3 research outputs found


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    Due to the negative operating cash flow, working capital's unsatisfactory performance indicates that internal business processes exist. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic urges the management to be wiser in making decisions, primarily to support better working capital management. They cannot rely forever on its aggressive capital structure. Accordingly, the management committed to carrying out operation improvement related to working capital management. This decision is the background of this research to identify and analyze the root cause problems and improvement plan issues. Further investigations regarding the business issue are conducted, and business process re-engineering through the 3 hard Ss framework is selected as the research design. These frameworks are approached due to their capability to map the thorough process and link them to one another. These combination improvement ideas over the ineffective and inefficient activities could be blended while organized to be aligned with the organizational directions. This research is conducted through a semi-structured interview to explore the company conditions and uses secondary data to gather the information and strengthen the evidence. At least 14 ineffective and inefficient activities were then carried out a root-cause analysis to determine the source of the problem that had to be eliminated. Based on these findings, four management improvements are suggested: Production management, Receivable Management, Payable management, and Cash flow control and monitoring translated into action plan strategies, procedures, and tools which are equipped structurally and systems

    Método de integración inteligente de procesos de negocio sensible y adaptado al contexto

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    La Integración de procesos de negocio permite consolidar un conjunto de modelos de proceso en una sola descripción, con el fin de realizar actividades de mantenimiento y/o actualización sobre los ellos. Por lo anterior, es importante seleccionar aquellos procesos que soporten dichas actividades sin afectar su resultado y rendimiento. En esta tesis de doctorado se propone un método de integración de procesos de negocio, con capacidad de razonamiento sobre el contexto. El método propuesto consta de cuatro fases secuenciales e iterativas a saber, Fase 1. Definición del objetivo de integración, Fase 2. Búsqueda y recuperación de variantes, Fase 3. Integración y Fase 4. Propagación y ejecución. Adicionalmente, se propone un modelo de contexto que soporta el método, el cual está compuesto por entidades, situaciones y restricciones, al cual se integra una ontología de contexto de variantes, que identifica los recursos involucrados a partir de una situación contextual presente. El razonamiento inteligente se soporta por un sistema multi-agente que captura información del contexto, identifica situaciones, realiza agrupamiento de variantes y propagación de cambios; obteniendo como resultado la lista de variantes a integrar. Finalmente, se construye un prototipo de validación, que facilita la simulación de escenarios y la ejecución de los procesos. La validación del método se realizó mediante la definición y aplicación del método a cuatro casos de estudio; así mismo, para el análisis de resultados, se utilizaron métricas de valoración cualitativa y cuantitativa. Los resultados obtenidos fueron satisfactorios, lo cual demuestra la utilidad, la validez y el alcance del métodoAbstract: Business process integration allows to consolidate a set of process models in a single description, in order to carry out maintenance and updating activities. Therefore, it is important to select those processes that support these activities without affecting their results and performance. In this PhD thesis, a BPI method with the ability to reason on the context is proposed, This method is composed by four sequential and iterative steps. Step 1. Definition of the integration objective, Step 2. Search and recovery of variants, Step 3. Integration and Step 4. Propagation and execution. Additionally, a context model composed by entities, situations and constraints is proposed to supports the method. Likewise an ontology of variant context is integrated; it focus is to identify the resources involved from actived contextual situation. Intelligent reasoning is supported by a multi-agent system that captures information from the context, identifies situations, performs clustering of variants and change propagation; obtaining as a overcome the variants to integrate. Finally, a validation prototype is constructed, which facilitates the simulation of scenarios and the execution of the processes. The validation of the method was carried out by defining and applying the method to four case studies; likewise, for the analysis of results, qualitative and quantitative valuation metrics were used. The results obtained were satisfactory, which shows the usefulness, validity and scope of the method.Doctorad

    Analysing approaches to specify automated manufacturing systems

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    Automating manufacturing systems can achieve competitive advantage leading to growth in profits through efficiency gains and other advantages including safety of workers and quality of produced products. However, without accurate specification there is no guarantee of realising return on investment. Automated systems are becoming more complex as the need for customisability and variability of products increases and can only be satisfied through flexibility of production processes. To aid companies in specifying automation and mitigate the risks of project failure an approach is needed that guides users choices. The aim of the research was to investigate approaches to specify automated manufacturing systems to provide a basis for a methodology that would aid practitioners in this difficult task. The objectives were in two phases. Firstly to categorise and criticise conclusions of other researchers resulting in identification of themes and criteria for an approach. Secondly to experiment empirically with promising approaches in a company producing of automated manufacturing systems (AMS) and compare the results of the experiments with those found in literature and provide a ranking of themes and criteria to aid future researchers in designing new approaches to specify AMS. The methodology used was literature review followed by mini case studies in a host company to test theory. The results from literature and the experiments were classified into four themes quantitative modelling and simulation (QM&S), database decision aids (DDA), flowcharts and consultancy. These were compared using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) against the identified criteria; rapid application, usability by managers, considering costs and benefits other than financial ones, reducing required resources, being applicable to engineer to order products and usable at the early stage of planning. The results were the strengths and weaknesses of each theme defined by the identified criteria and showed that none of the themes fulfilled all of the criteria for an approach to specify AMS. For this reason a hybrid approach was proposed beginning with a flowchart group session to make an outline plan, followed by a database decision aid to provide options and guidance in creating a detailed plan. Finally, an optional simulation stage could test the planned system for suitability. It is hoped that the comparison of approaches will aid future researchers in the creation of new approaches to assist engineers in specifying automated manufacturing systems in a rapidly changing world