4,603 research outputs found

    An analysis of the environment and competitive dynamics of management research

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper examines some of the controversies facing business schools in their future evolution and pays particular attention to their competitive positioning as centres of management research. Design/methodology/approach – The paper combines and builds on current literature to provide an analytic overview of the environment and competitive challenges to management research in business schools. Findings – The paper assesses the impacts of a globalized environment and ever-changing competitive dynamics, for example in terms of the supply of high-quality faculty, on the activity of management research in business schools. It points out that research impacts must be judged not only in terms of theoretical development but also managerial and policy impact. However, managerial impact is difficult to measure and the “voice of practice” must be carefully identified. Originality/value – The paper identifies the current challenges for undertaking innovative research in business schools in light of their competitive environment. Three interrelated conjectures focusing particularly on managerial impact are raised which identify problems and limitations of current debates on management research in business schools

    Relationship among research collaboration, number of documents and number of citations. A case study in Spanish computer science production in 2000-2009.

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    This paper analyzes the relationship among research collaboration, number of documents and number of citations of computer science research activity. It analyzes the number of documents and citations and how they vary by number of authors. They are also analyzed (according to author set cardinality) under different circumstances, that is, when documents are written in different types of collaboration, when documents are published in different document types, when documents are published in different computer science subdisciplines, and, finally, when documents are published by journals with different impact factor quartiles. To investigate the above relationships, this paper analyzes the publications listed in the Web of Science and produced by active Spanish university professors between 2000 and 2009, working in the computer science field. Analyzing all documents, we show that the highest percentage of documents are published by three authors, whereas single-authored documents account for the lowest percentage. By number of citations, there is no positive association between the author cardinality and citation impact. Statistical tests show that documents written by two authors receive more citations per document and year than documents published by more authors. In contrast, results do not show statistically significant differences between documents published by two authors and one author. The research findings suggest that international collaboration results on average in publications with higher citation rates than national and institutional collaborations. We also find differences regarding citation rates between journals and conferences, across different computer science subdisciplines and journal quartiles as expected. Finally, our impression is that the collaborative level (number of authors per document) will increase in the coming years, and documents published by three or four authors will be the trend in computer science literature

    Dominance relations when both quantity and quality matter, and applications to the\r\ncomparison of US research universities and worldwide top departments in economics

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    In this article, we propose an extension of the concept of stochastic dominance intensively\r\nused in economics for the comparison of composite outcomes both the quality and the\r\nquantity of which do matter. Our theory also allows us to require unanimity of judgement\r\namong new classes of functions. We apply this theory to the ranking of US research\r\nuniversities, thereby providing a new tool to scientometricians (and the academic\r\ncommunities) who typically aim to compare research institutions taking into account both\r\nthe volume of publications and the impact of these articles. Another application is provided\r\nfor comparing and ranking academic departments when one takes into account both the size\r\nof the department and the prestige of each member.Ranking, dominance relations, citations.

    Innovation: Exploring the knowledge base

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    New types of knowledge, and new ways of organising the production of it, may emerge as knowledge producers respond to the challenges posed by a changing society. This study will focus on the core knowledge of one such emerging field, namely, innovation studies, i.e. the attempt to understand the social process which enables the continuation of qualitative improvements of products, technologies, and the organisation of economic activities. To explore the knowledge base of innovation, a new data base of references in scholarly surveys of various aspects of innovation, mostly published in “handbooks”, is developed. The paper describes the process that led to the construction of the data base and its exploitation in identifying the core literature on innovation. Furthermore, the characteristics of this literature, the central contributors and the use of the literature (as reflected by references to this core literature in scholarly journals) are analysed. Finally, cluster analysis is used to make inferences about how the field is structured and its links with different disciplinary and cross-disciplinary contexts.Innovation, cross-disciplinarity, emerging scientific field, social science

    Fostering innovation in a small open economy: The case of the New Zealand biotechnology sector

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    The New Zealand Biotechnology sector is worthy of study for several reasons. While there is a large and growing international literature on economic aspects of biotechnology innovation these studies concentrate on the United States and Europe. The New Zealand biotechnology sector may be expected to develop along a different trajectory as a consequence of a markedly different set of initial and framework conditions. Government has indicated a strong interest in fostering innovation and aims to concentrate on selected areas where New Zealand may be able to develop a new comparative advantage. One such area is biotechnology, which would build on New Zealand’s existing comparative advantage in the primary sector (dairy, forestry, meat, wool and horticulture). This paper describes the preliminary results of an ongoing study that aims to fill some of the gaps in our knowledge of innovation processes in New Zealand while using the international literature as a benchmark. The paper focuses on the drivers of innovation in the biotechnology sector; the role of networks and other linkages; the role of government and industry, the role of human and venture capital, and data from patenting


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    The Higher Education System Rankings measure national higher education systems and meet a long-standing need to shift the discussion from the ranking of the NIRF top institutions to the best overall systems in each country, to reflect the country’s overall performance in NIRF rankings we propose a new Excellence/Quality indicator based on the excellence level reached by their Top Pharma education institutions within the Top positions of the NIRF weighted by the country’s size population. In the present study, we analyzed the Top 10 Pharma education institutions of the NIRF Ranking 2020. The first rank positioned by Hamdard University NIRF score of (80.5). SCOPUS database was used to extract the data and the study was limited to five years (2016-2019) which resulted in 7172 documents. The data analysis was performed using Biblioshiny, Microsoft excel, and VOS Viewer software, further data were explored using the bibliometrics tools and techniques. The study attempt to measure the top 10 Pharma Education Institution’s and their publications, Year-Wise distribution of research Output, document type, Highly Prolific Authors, Most Preferred Sources, Funding Agencies, Most Cited Papers, Most Productive and Most Cited Countries, and Highly Prolific Keywords based on the collected data. The analysis of the study indicates the highest publications with 2129, published by Institute of Chemical Technology-Mumbai; the most the productive year 2017 with 1508 publications; most of the publications are published as articles (6067); highly prolific author Sekar N with 194 papers, total citation 1954, h-index 22; preferred source title RSC Advance, 217 paper, total citation 2508, h-index 24; top funding agency University Grant Commission (UGC) 609 papers; top cited paper Shao Y, 2015, Molecular Physics; most productive and most cited country the USA

    Science Research Output pattern of University of Delhi (2015-2019)

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    The current research has been conducted to tress out the science research output of University of Delhi (DU) in the last five years (2015-2019) after using Web of Science (WOS) database. The present study has used Web of Science databases to collect the science research output of University of Delhi for the specified period. The retrieved data were analyzed using specific parameters. This study investigates the most productive institutes, countries, authors the impact of their output in terms of Relative Citation Impact (RCI) and Citation per Paper (CPP). For visualizing purposes, VOS Viewer has been used. We retrieved 6500 papers from Web of Science, consisting of 87.6% journal articles, 6.29% proceeding papers, and 6.15% review articles. The analysis of data indicates that consistent growth with increasing multi-authorship is the general trend of research. Multiauthored papers with international collaboration have more research impact (CPP, RCI) compared to others. USA, Germany, Korea topped the list of collaborating countries in science research. However, Canada made the very best effect in phrases of CPP and RCI. The University of Delhi has a major collaboration with BHU, JNU, IIT, and CSIR in terms of domestic collaboration. The study can be better used for further identification of research areas in sciences where attention can be given

    From academic to media capital: To what extent does the scientific reputation of universities translate into Wikipedia attention?

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    Universities face increasing demands to improve their visibility, public outreach, and online presence. There is a broad consensus that scientific reputation significantly increases the attention universities receive. However, in most cases estimates of scientific reputation are based on composite or weighted indicators and absolute positions in university rankings. In this study, we adopt a more granular approach to assessment of universities' scientific performance using a multidimensional set of indicators from the Leiden Ranking and testing their individual effects on university Wikipedia page views. We distinguish between international and local attention and find a positive association between research performance and Wikipedia attention which holds for regions and linguistic areas. Additional analysis shows that productivity, scientific impact, and international collaboration have a curvilinear effect on universities' Wikipedia attention. This finding suggests that there may be other factors than scientific reputation driving the general public's interest in universities. Our study adds to a growing stream of work which views altmetrics as tools to deepen science-society interactions rather than direct measures of impact and recognition of scientific outputs
