6 research outputs found

    Novel framework of retaining maximum data quality and energy efficiency in reconfigurable wireless sensor network

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    There are various unseen and unpredictable networking states in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) that adversely affect the aggregated data quality. After reviewing the existing approaches of data quality in WSN, it was found that the solutions are quite symptomatic and they are applicable only in a static environment; however their successful applicability on dynamic and upcoming reconfigurable network is still a big question. Moreover, data quality directly affects energy conservation among the nodes. Therefore, the proposed system introduces a simple and novel framework that jointly addresses the data quality and energy efficiency using probability-based design approach. Using a simplified analytical methodology, the proposed system offers solution in the form of selection transmission of an aggergated data on the basis of message priority in order to offer higher data utilization factor. The study outcome shows proposed system offers a good balance between data quality and energy efficiency in contrast to existing system

    A novel predictive optimization scheme for energy-efficient reliable operation of a sensor in dynamic scenarios

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been studied for more than a decades that resulted in evolution of the significant applications towards assisting in sensing physical information from human inaccesible area. It was also observed from existing sysem that energy attribute is the root cause of majority of the problems associated with WSN that also gives rise to various operational reliability issue. Therefore, the prime goal of the proposed study is to present a novel predictive optimization approach of data fusion in order to jointly address the problems associated with energy efficiency and reliable operation of sensor nodes in WSN. An analytical research approach is carried out in order to ensure that a time-based synchronization scheme contributes to offer an evolutionary approach towards significant energy optimization. A simulation-based benchmarking analysis is carried out to find that proposed system offers good energy-efficient performance in comparison to existing approaches

    sWSN3: A simulation tool for reliability calculation in WSN

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    Knowledge about the reliability of a wireless sensor network is important in industry. Indeed, in holonic manufacturing, it is convenient to ensure that decisions are made with reliable data. However, experimental evaluation in a real environment is a task that consumes time and financial resources, it also depends on several factors such as the technical characteristics of the transceiver and the location of the nodes. Thus, the use of simulation and calculation software in Industry 4.0 can potentially reduce costs and implementation time significantly, nonetheless some simulators deal with power consumption and network reliability with theoretical models that have limitations for commercial devices. This paper presents the sWSN3 tool that, through an intuitive graphical interface allows placing sensor nodes on the virtual environment of a plant layout and calculates the reliability of a wireless sensor network using parameters such as signal to noise ratio, received packet rate, and battery life time. Results show that sWSN3 can accurately estimate the reliability of a virtual WSN

    Lightweight identity based online/offline signature scheme for wireless sensor networks

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    Data security is one of the issues during data exchange between two sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSN). While information flows across naturally exposed communication channels, cybercriminals may access sensitive information. Multiple traditional reliable encryption methods like RSA encryption-decryption and Diffie–Hellman key exchange face a crisis of computational resources due to limited storage, low computational ability, and insufficient power in lightweight WSNs. The complexity of these security mechanisms reduces the network lifespan, and an online/offline strategy is one way to overcome this problem. This study proposed an improved identity-based online/offline signature scheme using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption. The lightweight calculations were conducted during the online phase, and in the offline phase, the encryption, point multiplication, and other heavy measures were pre-processed using powerful devices. The proposed scheme uniquely combined the Inverse Collusion Attack Algorithm (CAA) with lightweight ECC to generate secure identitybased signatures. The suggested scheme was analyzed for security and success probability under Random Oracle Model (ROM). The analysis concluded that the generated signatures were immune to even the worst Chosen Message Attack. The most important, resource-effective, and extensively used on-demand function was the verification of the signatures. The low-cost verification algorithm of the scheme saved a significant number of valued resources and increased the overall network’s lifespan. The results for encryption/decryption time, computation difficulty, and key generation time for various data sizes showed the proposed solution was ideal for lightweight devices as it accelerated data transmission speed and consumed the least resources. The hybrid method obtained an average of 66.77% less time consumption and up to 12% lower computational cost than previous schemes like the dynamic IDB-ECC two-factor authentication key exchange protocol, lightweight IBE scheme (IDB-Lite), and Korean certification-based signature standard using the ECC. The proposed scheme had a smaller key size and signature size of 160 bits. Overall, the energy consumption was also reduced to 0.53 mJ for 1312 bits of offline storage. The hybrid framework of identity-based signatures, online/offline phases, ECC, CAA, and low-cost algorithms enhances overall performance by having less complexity, time, and memory consumption. Thus, the proposed hybrid scheme is ideally suited for a lightweight WSN

    A methodology for reliability of WSN based on software defined network in adaptive industrial environment

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    Analyzing the Impacts of Emerging Technologies on Workforce Skills: A Case Study of Industrial Engineering in the Context of the Industrial Internet of Things

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    New technologies can result in major disruptions and change paradigms that were once well established. Methods have been developed to forecast new technologies and to analyze the impacts of them in terms of processes, products, and services. However, the current literature does not provide answers on how to forecast changes in terms of skills and knowledge, given an emerging technology. This thesis aims to fill this literature gap by developing a structured method to forecast the required set of skills for emerging technologies and to compare it with the current skills of the workforce. The method relies on the breakdown of the emerging technology into smaller components, so then skills can be identified for each component. A case study was conducted to implement and test the proposed method. In this case study, the impacts of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) on engineering skills and knowledge were assessed. Text data analytics validated IIoT as an emerging technology, thus justifying the case study based on engineering and manufacturing discussions. The set of skills required for IIoT was compared to the current skills developed by Industrial Engineering students at the University of Windsor. Text data analytics was also used to evaluate the importance of each IIoT component by measuring how associated individual components are to IIoT. Therefore, existing skill gaps between the current Industrial Engineering program and IIoT requirements were not only mapped, but they were also given weights