3 research outputs found

    Analysis of farmers’ stated risk using lotteries and their perceptions of climate change in the Northwest of Mexico

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    Risk attitudes are relevant factors affecting production, management and investment decisions at the farm level. They are key factors related to farmers’ attitudes towards the environment and climate change. Several methodological approaches, which were considered to be preferable for measuring the level of risk of an economic agent, ranging from highly risk-tolerant to highly risk-averse attitudes, are available. The Multiple Price List (MPL) method is one of the stated approaches that is gaining relevance. In this study, we apply the MPL and relate the risk outcomes to farmers’ socio-economic characteristics and their perceptions of the environment and climate change. Data were collected using a face-to-face survey, carried out with a group of 370 farmers of an irrigation district, located in the northwest of Mexico. The results showed a risk level of about 0.32, according to the Constant Relative Risk Aversion (CRRA) coefficient, locating farmers of the region in a risk-averse group. The heterogeneity analysis showed that the socioeconomic factors and the perceptions of climate change are related to the farmers´ stated risk level. Farmers who are young women, with a tendency to use public support for structural investment, were shown to be risk-tolerant. Farmers considered floods, hail, diseases, pests, and weed growth incidences to be the most frequent weather patterns in the region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrating Resilience into Risk Matrices: A Practical Approach to Risk Assessment with Empirical Analysis

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    The changing and intensifying landscape of global, national, and local disaster risks, driven by socio-political, environmental, and technological shifts, underscores the critical need for risk assessment by international agencies and governments. The Risk Matrix, introduced in 1995, has been widely used for risk assessment in different contexts, lauded for its simplicity and effectiveness. This model relies on the core risk components of consequence and likelihood, making it a favored tool for risk managers. To enhance the precision of risk assessment, various adaptations and extensions of the risk matrix have emerged; while some indirectly address resilience aspects, none explicitly integrate resilience into the matrix. This paper explores the risk matrix and its extensions, advocating for the inclusion of resilience in risk assessment. It introduces an empirical approach to quantify resilience, through a survey targeting small and medium-sized businesses in Southern Ontario, Canada. By developing two types of risk matrices—one with resilience considerations and one without—our work demonstrates how resilience alters risk prioritization, highlighting the importance of preparedness. This research underscores the pivotal role of resilience in risk assessment and urges its explicit integration into risk matrices to enhance accuracy and efficacy. Through practical examples and empirical data, the paper builds a compelling case for the central role of resilience in modern risk assessment practices

    Análisis de preferencias hacia las acciones de adaptación y mitigación al cambio climático: perspectiva del agricultor en el noroeste de México

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    Climate change is the most recurrent natural process on a global scale and one of the greatest challenges of our times; due to the close relationship between society, productive activities and economic development. One of the productive activities most vulnerable to climate change is agriculture, which is threatened in the quality and yield of crops and with it, food security worldwide. Climate variability increases uncertainty in production, affecting the behavior and decisions of farmers. In this thesis, we analyzed farmers’ preferences towards the mitigation and adaptation actions to climate change in the northwestern region of Mexico. A Specific emphasis was carried out on farmers’ technical efficiency, risk and environmental attitudes. The -irrigation district (076) of Valle del Carrizo in the north of the state of Sinaloa, Mexico was taken as a case study. The data was collected through a face-to-face survey, conducted with a group of 370 farmers stratified by farm size, gender and age. Firstly, farmers’ risk attitudes were analyzed using the hypothetical Multiple Price List (MPL) Method known as lotteries. This risk behavior was posteriorly related to farmer’ environmental attitude using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP). Farmers’ perceptions towards climate change and their socioeconomic were also highlighted. The results showed a risk level of 0.32, according to the constant relative risk aversion coefficient (CRRA), placing farmers in the region as a risk-averse group. The heterogeneity analysis showed that farmers who received economic support and used it in structural investment at the farm level were more risk-tolerant; respect to the gender, women were more risk-tolerant than their counterparts (risk tolerant: 61% women and 39% men). Farmers “above 60 years of age” had a lower risk aversion on average, compared to farmers in the range of 41 to 60 years’ old, who were more conservative, with a higher level of risk aversion. Secondly farmers' preferences towards climate change mitigation and adaptation actions were analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology. Preferences were related to their stated risk attitudes, environmental beliefs and characteristics. The results showed that farmers' environmental beliefs and perceptions of farmers such as “the use of less polluting machinery” and “investment in improving irrigation infrastructure” were the most preferred climate change mitigation and adaptation actions for farmers from the study region. The environmental opinions analyzed allowed to identify farmers’ ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes, highlighting the commitment of most farmers to the sustainable use of natural resources. Thirdly, the technical efficiency (TE) of agricultural producers was analyzed using the Stochastic Frontier (SF) method. The results showed the average efficiency levels (57%) for three identified groups of farmers: high TE (15% of the farmers), average TE (72%) and low TE (13%). The level of efficiency was related to their risk attitudes, their preferences on climate change mitigation and adaptation actions, and their perception of climate change. The results showed a relationship between the preferred adaptation actions against climate change. Farmers who showed greater TE preferred the action "change crops", while less efficient farmers preferred to "invest in irrigation infrastructure". As part of the findings of this research, we found that it is necessary to involve farmers in making agricultural public policy decisions, making them aware of the effects of climate change on production in accordance with the declarations of sustainable development related to the environment.El cambio climático es el proceso natural más recurrente a escala mundial y uno de los mayores desafíos de nuestro tiempo; debido a la estrecha relación entre sociedad, actividades productivas y desarrollo económico. Una de las actividades productivas más vulnerables al cambio climático es la agricultura, que se ve amenazada en la calidad y rendimiento de los cultivos y con ella, la seguridad alimentaria a nivel mundial. La variabilidad climática aumenta la incertidumbre en la producción, afectando el comportamiento y las decisiones de los agricultores. En esta tesis analizamos las preferencias de los agricultores hacia las acciones de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático en la región noroeste de México. Se hizo especial hincapié en la eficiencia técnica, el riesgo y las actitudes medioambientales de los agricultores. Se tomó como estudio de caso el distrito de riego (076) del Valle del Carrizo en el norte del estado de Sinaloa, México. Los datos se recopilaron a través de una encuesta cara a cara, realizada con un grupo de 370 agricultores estratificados por tamaño de finca, género y edad. En primer lugar, se analizaron las actitudes frente al riesgo de los agricultores mediante el método hipotético de lista de precios múltiples (MPL) conocido como loterías. Este comportamiento de riesgosse relacionó posteriormente con la actitud ambiental de los agricultores utilizando el Nuevo Paradigma Ecológico (NEP). También se destacaron las percepciones de los agricultores sobre el cambio climático y su situación socioeconómica. Los resultados mostraron un nivel de riesgo de 0.32, de acuerdo con el coeficiente de aversión al riesgo relativo constante (CRRA), colocando a los agricultores de la región como un grupo adverso al riesgo. El análisis de heterogeneidad mostró que los agricultores que recibieron apoyo económico y lo utilizaron en inversiones estructurales a nivel de finca eran más tolerantes al riesgo; Respecto al género, las mujeres fueron más tolerantes al riesgo que sus contrapartes (tolerantes al riesgo: 61% mujeres y 39% hombres). Los agricultores "mayores de 60 años" tenían una menor aversión al riesgo en promedio, en comparación con los agricultores en el rango de 41 a 60 años, que eran más conservadores, con un mayor nivel de aversión al riesgo. En segundo lugar, se analizaron las preferencias de los agricultores hacia las acciones de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático utilizando la metodología del Proceso de Jerarquía Analítica (AHP). Las preferencias fueron relacionadas con sus actitudes de riesgo declaradas, creencias y actitudes ambientales. Los resultados mostraron que las creencias y percepciones ambientales de los agricultores como “el uso de maquinaria menos contaminante” y “la inversión en mejora de la infraestructura de riego” fueron las acciones de adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático de mayor preferencia para los agricultores de la región de estudio. Las opiniones ambientales analizadas permitieron identificar las actitudes ecocéntricas y antropocéntricas de los agricultores, destacando el compromiso de la mayoría de los agricultores con el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales. En tercer lugar, se analizó la eficiencia técnica (TE) de los productores agrícolas utilizando el método de Frontera Estocástica (SF). Los resultados mostraron los niveles de eficiencia promedio (57%) para tres grupos identificados de agricultores: TE alto (15% de los agricultores), TE medio (72%) y TE bajo (13%). El nivel de eficiencia se relacionó con sus actitudes de riesgo, sus preferencias en las acciones de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático y su percepción del cambio climático. Los resultados mostraron una relación entre las acciones de adaptación preferidas frente al cambio climático. Los agricultores que mostraron mayor TE prefirieron la acción "cambiar cultivos", mientras que los agricultores menos eficientes prefirieron "invertir en infraestructura de riego". Como parte de los hallazgos de esta investigación, encontramos que es necesario involucrar a los agricultores en la toma de decisiones de política pública agrícola, sensibilizándolos sobre los efectos del cambio climático en la producción de acuerdo con las declaraciones de desarrollo sostenible relacionadas con el medio ambiente