969 research outputs found

    On Optical Detection of Densely Labeled Synapses in Neuropil and Mapping Connectivity with Combinatorially Multiplexed Fluorescent Synaptic Markers

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    We propose a new method for mapping neural connectivity optically, by utilizing Cre/Lox system Brainbow to tag synapses of different neurons with random mixtures of different fluorophores, such as GFP, YFP, etc., and then detecting patterns of fluorophores at different synapses using light microscopy (LM). Such patterns will immediately report the pre- and post-synaptic cells at each synaptic connection, without tracing neural projections from individual synapses to corresponding cell bodies. We simulate fluorescence from a population of densely labeled synapses in a block of hippocampal neuropil, completely reconstructed from electron microscopy data, and show that high-end LM is able to detect such patterns with over 95% accuracy. We conclude, therefore, that with the described approach neural connectivity in macroscopically large neural circuits can be mapped with great accuracy, in scalable manner, using fast optical tools, and straightforward image processing. Relying on an electron microscopy dataset, we also derive and explicitly enumerate the conditions that should be met to allow synaptic connectivity studies with high-resolution optical tools

    Permeabilization-free en bloc immunohistochemistry for correlative microscopy

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    A dense reconstruction of neuronal synaptic connectivity typically requires high-resolution 3D electron microscopy (EM) data, but EM data alone lacks functional information about neurons and synapses. One approach to augment structural EM datasets is with the fluorescent immunohistochemical (IHC) localization of functionally relevant proteins. We describe a protocol that obviates the requirement of tissue permeabilization in thick tissue sections, a major impediment for correlative pre-embedding IHC and EM. We demonstrate the permeabilization-free labeling of neuronal cell types, intracellular enzymes, and synaptic proteins in tissue sections hundreds of microns thick in multiple brain regions from mice while simultaneously retaining the ultrastructural integrity of the tissue. Finally, we explore the utility of this protocol by performing proof-of-principle correlative experiments combining two-photon imaging of protein distributions and 3D EM

    FakET: Simulating Cryo-Electron Tomograms with Neural Style Transfer

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    Particle localization and -classification constitute two of the most fundamental problems in computational microscopy. In recent years, deep learning based approaches have been introduced for these tasks with great success. A key shortcoming of these supervised learning methods is their need for large training data sets, typically generated from particle models in conjunction with complex numerical forward models simulating the physics of transmission electron microscopes. Computer implementations of such forward models are computationally extremely demanding and limit the scope of their applicability. In this paper we propose a method for simulating the forward operator of an electron microscope based on additive noise and Neural Style Transfer techniques. We evaluate the method on localization and classification tasks using one of the established state-of-the-art architectures showing performance on par with the benchmark. In contrast to previous approaches, our method accelerates the data generation process by a factor of 750 while using 33 times less memory and scales well to typical transmission electron microscope detector sizes. It utilizes GPU acceleration and parallel processing. It can be used to adapt a synthetic training data set according to reference data from any transmission electron microscope. The source code is available at https://gitlab.com/deepet/faket.Comment: 18 pages, 1 table, 16 figures. Included fine-tuning, ablation, and noiseless experiment

    Machine Learning Methods for Brain Image Analysis

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    Understanding how the brain functions and quantifying compound interactions between complex synaptic networks inside the brain remain some of the most challenging problems in neuroscience. Lack or abundance of data, shortage of manpower along with heterogeneity of data following from various species all served as an added complexity to the already perplexing problem. The ability to process vast amount of brain data need to be performed automatically, yet with an accuracy close to manual human-level performance. These automated methods essentially need to generalize well to be able to accommodate data from different species. Also, novel approaches and techniques are becoming a necessity to reveal the correlations between different data modalities in the brain at the global level. In this dissertation, I mainly focus on two problems: automatic segmentation of brain electron microscopy (EM) images and stacks, and integrative analysis of the gene expression and synaptic connectivity in the brain. I propose to use deep learning algorithms for the 2D segmentation of EM images. I designed an automated pipeline with novel insights that was able to achieve state-of-the-art performance on the segmentation of the \textit{Drosophila} brain. I also propose a novel technique for 3D segmentation of EM image stacks that can be trained end-to-end with no prior knowledge of the data. This technique was evaluated in an ongoing online challenge for 3D segmentation of neurites where it achieved accuracy close to a second human observer. Later, I employed ensemble learning methods to perform the first systematic integrative analysis of the genome and connectome in the mouse brain at both the regional- and voxel-level. I show that the connectivity signals can be predicted from the gene expression signatures with an extremely high accuracy. Furthermore, I show that only a certain fraction of genes are responsible for this predictive aspect. Rich functional and cellular analysis of these genes are detailed to validate these findings

    γ\gamma-SUP: A clustering algorithm for cryo-electron microscopy images of asymmetric particles

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    Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has recently emerged as a powerful tool for obtaining three-dimensional (3D) structures of biological macromolecules in native states. A minimum cryo-EM image data set for deriving a meaningful reconstruction is comprised of thousands of randomly orientated projections of identical particles photographed with a small number of electrons. The computation of 3D structure from 2D projections requires clustering, which aims to enhance the signal to noise ratio in each view by grouping similarly oriented images. Nevertheless, the prevailing clustering techniques are often compromised by three characteristics of cryo-EM data: high noise content, high dimensionality and large number of clusters. Moreover, since clustering requires registering images of similar orientation into the same pixel coordinates by 2D alignment, it is desired that the clustering algorithm can label misaligned images as outliers. Herein, we introduce a clustering algorithm γ\gamma-SUP to model the data with a qq-Gaussian mixture and adopt the minimum γ\gamma-divergence for estimation, and then use a self-updating procedure to obtain the numerical solution. We apply γ\gamma-SUP to the cryo-EM images of two benchmark macromolecules, RNA polymerase II and ribosome. In the former case, simulated images were chosen to decouple clustering from alignment to demonstrate γ\gamma-SUP is more robust to misalignment outliers than the existing clustering methods used in the cryo-EM community. In the latter case, the clustering of real cryo-EM data by our γ\gamma-SUP method eliminates noise in many views to reveal true structure features of ribosome at the projection level.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOAS680 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Enabling Scalable Neurocartography: Images to Graphs for Discovery

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    In recent years, advances in technology have enabled researchers to ask new questions predicated on the collection and analysis of big datasets that were previously too large to study. More specifically, many fundamental questions in neuroscience require studying brain tissue at a large scale to discover emergent properties of neural computation, consciousness, and etiologies of brain disorders. A major challenge is to construct larger, more detailed maps (e.g., structural wiring diagrams) of the brain, known as connectomes. Although raw data exist, obstacles remain in both algorithm development and scalable image analysis to enable access to the knowledge within these data volumes. This dissertation develops, combines and tests state-of-the-art algorithms to estimate graphs and glean other knowledge across six orders of magnitude, from millimeter-scale magnetic resonance imaging to nanometer-scale electron microscopy. This work enables scientific discovery across the community and contributes to the tools and services offered by NeuroData and the Open Connectome Project. Contributions include creating, optimizing and evaluating the first known fully-automated brain graphs in electron microscopy data and magnetic resonance imaging data; pioneering approaches to generate knowledge from X-Ray tomography imaging; and identifying and solving a variety of image analysis challenges associated with building graphs suitable for discovery. These methods were applied across diverse datasets to answer questions at scales not previously explored
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