574 research outputs found

    The phonetics of second language learning and bilingualism

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    This chapter provides an overview of major theories and findings in the field of second language (L2) phonetics and phonology. Four main conceptual frameworks are discussed and compared: the Perceptual Assimilation Model-L2, the Native Language Magnet Theory, the Automatic Selection Perception Model, and the Speech Learning Model. These frameworks differ in terms of their empirical focus, including the type of learner (e.g., beginner vs. advanced) and target modality (e.g., perception vs. production), and in terms of their theoretical assumptions, such as the basic unit or window of analysis that is relevant (e.g., articulatory gestures, position-specific allophones). Despite the divergences among these theories, three recurring themes emerge from the literature reviewed. First, the learning of a target L2 structure (segment, prosodic pattern, etc.) is influenced by phonetic and/or phonological similarity to structures in the native language (L1). In particular, L1-L2 similarity exists at multiple levels and does not necessarily benefit L2 outcomes. Second, the role played by certain factors, such as acoustic phonetic similarity between close L1 and L2 sounds, changes over the course of learning, such that advanced learners may differ from novice learners with respect to the effect of a specific variable on observed L2 behavior. Third, the connection between L2 perception and production (insofar as the two are hypothesized to be linked) differs significantly from the perception-production links observed in L1 acquisition. In service of elucidating the predictive differences among these theories, this contribution discusses studies that have investigated L2 perception and/or production primarily at a segmental level. In addition to summarizing the areas in which there is broad consensus, the chapter points out a number of questions which remain a source of debate in the field today.https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uHX9K99Bl31vMZNRWL-YmU7O2p1tG2wHhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1uHX9K99Bl31vMZNRWL-YmU7O2p1tG2wHhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1uHX9K99Bl31vMZNRWL-YmU7O2p1tG2wHAccepted manuscriptAccepted manuscrip

    Minors as miners: Modelling and evaluating ontological and linguistic learning

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    Gold Coas

    An Analysis of Rhythmic Staccato-Vocalization Based on Frequency Demodulation for Laughter Detection in Conversational Meetings

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    Human laugh is able to convey various kinds of meanings in human communications. There exists various kinds of human laugh signal, for example: vocalized laugh and non vocalized laugh. Following the theories of psychology, among all the vocalized laugh type, rhythmic staccato-vocalization significantly evokes the positive responses in the interactions. In this paper we attempt to exploit this observation to detect human laugh occurrences, i.e., the laughter, in multiparty conversations from the AMI meeting corpus. First, we separate the high energy frames from speech, leaving out the low energy frames through power spectral density estimation. We borrow the algorithm of rhythm detection from the area of music analysis to use that on the high energy frames. Finally, we detect rhythmic laugh frames, analyzing the candidate rhythmic frames using statistics. This novel approach for detection of `positive' rhythmic human laughter performs better than the standard laughter classification baseline.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, conference pape

    L2 speech learning of European Portuguese /l/ and /ɾ/ by L1-Mandarin learners: experimental evidence and theoretical modelling

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    It has been long recognized that the poor distinction between /l/ and /ɾ/ is one of the most perceptible characteristics in Chinese-accented Portuguese. Recent empirical research revealed that this notorious L2 speech learning difficulty goes beyond the confusion between two L2 categories, as L1-Mandarin learners’ acquisition of Portuguese /l/ and /ɾ/ seems to be subject to the interaction among different prosodic positions, speech modalities and representational levels. This thesis aims to deepen our current understanding of this L2 speech learning process, by exploring what constrains the development of L2 phonological categories across syllable positions and how different modalities interact during this process. To achieve this goal, both experimental tasks and theoretical modelling were employed. The first study of this thesis explores the role of cross-linguistic influence and orthography on L2 category formation. In order to elicit cross-linguistic influence directly, a delayed-imitation task was performed with L1-Mandarin naïve listeners. This task examined how the Mandarin phonology parses the Portuguese input ([l], [ɾ]) in intervocalic onset and in word-internal coda position. Moreover, whether orthography plays a role during the construction of L2 phonological representation was tested by manipulating the input types that were given in the experiment (auditory input alone vs. auditory + written input). Our study shows that naïve Mandarin listeners’ responses corroborated with that of L1-Mandarin learners, suggesting that cross-linguistic influence is responsible for the observed L2 prosodic effects. Moreover, the Mandarin [ɻ] (a repair strategy for /ɾ/) occurred almost exclusively when the written form was given, providing evidence for the cross-linguistic interaction between phonological categorization and orthography during the construction of L2 categories. In the second study, we first investigate the interaction between speech perception and production in L2 speech learning, by examining whether the L2 deviant productions stem from misperception and whether the order of acquisition in L2 speech perception mirrors that in production. Secondly, we test whether L2 phonological categories remain malleable at a mid-late stage of L2 speech learning. Two perceptual experiments were performed to test L1-Mandarin learners on their discrimination ability between the target Portuguese form and the deviant form employed in L2 production. Expanding on prior research, in this study, the perceptual motivation for L2 speech difficulties was assessed in different syllable constituents (onset and coda) and at both segmental and suprasegmental levels (structural modification). The results demonstrate that some deviant forms observed in L2 production indeed have a perceptual motivation ([w] for the velarised lateral; [l] and [ɾə] for the tap), while some others cannot be attributed to misperception (deletion of syllable-final tap). Furthermore, learners confused the intervocalic /l/ and /ɾ/ bidirectionally in perception, while in production they never misproduced the lateral (/ɾ/ → [l], */l/ → [ɾ]), revealing a mismatch between two speech modalities. By contrast, the order of acquisition (/ɾ/coda > /ɾ/onset) was shown to be consistent in L2 perception and production. The correspondence and discrepancy between the two speech modalities signal a complex relationship between L2 speech perception and production. To assess the plasticity of L2 categories /l/ and /ɾ/, two groups of L1-Mandarin learners who differ substantially in terms of L2 experience were recruited in the perceptual tasks. Our study shows that both groups behaved similarly in terms of the discrimination performance. No evidence for a role of L2 experience was found. The implication of this null result on L2 phonological development is discussed. The third study of the thesis aims to contribute to bridging the gap between the L2 experimental evidence and formal theories. Adopting the Bidirectional Phonology and Phonetics Model, we formalise some of the experimental findings that cannot be elucidated by current L2 speech theories, namely, the between and within-subject variation in L2 phonological categorization; the interaction between phonological categorization and orthography during L2 category construction; and the asymmetry between L2 perception and production. Overall, this thesis sheds light on the complex nature of L2 phonological acquisition and provides a formal account of how different modalities interact in shaping L2 speech learning. Moreover, it puts forward testable predictions for future research and suggestions for improving foreign language teaching/training methodologies.É bem conhecido o facto de as trocas associadas a /l/ e /ɾ/ constituírem uma das caraterísticas mais percetíveis no português articulado pelos aprendentes chineses. Recentemente, estudos empíricos revelam que a dificuldade por parte dos aprendentes chineses não se restringe à discriminação moderada entre as duas categorias da L2, dado que a aquisição de /l/ e /ɾ/ do português por aprendentes chineses parece estar sujeita à interação entre contextos prosódicos, entre modalidades de fala e entre níveis representacionais diferentes. Esta tese visa aprofundar a nossa compreensão deste processo da aquisição fonológica L2, explorando o que condiciona o desenvolvimento das categorias fonológicas L2 em diferentes constituintes silábicos e de que modo as modalidades interagem durante este processo, recorrendo para tal a tarefas experimentais bem como a formalização teórica. O primeiro estudo averigua o papel da influência interlinguística e o da ortografia na construção das categorias de L2. Para elicitar a influência interlinguística diretamente, uma tarefa de imitação retardada foi aplicada aos falantes nativos do mandarim sem conhecimento de português, investigando assim como a fonologia do mandarim categoriza o input do português ([l], [ɾ]) em ataque simples intervocálico e em coda medial. Para além disso, a influência ortográfica na construção de representações fonológicas em L2 foi examinada através da manipulação do tipo do input apresentado na experiência (input auditivo vs. input auditivo + ortográfico). Os resultados da situação experimental em que os participantes receberam input de ambos os tipos replicaram o efeito prosódico observado na literatura, evidenciando a interação entre categorização fonológica e ortografia na construção das categorias de L2. No segundo estudo, investigamos a interação entre a perceção e a produção de fala na aquisição das líquidas do PE por aprendentes chineses e a plasticidade destas categorias fonológicas, respondendo às questões seguintes: 1) as produções desviantes de L2 resultam da perceção incorreta? 2) a ordem da aquisição em L2 é consistente na perceção e na produção? 3) as categorias da L2 permanecem maleáveis numa fase intermédia da aquisição? Duas tarefas percetivas foram conduzidas para testar a capacidade percetiva dos aprendentes nativos do mandarim em relação à discriminação entre a forma alvo do português e as formas desviantes utilizadas na produção. No presente estudo, a motivação percetiva das dificuldades em L2 foi testada nos constituintes silábicos diferentes (ataque simples e coda) e nos níveis segmental e suprassegmental (modificação estrutural). Os resultados demonstram que algumas formas desviantes que os aprendentes chineses produzem têm uma motivação percetiva (i.e. [w] para a lateral velarizada; [l] e [ɾə] para a vibrante alveolar), enquanto outras não podem ser analisadas como casos de perceção incorreta (como é o caso do o apagamento da vibrante em coda). Para além disso, na posição intervocálica, os aprendentes manifestam dificuldade na discriminação entre /l/ e /ɾ/ de forma bidirecional, mas, na produção, a lateral nunca é produzida incorretamente (/ɾ/ → [l], */l/ → [ɾ]). Tal revela uma divergência entre as duas modalidades de fala. Por contraste, mostrou-se que a ordem da aquisição (/ɾ/coda > /ɾ/ataque) é consistente na perceção e na produção da L2. A correspondência e a discrepância entre as duas modalidades de fala, sinalizam uma relação complexa entre a perceção e a produção na aquisição fonológica de L2. Em relação à questão da plasticidade das categorias de L2, recrutaram-se para as tarefas percetivas dois grupos de aprendentes nativos do mandarim que se diferenciavam substancialmente em termos da experiência em L2. Não se encontrou um efeito significativo da experiência da L2. A implicação deste resultado nulo no desenvolvimento fonológico de L2 foi discutida. O terceiro estudo desta tese tem como objetivo contribuir para a colmatação das lacunas entre estudos empíricos de L2 e as teorias formais. Adotando o Modelo Bidirecional de Fonologia e Fonética, formalizamos os resultados experimentais que as teorias atuais da aquisição fonológica de L2 não conseguem explicar, nomeadamente, a variação inter e intra-sujeitos na categorização fonológica em L2; a interação entre categorização fonológica e ortografia na construção das categorias na L2; a assimetria entre a perceção e a produção na L2. Em suma, esta tese contribui com dados empíricos para a discussão da relação complexa entre a perceção, produção e ortografia na aquisição fonológica de L2 e formaliza a interação entre essas modalidades através de um modelo linguístico generativo. Além disso, apresentam-se predições testáveis para investigação futura e sugestões para o aperfeiçoamento das metodologias de ensino/treino da língua não materna

    Alternancia de lenguas en la comunicación mediada por ordenador entre las personas del Congo

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 12/11/2018Language research in Computer-mediated communication (hereafter CMC) is a relatively new and dynamically evolving field (Herring et al. 2013). Unlike offline (or face-to-face) communication, CMC is, according to Herring (1996), a communication that takes place between human beings via the instrumentality of computers or other devices (e.g. Smartphones, tablets, etc.) that allow users to connect to the Internet. CMC implies the use of the Web 2.0 as a medium of communication. Understood as an umbrella term covering different phenomena – e.g. social networking communication, netspeak and so on – CMC includes different channels such as instant messaging, email, chatrooms, online forums, social networking services, and so on. CMC is characterised by two fundamental and opposing modes (Crystal 2001, 2003). The synchronous mode (or real-time conversation) takes place as all participants (senders and receivers) are simultaneously online during text message exchange (i.e. chat rooms). The asynchronous mode, on the other hand, requires the messages to be stored in the addressees’ inbox until they can be read (e.g. email). Nevertheless, Facebook, on which the present thesis is based, is a CMC channel that involves both synchronous and asynchronous modes (Pérez- Sabater 2012; Maíz-Arévalo 2015). While the literature on CMC is fast-growing, much evidence from many other languages and cultures is still needed (Herring 2010; Thurlow & Puff 2013). Hundreds of languages notably used in CMC remain under-investigated around the world. In the particular case of Congo- Brazzaville, no attempt to investigate the nature of the impact which CMC is making on language(s) has been undertaken so far, though online materials have increasingly penetrated the country...El cambio de código o alternancia de lenguas (Codeswitching), el préstamo, la transferencia cultural y lingüística, la convergencia y el calco lingüístico, generalmente conocidos como fenómenos lingüísticos, son los resultados inherentes del contacto de lenguas. Según los datos, estos fenómenos se producen tanto en la comunicación presencial (o frente a frente) como en la comunicación online (Blom and Gumperz 1972; Poplack, 2001; Gumperz 1961; 1982a; Myers-Scotton 1992, 1993a, 1993b, 2006; Cardenas-Chloros 2009; Bullock & Toribio 2009). Por ello, el presente estudio se centra en el análisis de algunos de estos resultados en un contexto muy específico de la comunicación online (o comunicación mediada por ordenador; CMC en inglés), que es la comunicación mediante la red social Facebook. A pesar de todos los intentos de investigar lenguas en la comunicación online, existe un gran número de idiomas que sigue estando insuficientemente investigado en el contexto de la comunicación mediada por ordenador. En el caso particular del Congo-Brazzaville, no se ha llevado a cabo hasta la fecha ningún intento de investigar la naturaleza de la incidencia que la CMC está teniendo en los usos lingüísticos, aunque la comunicación online en estas lenguas es diaria. La presente tesis tiene la intención de corregir este desequilibrio mediante el análisis del cambio de código (o alternancia de lenguas) en la comunicación online en Congo-Brazzaville. Según los datos, en 2017 el número de usuarios activos de internet es de 400.000 personas son usuarios activos de Internet en la actualidad, y unos sesenta idiomas se hablan dentro de las fronteras nacionales. Por ello, el estudio del cambio de código entre los usuarios de Facebook en Congo es obviamente importante no sólo para investigar el fenómeno como tal, sino también para proveer datos sobre el impacto de CMC (sobre todo Facebook) sobre los idiomas en Congo-Brazzaville. Así pues, el objetivo del presente estudio es doble: (1) evaluar los diferentes idiomas involucrados en el discurso en Facebook de los congoleños y (2) examinar las motivaciones sociolingüísticas del cambio de código, así como la estructura sintáctica en la que se produce...Fac. de FilologíaTRUEunpu

    Lexical pragmatics in the context of structural parallelism

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