fieldworkers. These were used extensively by a group of ecologists in Africa to record observations of giraffe and rhinos in a remote Kenyan game reserve. These tools also provided the foundations for our HCI work, in which we developed the concept of the Minimal Attention User Interface (MAUI). The aim of the MAUI is to reduce the attention required by the user in operating a device by carefully selecting input/output modes that are harmonious to their tasks and environment. To evaluate our ideas and applications a field study was conducted in which over forty volunteers used our system for data collection activities over the course of a summer season at the Kenyan game reserve. The PDA-based tools were unanimously preferred to the paper-based alternatives, and the context-aware features were cited as particular reasons for preferring them. In summary, this thesis presents two frameworks to support context-aware software, a set of applications demonstrating how context-awareness can be utilised in the ''real world'', and a set of HCI guidelines and principles that help in creating user interfaces that fit to their context of use

    A Networkless Data Exchange and Control Mechanism for Virtual Testbed Devices

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