3 research outputs found

    A methodology for developing local smart diagnostic models using expert knowledge

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    © 2015 IEEE. This paper describes an innovative modular component-based modelling approach for diagnostics and condition-monitoring of manufacturing equipment. The approach is based on the use of object-oriented Bayesian networks, which supports a natural decomposition of a large and complex system into a set of less complex components. The methodology consists of six steps supporting the development process: Begin, Design, Implement, Test, Analyse, and Deploy. The process is iterative and the steps should be repeated until a satisfactory model has been achieved. The paper describes the details of the methodology as well as illustrates the use of the component-based modelling approach on a linear axis used in manufacturing. This application demonstrates the power and flexibility of the approach for diagnostics and condition-monitoring and shows a significant potential of the approach for modular component-based modelling in manufacturing and other domains

    Parameter learning algorithms for continuous model improvement using operational data

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    In this paper, we consider the application of object-oriented Bayesian networks to failure diagnostics in manufacturing systems and continuous model improvement based on operational data. The analysis is based on an object-oriented Bayesian network developed for failure diagnostics of a one-dimensional pick-and-place industrial robot developed by IEF-Werner GmbH.We consider four learning algorithms (batch Expectation-Maximization (EM), incremental EM, Online EM and fractional updating) for parameter updating in the object-oriented Bayesian network using a real operational dataset. Also, we evaluate the performance of the considered algorithms on a dataset generated from the model to determine which algorithm is best suited for recovering the underlying generating distribution. The object-oriented Bayesian network has been integrated into both the control software of the robot as well as into a software architecture that supports diagnostic and prognostic capabilities of devices in manufacturing systems. We evaluate the time performance of the architecture to determine the feasibility of online learning from operational data using each of the four algorithms. © Springer International Publishing AG 2017

    A Methodology for Developing Local Smart Diagnostic Models Using Expert Knowledge

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