65,730 research outputs found

    Average-Value Analysis of 802.11 WLANs with Persistent TCP flows

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    The widespread use of the IEEE 802.11 MAC as a layer-2 protocol for wireless local area networks has generated an extensive literature on its performance modeling. However, most of the available studies evaluate the capacity of WLANs in saturated conditions, while very little has been done on investigating the interactions between the 802.11 MAC protocol and the various transport protocols that are used to deliver users\u27 traffic. Recently there have been renewed efforts to understand and model the TCP dynamics in 802.11 WLANs. In general, these models employ multi-dimensional discrete-time Markov chains to analyze the distributions of the number of TCP packets enqueued in the stations\u27 buffers. Then, they exploit those distributions to derive both the average number of active TCP stations and the aggregate TCP throughput. However, this approach may rapidly lead to the explosion of the model state-space when the number of TCP flows is large. In this technical report we propose a novel modeling approach by developing an average-value analysis of TCP performance in 802.11 WLANs. Our model intuitively characterizes the equilibrium conditions for the network, and this method yields a precise estimate of the throughput of persistent TCP flows. Extensive simulations validate the accuracy of our analysis

    CapEst: A Measurement-based Approach to Estimating Link Capacity in Wireless Networks

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    Estimating link capacity in a wireless network is a complex task because the available capacity at a link is a function of not only the current arrival rate at that link, but also of the arrival rate at links which interfere with that link as well as of the nature of interference between these links. Models which accurately characterize this dependence are either too computationally complex to be useful or lack accuracy. Further, they have a high implementation overhead and make restrictive assumptions, which makes them inapplicable to real networks. In this paper, we propose CapEst, a general, simple yet accurate, measurement-based approach to estimating link capacity in a wireless network. To be computationally light, CapEst allows inaccuracy in estimation; however, using measurements, it can correct this inaccuracy in an iterative fashion and converge to the correct estimate. Our evaluation shows that CapEst always converged to within 5% of the correct value in less than 18 iterations. CapEst is model-independent, hence, is applicable to any MAC/PHY layer and works with auto-rate adaptation. Moreover, it has a low implementation overhead, can be used with any application which requires an estimate of residual capacity on a wireless link and can be implemented completely at the network layer without any support from the underlying chipset

    Insights into the Design of Congestion Control Protocols for Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks

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    The widespread deployment of multi-hop wireless mesh networks will depend on the performance seen by the user. Unfortunately, the most predominant transport protocol, TCP, performs poorly over such networks, even leading to starvation in some topologies. In this work, we characterize the root causes of starvation in 802.11 scheduled multi-hop wireless networks via simulations. We analyze the performance of three categories of transport protocols. (1) end-to-end protocols that require implicit feedback (TCP SACK), (2) Explicit feedback based protocols (XCP and VCP) and (3) Open-loop protocol (UDP). We ask and answer the following questions in relation to these protocols: (a) Why does starvation occur in different topologies? Is it intrinsic to TCP or, in general, to feedback-based protocols? or does it also occur in the case of open-loop transfers such as CBR over UDP? (a) What is the role of application behavior on transport layer performance in multi-hop wireless mesh networks? (b) Is sharing congestion in the wireless neighborhood essential for avoiding starvation? (c) For explicit feedback based transport protocols, such as XCP and VCP, what performance can be expected when their capacity estimate is inaccurate? Based on the insights derived from the above analysis, we design a rate-based protocol called VRate that uses the two ECN bits for conveying load feedback information. VRate achieves near optimal rates when configured with the correct capacity estimate

    Fundamentals of Large Sensor Networks: Connectivity, Capacity, Clocks and Computation

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    Sensor networks potentially feature large numbers of nodes that can sense their environment over time, communicate with each other over a wireless network, and process information. They differ from data networks in that the network as a whole may be designed for a specific application. We study the theoretical foundations of such large scale sensor networks, addressing four fundamental issues- connectivity, capacity, clocks and function computation. To begin with, a sensor network must be connected so that information can indeed be exchanged between nodes. The connectivity graph of an ad-hoc network is modeled as a random graph and the critical range for asymptotic connectivity is determined, as well as the critical number of neighbors that a node needs to connect to. Next, given connectivity, we address the issue of how much data can be transported over the sensor network. We present fundamental bounds on capacity under several models, as well as architectural implications for how wireless communication should be organized. Temporal information is important both for the applications of sensor networks as well as their operation.We present fundamental bounds on the synchronizability of clocks in networks, and also present and analyze algorithms for clock synchronization. Finally we turn to the issue of gathering relevant information, that sensor networks are designed to do. One needs to study optimal strategies for in-network aggregation of data, in order to reliably compute a composite function of sensor measurements, as well as the complexity of doing so. We address the issue of how such computation can be performed efficiently in a sensor network and the algorithms for doing so, for some classes of functions.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to the Proceedings of the IEE

    X-TCP: A Cross Layer Approach for TCP Uplink Flows in mmWave Networks

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    Millimeter wave frequencies will likely be part of the fifth generation of mobile networks and of the 3GPP New Radio (NR) standard. MmWave communication indeed provides a very large bandwidth, thus an increased cell throughput, but how to exploit these resources at the higher layers is still an open research question. A very relevant issue is the high variability of the channel, caused by the blockage from obstacles and the human body. This affects the design of congestion control mechanisms at the transport layer, and state-of-the-art TCP schemes such as TCP CUBIC present suboptimal performance. In this paper, we present a cross layer approach for uplink flows that adjusts the congestion window of TCP at the mobile equipment side using an estimation of the available data rate at the mmWave physical layer, based on the actual resource allocation and on the Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio. We show that this approach reduces the latency, avoiding to fill the buffers in the cellular stack, and has a quicker recovery time after RTO events than several other TCP congestion control algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for presentation at the 2017 16th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (MED-HOC-NET

    Investigation of the existence of city-scale three-dimensional macroscopic fundamental diagrams for bi-modal traffic

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    Recent research has demonstrated that the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) is reliable and practical tool for modeling traffic dynamics and network performance in single-mode (cars only) urban road networks. In this paper, we first extend the modeling of the single-mode MFD to a bi-modal (bus and cars) one. Based on simulated data, we develop a three-dimensional MFD (3D-MFD) relating the accumulation of cars and buses, and the total circulating flow in the network. We propose an exponential function to capture the shape of the 3D-MFD, which shows a good fit to the data. We also propose an elegant estimation for passenger car equivalent of buses (PCU), which has a physical meaning and depends on the bi-modal traffic in the network. Moreover, we analyze a 3D-MFD for passenger network flows and derive its analytical function. Finally, we investigate an MFD for networks with dedicated bus lanes and the relationship between the shape of the MFD and the operational characteristics of buses. The output of this paper is an extended 3D-MFD model that can be used to (i) monitor traffic performance and, (ii) develop various traffic management strategies in bi-modal urban road networks, such as redistribution of urban space among different modes, perimeter control, and bus priority strategies

    TCP throughput guarantee in the DiffServ Assured Forwarding service: what about the results?

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    Since the proposition of Quality of Service architectures by the IETF, the interaction between TCP and the QoS services has been intensively studied. This paper proposes to look forward to the results obtained in terms of TCP throughput guarantee in the DiffServ Assured Forwarding (DiffServ/AF) service and to present an overview of the different proposals to solve the problem. It has been demonstrated that the standardized IETF DiffServ conditioners such as the token bucket color marker and the time sliding window color maker were not good TCP traffic descriptors. Starting with this point, several propositions have been made and most of them presents new marking schemes in order to replace or improve the traditional token bucket color marker. The main problem is that TCP congestion control is not designed to work with the AF service. Indeed, both mechanisms are antagonists. TCP has the property to share in a fair manner the bottleneck bandwidth between flows while DiffServ network provides a level of service controllable and predictable. In this paper, we build a classification of all the propositions made during these last years and compare them. As a result, we will see that these conditioning schemes can be separated in three sets of action level and that the conditioning at the network edge level is the most accepted one. We conclude that the problem is still unsolved and that TCP, conditioned or not conditioned, remains inappropriate to the DiffServ/AF service

    Towards a Simple Relationship to Estimate the Capacity of Static and Mobile Wireless Networks

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    Extensive research has been done on studying the capacity of wireless multi-hop networks. These efforts have led to many sophisticated and customized analytical studies on the capacity of particular networks. While most of the analyses are intellectually challenging, they lack universal properties that can be extended to study the capacity of a different network. In this paper, we sift through various capacity-impacting parameters and present a simple relationship that can be used to estimate the capacity of both static and mobile networks. Specifically, we show that the network capacity is determined by the average number of simultaneous transmissions, the link capacity and the average number of transmissions required to deliver a packet to its destination. Our result is valid for both finite networks and asymptotically infinite networks. We then use this result to explain and better understand the insights of some existing results on the capacity of static networks, mobile networks and hybrid networks and the multicast capacity. The capacity analysis using the aforementioned relationship often becomes simpler. The relationship can be used as a powerful tool to estimate the capacity of different networks. Our work makes important contributions towards developing a generic methodology for network capacity analysis that is applicable to a variety of different scenarios.Comment: accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    ABC: A Simple Explicit Congestion Controller for Wireless Networks

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    We propose Accel-Brake Control (ABC), a simple and deployable explicit congestion control protocol for network paths with time-varying wireless links. ABC routers mark each packet with an "accelerate" or "brake", which causes senders to slightly increase or decrease their congestion windows. Routers use this feedback to quickly guide senders towards a desired target rate. ABC requires no changes to header formats or user devices, but achieves better performance than XCP. ABC is also incrementally deployable; it operates correctly when the bottleneck is a non-ABC router, and can coexist with non-ABC traffic sharing the same bottleneck link. We evaluate ABC using a Wi-Fi implementation and trace-driven emulation of cellular links. ABC achieves 30-40% higher throughput than Cubic+Codel for similar delays, and 2.2X lower delays than BBR on a Wi-Fi path. On cellular network paths, ABC achieves 50% higher throughput than Cubic+Codel

    QoE-Based Low-Delay Live Streaming Using Throughput Predictions

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    Recently, HTTP-based adaptive streaming has become the de facto standard for video streaming over the Internet. It allows clients to dynamically adapt media characteristics to network conditions in order to ensure a high quality of experience, that is, minimize playback interruptions, while maximizing video quality at a reasonable level of quality changes. In the case of live streaming, this task becomes particularly challenging due to the latency constraints. The challenge further increases if a client uses a wireless network, where the throughput is subject to considerable fluctuations. Consequently, live streams often exhibit latencies of up to 30 seconds. In the present work, we introduce an adaptation algorithm for HTTP-based live streaming called LOLYPOP (Low-Latency Prediction-Based Adaptation) that is designed to operate with a transport latency of few seconds. To reach this goal, LOLYPOP leverages TCP throughput predictions on multiple time scales, from 1 to 10 seconds, along with an estimate of the prediction error distribution. In addition to satisfying the latency constraint, the algorithm heuristically maximizes the quality of experience by maximizing the average video quality as a function of the number of skipped segments and quality transitions. In order to select an efficient prediction method, we studied the performance of several time series prediction methods in IEEE 802.11 wireless access networks. We evaluated LOLYPOP under a large set of experimental conditions limiting the transport latency to 3 seconds, against a state-of-the-art adaptation algorithm from the literature, called FESTIVE. We observed that the average video quality is by up to a factor of 3 higher than with FESTIVE. We also observed that LOLYPOP is able to reach a broader region in the quality of experience space, and thus it is better adjustable to the user profile or service provider requirements.Comment: Technical Report TKN-16-001, Telecommunication Networks Group, Technische Universitaet Berlin. This TR updated TR TKN-15-00
