3 research outputs found

    A secure multi-agent-based decision model using a consensus mechanism for intelligent manufacturing tasks

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    Multi-agent systems (MASs) have gained a lot of interest recently, due to their ability to solve problems that are difficult or even impossible for an individual agent. However, an important procedure that needs attention in designing multi-agent systems, and consequently applications that utilize MASs, is achieving a fair agreement between the involved agents. Researchers try to prevent agreement manipulation by utilizing decentralized control and strategic voting. Moreover, emphasis is given to local decision making and perception of events occurring locally. This manuscript presents a novel secure decision-support algorithm in a multi-agent system that aims to ensure the system’s robustness and credibility. The proposed consensus-based model can be applied to production planning and control, supply chain management, and product design and development. The algorithm considers an open system; i.e., the number of agents present can be variable in each procedure. While a group of agents can make different decisions during a task, the algorithm chooses one of these decisions in a way that is logical, safe, efficient, fast, and is not influenced by factors that might affect production

    Collaborative approaches in sustainable and resilient manufacturing

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).In recent years, the manufacturing sector is going through a major transformation, as reflected in the concept of Industry 4.0 and digital transformation. The urge for such transformation is intensified when we consider the growing societal demands for sustainability. The notion of sustainable manufacturing has emerged as a result of this trend. Additionally, industries and the whole society face the challenges of an increasing number of disruptive events, either natural or human-caused, that can severely affect the normal operation of systems. Furthermore, the growing interconnectivity between organizations, people, and physical systems, supported by recent developments in information and communication technologies, highlights the important role that collaborative networks can play in the digital transformation processes. As such, this article analyses potential synergies between the areas of sustainable and resilient manufacturing and collaborative networks. The work also discusses how the responsibility for the various facets of sustainability can be distributed among the multiple entities involved in manufacturing. The study is based on a literature survey, complemented with the experience gained from various research projects and related initiatives in the area, and is organized according to various dimensions of Industry 4.0. A brief review of proposed approaches and indicators for measuring sustainability from the networked manufacturing perspective is also included. Finally, a set of key research challenges are identified to complement strategic research agendas in manufacturing.publishersversionpublishe

    13th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Simulation - MOSIM 2020

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    Comité d’organisation: Université Internationale d’Agadir – Agadir (Maroc) Laboratoire Conception Fabrication Commande – Metz (France)Session RS-1 “Simulation et Optimisation” / “Simulation and Optimization” Session RS-2 “Planification des Besoins Matières Pilotée par la Demande” / ”Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning” Session RS-3 “Ingénierie de Systèmes Basées sur les Modèles” / “Model-Based System Engineering” Session RS-4 “Recherche Opérationnelle en Gestion de Production” / "Operations Research in Production Management" Session RS-5 "Planification des Matières et des Ressources / Planification de la Production” / “Material and Resource Planning / Production Planning" Session RS-6 “Maintenance Industrielle” / “Industrial Maintenance” Session RS-7 "Etudes de Cas Industriels” / “Industrial Case Studies" Session RS-8 "Données de Masse / Analyse de Données” / “Big Data / Data Analytics" Session RS-9 "Gestion des Systèmes de Transport” / “Transportation System Management" Session RS-10 "Economie Circulaire / Développement Durable" / "Circular Economie / Sustainable Development" Session RS-11 "Conception et Gestion des Chaînes Logistiques” / “Supply Chain Design and Management" Session SP-1 “Intelligence Artificielle & Analyse de Données pour la Production 4.0” / “Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics in Manufacturing 4.0” Session SP-2 “Gestion des Risques en Logistique” / “Risk Management in Logistics” Session SP-3 “Gestion des Risques et Evaluation de Performance” / “Risk Management and Performance Assessment” Session SP-4 "Indicateurs Clés de Performance 4.0 et Dynamique de Prise de Décision” / ”4.0 Key Performance Indicators and Decision-Making Dynamics" Session SP-5 "Logistique Maritime” / “Marine Logistics" Session SP-6 “Territoire et Logistique : Un Système Complexe” / “Territory and Logistics: A Complex System” Session SP-7 "Nouvelles Avancées et Applications de la Logique Floue en Production Durable et en Logistique” / “Recent Advances and Fuzzy-Logic Applications in Sustainable Manufacturing and Logistics" Session SP-8 “Gestion des Soins de Santé” / ”Health Care Management” Session SP-9 “Ingénierie Organisationnelle et Gestion de la Continuité de Service des Systèmes de Santé dans l’Ere de la Transformation Numérique de la Société” / “Organizational Engineering and Management of Business Continuity of Healthcare Systems in the Era of Numerical Society Transformation” Session SP-10 “Planification et Commande de la Production pour l’Industrie 4.0” / “Production Planning and Control for Industry 4.0” Session SP-11 “Optimisation des Systèmes de Production dans le Contexte 4.0 Utilisant l’Amélioration Continue” / “Production System Optimization in 4.0 Context Using Continuous Improvement” Session SP-12 “Défis pour la Conception des Systèmes de Production Cyber-Physiques” / “Challenges for the Design of Cyber Physical Production Systems” Session SP-13 “Production Avisée et Développement Durable” / “Smart Manufacturing and Sustainable Development” Session SP-14 “L’Humain dans l’Usine du Futur” / “Human in the Factory of the Future” Session SP-15 “Ordonnancement et Prévision de Chaînes Logistiques Résilientes” / “Scheduling and Forecasting for Resilient Supply Chains