17,073 research outputs found

    As-Built 3D Heritage City Modelling to Support Numerical Structural Analysis: Application to the Assessment of an Archaeological Remain

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    Terrestrial laser scanning is a widely used technology to digitise archaeological, architectural and cultural heritage. This allows for modelling the assets’ real condition in comparison with traditional data acquisition methods. This paper, based on the case study of the basilica in the Baelo Claudia archaeological ensemble (Tarifa, Spain), justifies the need of accurate heritage modelling against excessively simplified approaches in order to support structural safety analysis. To do this, after validating the 3Dmeshing process frompoint cloud data, the semi-automatic digital reconstitution of the basilica columns is performed. Next, a geometric analysis is conducted to calculate the structural alterations of the columns. In order to determine the structural performance, focusing both on the accuracy and suitability of the geometric models, static and modal analyses are carried out by means of the finite element method (FEM) on three different models for the most unfavourable column in terms of structural damage: (1) as-built (2) simplified and (3) ideal model without deformations. Finally, the outcomes show that the as-built modelling enhances the conservation status analysis of the 3D heritage city (in terms of realistic compliance factor values), although further automation still needs to be implemented in the modelling process

    On the Statistical Multiplexing Gain of Virtual Base Station Pools

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    Facing the explosion of mobile data traffic, cloud radio access network (C-RAN) is proposed recently to overcome the efficiency and flexibility problems with the traditional RAN architecture by centralizing baseband processing. However, there lacks a mathematical model to analyze the statistical multiplexing gain from the pooling of virtual base stations (VBSs) so that the expenditure on fronthaul networks can be justified. In this paper, we address this problem by capturing the session-level dynamics of VBS pools with a multi-dimensional Markov model. This model reflects the constraints imposed by both radio resources and computational resources. To evaluate the pooling gain, we derive a product-form solution for the stationary distribution and give a recursive method to calculate the blocking probabilities. For comparison, we also derive the limit of resource utilization ratio as the pool size approaches infinity. Numerical results show that VBS pools can obtain considerable pooling gain readily at medium size, but the convergence to large pool limit is slow because of the quickly diminishing marginal pooling gain. We also find that parameters such as traffic load and desired Quality of Service (QoS) have significant influence on the performance of VBS pools.Comment: Accepted by GlobeCom'1

    The Lifetimes of Phases in High-Mass Star-Forming Regions

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    High-mass stars form within star clusters from dense, molecular regions, but is the process of cluster formation slow and hydrostatic or quick and dynamic? We link the physical properties of high-mass star-forming regions with their evolutionary stage in a systematic way, using Herschel and Spitzer data. In order to produce a robust estimate of the relative lifetimes of these regions, we compare the fraction of dense, molecular regions above a column density associated with high-mass star formation, N(H2) > 0.4-2.5 x 10^22 cm^-2, in the 'starless (no signature of stars > 10 Msun forming) and star-forming phases in a 2x2 degree region of the Galactic Plane centered at l=30deg. Of regions capable of forming high-mass stars on ~1 pc scales, the starless (or embedded beyond detection) phase occupies about 60-70% of the dense, molecular region lifetime and the star-forming phase occupies about 30-40%. These relative lifetimes are robust over a wide range of thresholds. We outline a method by which relative lifetimes can be anchored to absolute lifetimes from large-scale surveys of methanol masers and UCHII regions. A simplistic application of this method estimates the absolute lifetimes of the starless phase to be 0.2-1.7 Myr (about 0.6-4.1 fiducial cloud free-fall times) and the star-forming phase to be 0.1-0.7 Myr (about 0.4-2.4 free-fall times), but these are highly uncertain. This work uniquely investigates the star-forming nature of high-column density gas pixel-by-pixel and our results demonstrate that the majority of high-column density gas is in a starless or embedded phase.Comment: 10 pages, accepted to Ap

    Self-gravitating fragmentation of eccentric accretion disks

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    We consider the effects of eccentricity on the fragmentation of gravitationally unstable accretion disks, using numerical hydrodynamics. We find that eccentricity does not affect the overall stability of the disk against fragmentation, but significantly alters the manner in which such fragments accrete gas. Variable tidal forces around an eccentric orbit slow the accretion process, and suppress the formation of weakly-bound clumps. The "stellar" mass function resulting from the fragmentation of an eccentric disk is found to have a significantly higher characteristic mass than that from a corresponding circular disk. We discuss our results in terms of the disk(s) of massive stars at ~0.1pc from the Galactic Center, and find that the fragmentation of an eccentric accretion disk, due to gravitational instability, is a viable mechanism for the formation of these systems.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Spherical Model for "Starless" Cores of Magnetic Molecular Clouds and Dynamical Effects of Dust Grains

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    In the standard picture of isolated star formation, dense ``starless'' cores are formed out of magnetic molecular clouds due to ambipolar diffusion. Under the simplest spherical geometry, I demonstrate that ``starless'' cores formed this way naturally exhibit a large scale inward motion, whose size and speed are comparable to those detected recently by Taffala et al. and Williams et al. in ``starless'' core L1544. My model clouds have a relatively low mass (of order 10 MM_\odot) and low field strength (of order 10 μ\muG) to begin with. They evolve into a density profile with a central plateau surrounded by a power-law envelope, as found previously. The density in the envelope decreases with radius more steeply than those found by Mouschovias and collaborators for the more strongly magnetized, disk-like clouds. At high enough densities, dust grains become dynamically important by greatly enhancing the coupling between magnetic field and the neutral cloud matter. The trapping of magnetic flux associated with the enhanced coupling leads, in the spherical geometry, to a rapid assemblage of mass by the central protostar, which exacerbates the so-called ``luminosity problem'' in star formation.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    Relativistic bias in neutrino cosmologies

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    Halos and galaxies are tracers of the underlying dark matter structures. While their bias is well understood in the case of a simple Universe composed dominantly of dark matter, the relation becomes more complex in the presence of massive neutrinos. Indeed massive neutrinos introduce rich dynamics in the process of structure formation leading to scale-dependent bias. We study this process from the perspective of general relativity employing a simple spherical collapse model. We find a characteristic signature at the neutrino free-streaming scale in addition to a large-scale feature from general relativity. The scale-dependent halo bias opposes the suppression in the matter distribution due to neutrino free-streaming and leads to corrections of a few percent in the halo power spectrum. It is not only sensitive to the sum of the neutrino-masses, but respond to the individual masses. Accurate models for the neutrino bias are a crucial ingredient for the future data analysis and play an important role in constraining the neutrino masses.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Algorithms for the reconstruction, analysis, repairing and enhancement of 3D urban models from multiple data sources

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    Over the last few years, there has been a notorious growth in the field of digitization of 3D buildings and urban environments. The substantial improvement of both scanning hardware and reconstruction algorithms has led to the development of representations of buildings and cities that can be remotely transmitted and inspected in real-time. Among the applications that implement these technologies are several GPS navigators and virtual globes such as Google Earth or the tools provided by the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya. In particular, in this thesis, we conceptualize cities as a collection of individual buildings. Hence, we focus on the individual processing of one structure at a time, rather than on the larger-scale processing of urban environments. Nowadays, there is a wide diversity of digitization technologies, and the choice of the appropriate one is key for each particular application. Roughly, these techniques can be grouped around three main families: - Time-of-flight (terrestrial and aerial LiDAR). - Photogrammetry (street-level, satellite, and aerial imagery). - Human-edited vector data (cadastre and other map sources). Each of these has its advantages in terms of covered area, data quality, economic cost, and processing effort. Plane and car-mounted LiDAR devices are optimal for sweeping huge areas, but acquiring and calibrating such devices is not a trivial task. Moreover, the capturing process is done by scan lines, which need to be registered using GPS and inertial data. As an alternative, terrestrial LiDAR devices are more accessible but cover smaller areas, and their sampling strategy usually produces massive point clouds with over-represented plain regions. A more inexpensive option is street-level imagery. A dense set of images captured with a commodity camera can be fed to state-of-the-art multi-view stereo algorithms to produce realistic-enough reconstructions. One other advantage of this approach is capturing high-quality color data, whereas the geometric information is usually lacking. In this thesis, we analyze in-depth some of the shortcomings of these data-acquisition methods and propose new ways to overcome them. Mainly, we focus on the technologies that allow high-quality digitization of individual buildings. These are terrestrial LiDAR for geometric information and street-level imagery for color information. Our main goal is the processing and completion of detailed 3D urban representations. For this, we will work with multiple data sources and combine them when possible to produce models that can be inspected in real-time. Our research has focused on the following contributions: - Effective and feature-preserving simplification of massive point clouds. - Developing normal estimation algorithms explicitly designed for LiDAR data. - Low-stretch panoramic representation for point clouds. - Semantic analysis of street-level imagery for improved multi-view stereo reconstruction. - Color improvement through heuristic techniques and the registration of LiDAR and imagery data. - Efficient and faithful visualization of massive point clouds using image-based techniques.Durant els darrers anys, hi ha hagut un creixement notori en el camp de la digitalització d'edificis en 3D i entorns urbans. La millora substancial tant del maquinari d'escaneig com dels algorismes de reconstrucció ha portat al desenvolupament de representacions d'edificis i ciutats que es poden transmetre i inspeccionar remotament en temps real. Entre les aplicacions que implementen aquestes tecnologies hi ha diversos navegadors GPS i globus virtuals com Google Earth o les eines proporcionades per l'Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya. En particular, en aquesta tesi, conceptualitzem les ciutats com una col·lecció d'edificis individuals. Per tant, ens centrem en el processament individual d'una estructura a la vegada, en lloc del processament a gran escala d'entorns urbans. Avui en dia, hi ha una àmplia diversitat de tecnologies de digitalització i la selecció de l'adequada és clau per a cada aplicació particular. Aproximadament, aquestes tècniques es poden agrupar en tres famílies principals: - Temps de vol (LiDAR terrestre i aeri). - Fotogrametria (imatges a escala de carrer, de satèl·lit i aèries). - Dades vectorials editades per humans (cadastre i altres fonts de mapes). Cadascun d'ells presenta els seus avantatges en termes d'àrea coberta, qualitat de les dades, cost econòmic i esforç de processament. Els dispositius LiDAR muntats en avió i en cotxe són òptims per escombrar àrees enormes, però adquirir i calibrar aquests dispositius no és una tasca trivial. A més, el procés de captura es realitza mitjançant línies d'escaneig, que cal registrar mitjançant GPS i dades inercials. Com a alternativa, els dispositius terrestres de LiDAR són més accessibles, però cobreixen àrees més petites, i la seva estratègia de mostreig sol produir núvols de punts massius amb regions planes sobrerepresentades. Una opció més barata són les imatges a escala de carrer. Es pot fer servir un conjunt dens d'imatges capturades amb una càmera de qualitat mitjana per obtenir reconstruccions prou realistes mitjançant algorismes estèreo d'última generació per produir. Un altre avantatge d'aquest mètode és la captura de dades de color d'alta qualitat. Tanmateix, la informació geomètrica resultant sol ser de baixa qualitat. En aquesta tesi, analitzem en profunditat algunes de les mancances d'aquests mètodes d'adquisició de dades i proposem noves maneres de superar-les. Principalment, ens centrem en les tecnologies que permeten una digitalització d'alta qualitat d'edificis individuals. Es tracta de LiDAR terrestre per obtenir informació geomètrica i imatges a escala de carrer per obtenir informació sobre colors. El nostre objectiu principal és el processament i la millora de representacions urbanes 3D amb molt detall. Per a això, treballarem amb diverses fonts de dades i les combinarem quan sigui possible per produir models que es puguin inspeccionar en temps real. La nostra investigació s'ha centrat en les següents contribucions: - Simplificació eficaç de núvols de punts massius, preservant detalls d'alta resolució. - Desenvolupament d'algoritmes d'estimació normal dissenyats explícitament per a dades LiDAR. - Representació panoràmica de baixa distorsió per a núvols de punts. - Anàlisi semàntica d'imatges a escala de carrer per millorar la reconstrucció estèreo de façanes. - Millora del color mitjançant tècniques heurístiques i el registre de dades LiDAR i imatge. - Visualització eficient i fidel de núvols de punts massius mitjançant tècniques basades en imatges

    Dynamic Evolution Model of Isothermal Voids and Shocks

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    We explore self-similar hydrodynamic evolution of central voids embedded in an isothermal gas of spherical symmetry under the self-gravity. More specifically, we study voids expanding at constant radial speeds in an isothermal gas and construct all types of possible void solutions without or with shocks in surrounding envelopes. We examine properties of void boundaries and outer envelopes. Voids without shocks are all bounded by overdense shells and either inflows or outflows in the outer envelope may occur. These solutions, referred to as type X\mathcal{X} void solutions, are further divided into subtypes XI\mathcal{X}_{\rm I} and XII\mathcal{X}_{\rm II} according to their characteristic behaviours across the sonic critical line (SCL). Void solutions with shocks in envelopes are referred to as type Z\mathcal{Z} voids and can have both dense and quasi-smooth edges. Asymptotically, outflows, breezes, inflows, accretions and static outer envelopes may all surround such type Z\mathcal{Z} voids. Both cases of constant and varying temperatures across isothermal shock fronts are analyzed; they are referred to as types ZI\mathcal{Z}_{\rm I} and ZII\mathcal{Z}_{\rm II} void shock solutions. We apply the `phase net matching procedure' to construct various self-similar void solutions. We also present analysis on void generation mechanisms and describe several astrophysical applications. By including self-gravity, gas pressure and shocks, our isothermal self-similar void (ISSV) model is adaptable to various astrophysical systems such as planetary nebulae, hot bubbles and superbubbles in the interstellar medium as well as supernova remnants.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figuers, accepted by ApS