4,995 research outputs found

    Modeling and Performance Evaluation of MANET Handover

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    A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is an unstructured collection of wireless nodes that move arbitrarily and use multi-hop protocols to communicate between each other. There is not a predefined infrastructure in a MANET as there is in other types of wireless networks. Now days, MANET networks integrate with other networks, like the Internet, permitting ad hoc nodes to communicate with hosts placed in any part of the world. But the integration of MANETs with fixed infrastructures must be carefully studied to evaluate how it performs. In such integrated scenario, commonly known as Hybrid Ad Hoc Network, a MANET can be seen as an extension to the existing infrastructure, whose mobile nodes seamlessly communicate with hosts on the fixed network by forwarding packets throughout the gateways found on the edge that join both types of network. Connecting MANETs to the Internet does not come without difficulties. Ad hoc routing protocols work different than the regular routing protocols used on the Internet, and their interoperability becomes an important issue. But when MANETs integrate with the Internet, a more demanding challenge emerges if node mobility is considered. A moving node may lose registration with its current gateway, and may then need to register to a different gateway (a handover) to continue communicating. During a handover, any ongoing communication will be interrupted affecting network performance. In order to improve this performance, an IP mobility management protocol must be used. The main objective of this research is to develop a model that may be used to evaluate the performance of MANET handovers under different scenarios. Different issues about MANET integration with the Internet are considered: the IP mobility protocol implemented, the external route computation procedure, the type of ad hoc routing protocol used, and the gateway discovery approach used. For this evaluation, a mobile node in a MANET holding a communication with a correspondent node in the Internet roams to a different sub-network, having to change its registration to a different gateway. The different scenarios considered to evaluate the handover performance include the use of different types of MANET protocols, the use of different gateway discovery approaches, and the use of different versions of the Mobile IP protocol. During the research a review was made of the functioning conditions for the proposed scenario. Then, a handover model was proposed, which was used to develop some metrics that were later used to evaluate the MANET handover performance. This metrics are the broken communication time, the probability of handover failure, and the average communication interruption time. In all the results found, we could confirm that the proactive discovery approach has a better handover performance than the reactive discovery approach, which permit us to conclude that regardless the MANET routing protocol, and the Mobile IP version, the proactive agent discovery approach should be used in highly mobile scenarios, preferable, with the reactive routing protocol

    On secure communication in integrated internet and heterogeneous multi-hop wireless networks.

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    Integration of the Internet with a Cellular Network, WMAN, WLAN, and MANET presents an exceptional promise by having co-existence of conventional WWANs/WMANs/WLANs with wireless ad hoc networks to provide ubiquitous communication. We call such integrated networks providing internet accessibility for mobile users as heterogeneous multi-hop wireless networks where the Internet and wireless infrastructure such as WLAN access points (APs) and base stations (BSs) constitute the backbone for various emerging wireless networks (e.g., multi-hop WLAN and ad hoc networks. Earlier approaches for the Internet connectivity either provide only unidirectional connectivity for ad hoc hosts or cause high overhead as well as delay for providing full bi-directional connections. In this dissertation, a new protocol is proposed for integrated Internet and ad hoc networks for supporting bi-directional global connectivity for ad hoc hosts. In order to provide efficient mobility management for mobile users in an integrated network, a mobility management protocol called multi-hop cellular IP (MCIP) has been proposed to provide a micro-mobility management framework for heterogeneous multi-hop network. The micro-mobility is achieved by differentiating the local domain from the global domain. At the same time, the MCIP protocol extends Mobile IP protocol for providing macro-mobility support between local domains either for single hop MSs or multi-hop MSs. In the MCIP protocol, new location and mobility management approaches are developed for tracking mobile stations, paging, and handoff management. This dissertation also provides a security protocol for integrated Internet and MANET to establish distributed trust relationships amongst mobile infrastructures. This protocol protects communication between two mobile stations against the attacks either from the Internet side or from wireless side. Moreover, a secure macro/micro-mobility protocol (SM3P) have been introduced and evaluated for preventing mobility-related attacks either for single-hop MSs or multi-hop MSs. In the proposed SM3P, mobile IP security has been extended for supporting macro-mobility across local domains through the process of multi-hop registration and authentication. In a local domain, a certificate-based authentication achieves the effective routing and micro-mobility protection from a range of potential security threats

    Wireless Multi Hop Access Networks and Protocols

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    As more and more applications and services in our society now depend on the Internet, it is important that dynamically deployed wireless multi hop networks are able to gain access to the Internet and other infrastructure networks and services. This thesis proposes and evaluates solutions for providing multi hop Internet Access. It investigates how ad hoc networks can be combined with wireless and mesh networks in order to create wireless multi hop access networks. When several access points to the Internet are available, and the mobile node roams to a new access point, the node has to make a decision when and how to change its point of attachment. The thesis describes how to consider the rapid fluctuations of the wireless medium, how to handle the fact that other nodes on the path to the access point are also mobile which results in frequent link and route breaks, and the impact the change of attachment has on already existing connections. Medium access and routing protocols have been developed that consider both the long term and the short term variations of a mobile wireless network. The long term variations consider the fact that as nodes are mobile, links will frequently break and new links appear and thus the network topology map is constantly redrawn. The short term variations consider the rapid fluctuations of the wireless channel caused by mobility and multi path propagation deviations. In order to achieve diversity forwarding, protocols are presented which consider the network topology and the state of the wireless channel when decisions about forwarding need to be made. The medium access protocols are able to perform multi dimensional fast link adaptation on a per packet level with forwarding considerations. This i ncludes power, rate, code and channel adaptation. This will enable the type of performance improvements that are of significant importance for the success of multi hop wireless networks

    Policy issues in interconnecting networks

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    To support the activities of the Federal Research Coordinating Committee (FRICC) in creating an interconnected set of networks to serve the research community, two workshops were held to address the technical support of policy issues that arise when interconnecting such networks. The workshops addressed the required and feasible technologies and architectures that could be used to satisfy the desired policies for interconnection. The results of the workshop are documented

    Securing Handover in Wireless IP Networks

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    In wireless and mobile networks, handover is a complex process that involves multiple layers of protocol and security executions. With the growing popularity of real time communication services such as Voice of IP, a great challenge faced by handover nowadays comes from the impact of security implementations that can cause performance degradation especially for mobile devices with limited resources. Given the existing networks with heterogeneous wireless access technologies, one essential research question that needs be addressed is how to achieve a balance between security and performance during the handover. The variations of security policy and agreement among different services and network vendors make the topic challenging even more, due to the involvement of commercial and social factors. In order to understand the problems and challenges in this field, we study the properties of handover as well as state of the art security schemes to assist handover in wireless IP networks. Based on our analysis, we define a two-phase model to identify the key procedures of handover security in wireless and mobile networks. Through the model we analyze the performance impact from existing security schemes in terms of handover completion time, throughput, and Quality of Services (QoS). As our endeavor of seeking a balance between handover security and performance, we propose the local administrative domain as a security enhanced localized domain to promote the handover performance. To evaluate the performance improvement in local administrative domain, we implement the security protocols adopted by our proposal in the ns-2 simulation environment and analyze the measurement results based on our simulation test

    Mobility management in next generation networks

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