1,099 research outputs found


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    Education represents one of the fundamentals of the social and economic environment in each and every society, even more in the current stage of development that involves higher educational levels for proper access to technologies. Depending on the specific level of education and training, people are able to find a suitable position in the society by integrating themselves into the labor market. The human potential within a region might be an essential element for embarking the area upon a positive trend in economic development. Without a doubt, the economic environment is primarily attracted to areas rich in human and material resources. Skilled human resources provide an edge especially as the share of the tertiary sector in the economy is becoming larger. Previous research were focused on determining the skill, knowledge and activities management and marketing specialists from the public and private - similarities and differences, selection schemes. A regional analysis of the educational system by taking into account the distribution of infrastructure and the educational categories within the structure of the active population could lead towards an “attractiveness chart†from this perspective. This paper aims to perform specific analyses for various types of infrastructure elements of the individual and integrated educational system in order to emphasize the educational capacity of each county. At the same time, on the basis of data on existing occupational groups in each county and by using the same method, counties can be ranked with respect to the materialized potential of the educational system. The outcomes of the study can be integrated into complex structural analyses, which underpin the public policies on education and employment of workforce and represent a possible approach of the infrastructure and outputs of a system. Organizational change and strategies for medium and long term are out coming of high technologies used by a skilled workforce. Romania is known less as a high-tech generation laboratory, but especially as the skilled workforce and highly qualified with outstanding creative and innovative skills reservoir. That is why the management of technological change should be understood in relationship with the workforce.

    The Impact of the 2007 European Cultural Capital in Sibiu: A long term perspective

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    This study of the impact of the European Cultural Capital in Sibiu in 2007 is part of an ongoing programme of research initiated by the European Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS) in 1999. This programme of research aims to examine the implementation and effects of this increasingly popular event throughout Europe. The European Capital of Culture staged in Sibiu during 2007 was a unique event. It was the first European Capital of Culture (ECOC) to be staged in one of the post-2004 EU accession countries, and it represented a major challenge in being staged just as Romania was joining the EU. The original evaluation report published in 2007 by ATLAS (Richards and Rotariu, 2007), indicated that the event programme had successfully met many of the short-term aims, attracting large numbers of visitors, increasing cultural participation and improving the image of the city in Romania and abroad. Measuring the other, often less tangible impacts of the event requires a longer-term monitoring strategy. ATLAS has therefore undertaken a continuous monitoring programme for the City of Sibiu over the past three years. This research includes a number of different elements:regular surveys of residents and visitors, analysis of tourism flows and other statistics, Interviews with stakeholders in the city, Data from the regular surveys carried out by ATLAS in other parts of Europe. This report provides a summary of some of the major findings of the research to date, mainly based on the resident and visitor surveys.European Cutural Capital; cultural tourism;

    Industrial Agglomerations and Clusters. The Textile and Textile Products Industry from Romania

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    The objective of this article is to identify the formal clusters and potential clusters from the textile and the textile products from Romania. The statistical method has been used to delimit the potential clusters. In addition, there have been studied all the available works and internal and international reports on Romania, having as topic this type of industrial organization. The research conclusions are the following: (1) there are two young formal clusters, holding the premises of a “triple helix”: Astrico North-East and TMV South-East; (2) the spreading of the textile organizations, next to the structure of formal clusters, suggests the possibility of the natural building of three clusters: a common one for the North Eastern and Eastern regions, another one for the Central region and the third for the North-Western and Western regions. With reference to the professional literature, this work brings the picture of the spatial distribution of the textile industry in Romania.cluster, textile industry, region, agglomeration.

    Tourist Information Centre in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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    This paper intend to present the authors’ point of view regarding the creation of a tourist information centre in the home town, Cluj-Napoca. The present situation regarding the tourist information centres at Romania’s level could and should be improved and Cluj-Napoca is among those cities which need such a centre. The structure of this centre and the involvement of interested stakeholders would be presented below, along with the importance of such a centre for Cluj-Napoca

    Ten years of cultural development in Sibiu: The European cultural capital and beyond

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    This study presents the results of a ten year monitoring programme on cultural and tourism development in the city of Sibiu. Over the ten year research period the programme expanded to cover a wide range of data sources, including resident and visitor surveys, stakeholder interviews and secondary statistical data. The research started at a fairly low level with studies of single events in the cultural agenda of Sibiu. The programme was significantly expanded in 2007 thanks to the staging of the European Capital of Culture in the city. Support from the ECOC allowed the scale of the research to be increased. Since 2007 the Lucian Blaga University has continued to collect data using its own resources. This study is unique as it is probably the first long-term study of the cultural and tourism development of a city in a former Socialist country in Central and Eastern Europe. The data in the current report build on and extend the analysis provided in the earlier report “The Impact of the 2007 European Cultural Capital in Sibiu: A long term perspective”, published in 2010. This research includes a number of different elements: regular surveys of residents and visitors, analysis of tourism flows and other statistics, Interviews with stakeholders in the city, Data from the regular surveys carried out by ATLAS in other parts of Europe. This report provides a summary of some of the major findings of the research to date, mainly based on the resident and visitor surveys.cultural tourism, European Cultural Capital, Sibiu

    Settlement history and sustainability in the Carpathians in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

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    As part of a historical study of the Carpathian ecoregion, to identify salient features of the changing human geography, this paper deals with the 18th and 19th centuries when there was a large measure political unity arising from the expansion of the Habsburg Empire. In addition to a growth of population, economic expansion - particularly in the railway age - greatly increased pressure on resources: evident through peasant colonisation of high mountain surfaces (as in the Apuseni Mountains) as well as industrial growth most evident in a number of metallurgical centres and the logging activity following the railway alignments through spruce-fir forests. Spa tourism is examined and particular reference is made to the pastoral economy of the Sibiu area nourished by long-wave transhumance until more stringent frontier controls gave rise to a measure of diversification and resettlement. It is evident that ecological risk increased, with some awareness of the need for conservation, although substantial innovations did not occur until after the First World War.The Carpathian ecoregion, Habsburg Empire, settlement history

    Internal Migration and Regional Population Dynamics in Europe: Romanian Case Study

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    The report analyses population migration and change in Romania over the period 1984-1994. The analysis of population change is conducted for 2948 communes and towns, the finest administrative division for which population data are available. The lack of migration data on the level of communes and towns makes in-depth analysis of the migration for small spatial units impossible. For that reason analysis of the patterns of migration is conducted for 40 Judete (also referred to as counties or regions) and the capital city of Bucharest, i.e. 41 units altogether. Council of Europe Publishing, F-67075 Strasbourg - Cedex, France


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    Research on internal migration can be divided into two directions: identifying itsdeterminants and/or assessing its consequences. Migration is bidirectional. i.e. can beaffected by and can affect socio-economic disparities within a country. On one hand, thedeterminants of internal migration can be numerous and their analysis is very complex and,on the other hand, migration should have, at least theoretically, some influence on incomeand unemployment convergence, i.e. disparities reduction. The objectives of this paper are toevaluate the level of internal migration in Romania using county data and to assess its impacton convergence, using various methods, both statistical and econometric. The main resultspoint out at: very low levels of migration and relative small differences among them, noinfluence of migration on GDP divergence and extremely low on unemployment convergence.internal migration, inequality indexes, convergence, non-linear model, panel data model