41,719 research outputs found

    MOCF: A Multi-Objective Clustering Framework using an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    Traditional clustering algorithms, such as K-Means, perform clustering with a single goal in mind. However, in many real-world applications, multiple objective functions must be considered at the same time. Furthermore, traditional clustering algorithms have drawbacks such as centroid selection, local optimal, and convergence. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based clustering approaches were developed to address these shortcomings. Animals and their social Behaviour, particularly bird flocking and fish schooling, inspire PSO. This paper proposes the Multi-Objective Clustering Framework (MOCF), an improved PSO-based framework. As an algorithm, a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based Multi-Objective Clustering (PSO-MOC) is proposed. It significantly improves clustering efficiency. The proposed framework's performance is evaluated using a variety of real-world datasets. To test the performance of the proposed algorithm, a prototype application was built using the Python data science platform. The empirical results showed that multi-objective clustering outperformed its single-objective counterparts

    Multi-label Classification via Adaptive Resonance Theory-based Clustering

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    This paper proposes a multi-label classification algorithm capable of continual learning by applying an Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART)-based clustering algorithm and the Bayesian approach for label probability computation. The ART-based clustering algorithm adaptively and continually generates prototype nodes corresponding to given data, and the generated nodes are used as classifiers. The label probability computation independently counts the number of label appearances for each class and calculates the Bayesian probabilities. Thus, the label probability computation can cope with an increase in the number of labels. Experimental results with synthetic and real-world multi-label datasets show that the proposed algorithm has competitive classification performance to other well-known algorithms while realizing continual learning

    A similarity-based community detection method with multiple prototype representation

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    Communities are of great importance for understanding graph structures in social networks. Some existing community detection algorithms use a single prototype to represent each group. In real applications, this may not adequately model the different types of communities and hence limits the clustering performance on social networks. To address this problem, a Similarity-based Multi-Prototype (SMP) community detection approach is proposed in this paper. In SMP, vertices in each community carry various weights to describe their degree of representativeness. This mechanism enables each community to be represented by more than one node. The centrality of nodes is used to calculate prototype weights, while similarity is utilized to guide us to partitioning the graph. Experimental results on computer generated and real-world networks clearly show that SMP performs well for detecting communities. Moreover, the method could provide richer information for the inner structure of the detected communities with the help of prototype weights compared with the existing community detection models

    A Prototype-Based Modified DBSCAN for Gene Clustering

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    AbstractIn this paper, we propose, a novel DBSCAN method to cluster the gene expression data. The main problem of DBSCAN is its quadratic computational complexity. We resolve this drawback by using the prototypes produced from a squared error clustering method such as K-means. Then, the DBSCAN technique is applied efficiently using these prototypes. In our algorithm, during the iterations of DBSCAN, if a point from an uncovered prototype is assigned to a cluster, then all the other points of such prototype belongs to the same cluster. We have carried out excessive experiments on various two dimensional artificial and multi-dimensional biological data. The proposed technique is compared with few existing techniques. It is observed that proposed algorithm outperforms the existing methods

    Median evidential c-means algorithm and its application to community detection

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    Median clustering is of great value for partitioning relational data. In this paper, a new prototype-based clustering method, called Median Evidential C-Means (MECM), which is an extension of median c-means and median fuzzy c-means on the theoretical framework of belief functions is proposed. The median variant relaxes the restriction of a metric space embedding for the objects but constrains the prototypes to be in the original data set. Due to these properties, MECM could be applied to graph clustering problems. A community detection scheme for social networks based on MECM is investigated and the obtained credal partitions of graphs, which are more refined than crisp and fuzzy ones, enable us to have a better understanding of the graph structures. An initial prototype-selection scheme based on evidential semi-centrality is presented to avoid local premature convergence and an evidential modularity function is defined to choose the optimal number of communities. Finally, experiments in synthetic and real data sets illustrate the performance of MECM and show its difference to other methods

    Machine-Part cell formation through visual decipherable clustering of Self Organizing Map

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    Machine-part cell formation is used in cellular manufacturing in order to process a large variety, quality, lower work in process levels, reducing manufacturing lead-time and customer response time while retaining flexibility for new products. This paper presents a new and novel approach for obtaining machine cells and part families. In the cellular manufacturing the fundamental problem is the formation of part families and machine cells. The present paper deals with the Self Organising Map (SOM) method an unsupervised learning algorithm in Artificial Intelligence, and has been used as a visually decipherable clustering tool of machine-part cell formation. The objective of the paper is to cluster the binary machine-part matrix through visually decipherable cluster of SOM color-coding and labelling via the SOM map nodes in such a way that the part families are processed in that machine cells. The Umatrix, component plane, principal component projection, scatter plot and histogram of SOM have been reported in the present work for the successful visualization of the machine-part cell formation. Computational result with the proposed algorithm on a set of group technology problems available in the literature is also presented. The proposed SOM approach produced solutions with a grouping efficacy that is at least as good as any results earlier reported in the literature and improved the grouping efficacy for 70% of the problems and found immensely useful to both industry practitioners and researchers.Comment: 18 pages,3 table, 4 figure
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