234,764 research outputs found

    Neural Dynamics of Motion Processing and Speed Discrimination

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    A neural network model of visual motion perception and speed discrimination is presented. The model shows how a distributed population code of speed tuning, that realizes a size-speed correlation, can be derived from the simplest mechanisms whereby activations of multiple spatially short-range filters of different size are transformed into speed-tuned cell responses. These mechanisms use transient cell responses to moving stimuli, output thresholds that covary with filter size, and competition. These mechanisms are proposed to occur in the Vl→7 MT cortical processing stream. The model reproduces empirically derived speed discrimination curves and simulates data showing how visual speed perception and discrimination can be affected by stimulus contrast, duration, dot density and spatial frequency. Model motion mechanisms are analogous to mechanisms that have been used to model 3-D form and figure-ground perception. The model forms the front end of a larger motion processing system that has been used to simulate how global motion capture occurs, and how spatial attention is drawn to moving forms. It provides a computational foundation for an emerging neural theory of 3-D form and motion perception.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-4015, N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-95-1-0657, N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-94-1-0597, N00014-95-1-0409); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530

    A Bayesian approach to the aperture problem of 3D motion perception

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    We suggest a geometric-statistical approach that can be ap- plied to the 3D aperture problem of motion perception. In simulations and psychophysical experiments we study per- ceived 3D motion direction in a binocular viewing geometry by systematically varying 3D orientation of a line stimulus moving behind a circular aperture. Although motion direc- tion is inherently ambiguous perceived directions show sys- tematic trends and a Bayesian model with a prior for small depth followed by slow motion in 3D gives reasonable fits to individual data. We conclude that the visual system tries to minimize velocity in 3D but that earlier disparity processing strongly influences perceived 3D motion direction. We discuss implications for the integration of disparity and motion cues in the human visual system

    Neural Dynamics of Motion Grouping: From Aperture Ambiguity to Object Speed and Direction

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    A neural network model of visual motion perception and speed discrimination is developed to simulate data concerning the conditions under which components of moving stimuli cohere or not into a global direction of motion, as in barberpole and plaid patterns (both Type 1 and Type 2). The model also simulates how the perceived speed of lines moving in a prescribed direction depends upon their orientation, length, duration, and contrast. Motion direction and speed both emerge as part of an interactive motion grouping or segmentation process. The model proposes a solution to the global aperture problem by showing how information from feature tracking points, namely locations from which unambiguous motion directions can be computed, can propagate to ambiguous motion direction points, and capture the motion signals there. The model does this without computing intersections of constraints or parallel Fourier and non-Fourier pathways. Instead, the model uses orientationally-unselective cell responses to activate directionally-tuned transient cells. These transient cells, in turn, activate spatially short-range filters and competitive mechanisms over multiple spatial scales to generate speed-tuned and directionally-tuned cells. Spatially long-range filters and top-down feedback from grouping cells are then used to track motion of featural points and to select and propagate correct motion directions to ambiguous motion points. Top-down grouping can also prime the system to attend a particular motion direction. The model hereby links low-level automatic motion processing with attention-based motion processing. Homologs of model mechanisms have been used in models of other brain systems to simulate data about visual grouping, figure-ground separation, and speech perception. Earlier versions of the model have simulated data about short-range and long-range apparent motion, second-order motion, and the effects of parvocellular and magnocellular LGN lesions on motion perception.Office of Naval Research (N00014-920J-4015, N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-95-1-0657, N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-91-J-0597); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F4620-92-J-0225, F49620-92-J-0499); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530

    Vision affects how fast we hear sounds move

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    There is a growing body of knowledge about the behavioral and neural correlates of cross-modal interactions in the perception of motion direction, as well as about the computations that underlie unimodal visual speed processing. Yet, the multisensory contributions to the perception of motion speed remain largely uncharted. Here we show that visual motion information exerts a profound influence on the perception of auditory speed. Moreover, our results suggest that this influence is specifically caused by visual velocity rather than by earlier, more local, frequency-based components of visual motion. The way in which visual speed information affects how fast we hear a sound move can be well described by a weighted average model that takes into account the visual speed signal in the computation of auditory speed

    A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Outside World Perception Process

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    The outside scene is often an important source of information for manual control tasks. Important examples of these are car driving and aircraft control. This paper deals with modelling this visual scene perception process on the basis of linear perspective geometry and the relative motion cues. Model predictions utilizing psychophysical threshold data from base-line experiments and literature of a variety of visual approach tasks are compared with experimental data. Both the performance and workload results illustrate that the model provides a meaningful description of the outside world perception process, with a useful predictive capability

    Visuo-vestibular interaction in the reconstruction of travelled trajectories

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    We recently published a study of the reconstruction of passively travelled trajectories from optic flow. Perception was prone to illusions in a number of conditions, and not always veridical in the others. Part of the illusionary reconstructed trajectories could be explained by assuming that subjects base their reconstruction on the ego-motion percept built during the stimulus' initial moments . In the current paper, we test this hypothesis using a novel paradigm: if the final reconstruction is governed by the initial percept, providing additional, extra-retinal information that modifies the initial percept should predictably alter the final reconstruction. The extra-retinal stimulus was tuned to supplement the information that was under-represented or ambiguous in the optic flow: the subjects were physically displaced or rotated at the onset of the visual stimulus. A highly asymmetric velocity profile (high acceleration, very low deceleration) was used. Subjects were required to guide an input device (in the form of a model vehicle; we measured position and orientation) along the perceived trajectory. We show for the first time that a vestibular stimulus of short duration can influence the perception of a much longer lasting visual stimulus. Perception of the ego-motion translation component in the visual stimulus was improved by a linear physical displacement: perception of the ego-motion rotation component by a physical rotation. This led to a more veridical reconstruction in some conditions, but to a less veridical reconstruction in other conditions

    Visuo-vestibular interaction in the reconstruction of travelled trajectories

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    We recently published a study of the reconstruction of passively travelled trajectories from optic flow. Perception was prone to illusions in a number of conditions, and not always veridical in the others. Part of the illusionary reconstructed trajectories could be explained by assuming that subjects base their reconstruction on the ego-motion percept built during the stimulus' initial moments . In the current paper, we test this hypothesis using a novel paradigm: if the final reconstruction is governed by the initial percept, providing additional, extra-retinal information that modifies the initial percept should predictably alter the final reconstruction. The extra-retinal stimulus was tuned to supplement the information that was under-represented or ambiguous in the optic flow: the subjects were physically displaced or rotated at the onset of the visual stimulus. A highly asymmetric velocity profile (high acceleration, very low deceleration) was used. Subjects were required to guide an input device (in the form of a model vehicle; we measured position and orientation) along the perceived trajectory. We show for the first time that a vestibular stimulus of short duration can influence the perception of a much longer lasting visual stimulus. Perception of the ego-motion translation component in the visual stimulus was improved by a linear physical displacement: perception of the ego-motion rotation component by a physical rotation. This led to a more veridical reconstruction in some conditions, but to a less veridical reconstruction in other conditions

    Reconstructing passively travelled manoeuvres: Visuo-vestibular interactions.

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    We recently published a study of the reconstruction of passively travelled trajectories from optic flow. Perception was prone to illusions in a number of conditions, and not always veridical in the other conditions. Part of the illusionary reconstructed trajectories could be explained if we assume that the subjects based their reconstruction on the ego-motion percept obtained during the stimulus' initial moments. In the current paper, we test this hypothesis using a novel paradigm. If indeed the final reconstruction is governed by the initial percept, then additional, extra-retinal information that modifies the initial percept should predictably alter the final reconstruction. We supplied extra-retinal stimuli tuned to supplement the information that was underrepresented or ambiguous in the optic flow: the subjects were physically displaced or rotated at the onset of the visual stimulus. A highly asymmetric velocity profile (high acceleration, very low deceleration) was used. Subjects were required to guide an input device (in the form of a model vehicle; we measured position and orientation) along the perceived trajectory. We show for the first time that a vestibular stimulus of short duration can influence the perception of a much longer lasting visual stimulus. Perception of the ego-motion translation component in the visual stimulus was improved by a linear physical displacement; perception of the ego-motion rotation component by a physical rotation. This led to a more veridical reconstruction in some conditions, but it could also lead to less veridical reconstructions in other conditions